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2020-11-11 19:48:07 +01:00
* This file is part of Zwii.
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @author Rémi Jean <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Rémi Jean
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3
* @link
class translate extends common {
public static $actions = [
/*'config' => self::GROUP_MODERATOR,*/
2020-11-22 13:32:20 +01:00
'index' => self::GROUP_MODERATOR,
'language' => self::GROUP_VISITOR
2020-11-11 19:48:07 +01:00
* Configuration
public function index() {
// Soumission du formulaire
if($this->isPost()) {
$this->setData(['config','translate', [
2020-11-24 19:00:23 +01:00
'scriptGoogle' => $this->getInput('translateScriptGoogle', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
2020-11-22 13:32:20 +01:00
'showCredits' => $this->getInput('translateCredits', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN) ? $this->getInput('translateCredits', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN) : false,
'autoDetect' => $this->getInput('translateAutoDetect', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'admin' => $this->getInput('translateAdmin', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
2020-11-24 19:00:23 +01:00
'scriptFR' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptFR', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptDE' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptDE', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptEN' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptEN', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptES' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptES', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptIT' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptIT', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptNL' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptNL', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'scriptPT' => $this->getInput('translateFlagScriptPT', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'site' => $this->getInput('translateSite', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteFR' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteFR', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteDE' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteDE', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteEN' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteEN', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteES' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteES', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteIT' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteIT', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'siteNL' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSiteNL', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'sitePT' => $this->getInput('translateFlagSitePT', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN)
2020-11-11 19:48:07 +01:00
// Valeurs en sortie
'redirect' => helper::baseUrl() . $this->getUrl(),
'notification' => 'Modifications enregistrées',
'state' => true
// Valeurs en sortie
'title' => 'Paramètres',
'view' => 'index'
2020-11-22 13:32:20 +01:00
* Traitement du changement de langues
public function language() {
2020-11-24 11:12:33 +01:00
// Transmettre le choix au noyau
setcookie('ZWII_USER_I18N', $this->getUrl(2), time() + 3600, helper::baseUrl(false, false) , '', helper::isHttps(), true);
2020-11-24 11:22:51 +01:00
// Valeurs en sortie sans post
2020-11-24 11:12:33 +01:00
'redirect' => helper::baseUrl() . $this->getUrl(3)
2020-11-24 11:12:33 +01:00
2020-11-22 13:32:20 +01:00
2020-11-11 19:48:07 +01:00