nettoyage de code commenté

This commit is contained in:
Fred Tempez 2022-08-29 11:45:45 +02:00
parent 59a2406aaa
commit 2f5c0be4c7
1 changed files with 1 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -2349,7 +2349,6 @@ class core extends common {
if ( isset($fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]) ) {
if (file_exists(self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' . $fontId) ) {
// Chargement de la police
//$formatFont = explode('.', self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' . $fontName);
$css .= '@font-face {font-family:"' . $fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]['font-family'] . '";';
$css .= 'src: url("' . helper::baseUrl(false) . self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' .$fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]['resource'] . '");}';
// Tableau pour la construction de la feuille de style
@ -2373,8 +2372,6 @@ class core extends common {
} else {
// Pas d'image couleur du body
$css .= 'html {background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ';}';
// Même couleur dans le fond de l'éditeur
//$css .= '{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ' !important}';
// Icône BacktoTop
$css .= '#backToTop {background-color:' .$this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopbackgroundColor']). ';color:'.$this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopColor']).';}';
@ -2386,21 +2383,18 @@ class core extends common {
// Site dans TinyMCE
$css .= '.editorWysiwyg {background-color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'site', 'backgroundColor']) . ';}';
$css .= 'span.mce-text{background-color: unset !important;}';
//$css .= 'a:hover:not(.inputFile, button){color:' . $colors['darken'] . '}';
$css .= 'body,.row > div{font-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'fontSize']) . '}';
$css .= 'body{color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . '}';
$css .= 'select,input[type=\'password\'],input[type=\'email\'],input[type=\'text\'],.inputFile,select,textarea{color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) .';background-color:'.$this->getData(['theme', 'site', 'backgroundColor']).';}';
// spécifiques au module de blog
$css .= '.blogDate {color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . ';}.blogPicture img{border:1px solid ' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . '; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px ' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . ';}';
// Couleur fixée dans admin.css
//$css .= '.button.buttonGrey,.button.buttonGrey:hover{color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . '}';
$css .= '.container {max-width:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'site', 'width']) . '}';
$margin = $this->getData(['theme', 'site', 'margin']) ? '0' : '20px';
// Marge supplémentaire lorsque le pied de page est fixe
if ( $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'fixed']) === true &&
$this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'position']) === 'body') {
//$css .= '@media (min-width: 769px) { #site {margin-bottom: ' . ((str_replace ('px', '', $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'height']) ) * 2 ) + 31 ) . 'px}}';
//$css .= '@media (max-width: 768px) { #site {margin-bottom: ' . ((str_replace ('px', '', $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'height']) ) * 2 ) + 93 ) . 'px}}';
$marginBottomLarge = ((str_replace ('px', '', $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'height']) ) * 2 ) + 31 ) . 'px';
$marginBottomSmall = ((str_replace ('px', '', $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'height']) ) * 2 ) + 93 ) . 'px';
} else {
@ -2428,7 +2422,6 @@ class core extends common {
// Les blocs
$colors = helper::colorVariants($this->getData(['theme', 'block', 'backgroundColor']));
$css .= '.block {border: 1px solid ' . $this->getdata(['theme','block','borderColor']) . ';}.block h4 {background-color:'. $colors['normal'] . ';color:' . $colors['text'] .';}';
//$css .= '.mce-tinymce {border: 1px solid ' . $this->getdata(['theme','block','borderColor']) .' !important;}';
// Bannière
@ -2464,8 +2457,6 @@ class core extends common {
if ($this->getData(['theme','header','feature']) === 'feature' ) {
// Hauteur de la taille du contenu perso
$css .= 'header {height:'. $this->getData(['theme', 'header', 'height']) . '; min-height:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'header', 'height']) . ';overflow: hidden;}';
//$css .= '.bannerDisplay img { width: auto;max-height:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'header', 'height']) . ';}';
// Menu
@ -2478,8 +2469,6 @@ class core extends common {
$css .= 'nav{background-color:' . $colors['veryDarken'] . '}';
} else {
$css .= 'nav{background-color:' . $this->getData(['theme','menu','activeColor']) . '}';
/*$color2 = helper::colorVariants($this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'textColor']));
$css .= 'nav{color:' . $color2['text'] . '}';*/
$css .= 'nav #burgerText{color:' . $colors['text'] . '}';
// Sous menu
@ -2508,7 +2497,6 @@ class core extends common {
$css .= '#toggle span,#menu a{padding:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'height']) .';font-family:' . $fonts[$this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'font'])] . ';font-weight:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'fontWeight']) . ';font-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'fontSize']) . ';text-transform:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'textTransform']) . '}';
// Pied de page
$colors = helper::colorVariants($this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'backgroundColor']));
if($this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'margin'])) {
$css .= 'footer{padding:0 20px;}';
@ -2593,7 +2581,6 @@ class core extends common {
if ( isset($fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]) ) {
if (file_exists(self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' . $fontId) ) {
// Chargement de la police
//$formatFont = explode('.', self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' . $fontName);
$css .= '@font-face {font-family:"' . $fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]['font-family'] . '";';
$css .= 'src: url("' . helper::baseUrl(false) . self::DATA_DIR . 'fonts/' .$fontsAvailable['files'][$fontId]['resource'] . '");}';
// Tableau pour la construction de la feuille de style
@ -2807,11 +2794,9 @@ class core extends common {
'iconUrl' => $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'iconUrl']),
'disable' => $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'disable']),
'contentRight' => $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight'])
//file_get_contents(self::DATA_DIR . self::$i18n . '/content/' . $this->getData(['page', $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight']), 'content']))
? $this->getPage($this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight']), self::$i18n)
: '',
'contentLeft' => $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft'])
//file_get_contents(self::DATA_DIR . self::$i18n . '/content/' . $this->getData(['page', $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft']), 'content']))
? $this->getPage($this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft']), self::$i18n)
: ''
@ -2833,16 +2818,12 @@ class core extends common {
'iconUrl' => $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'iconUrl']),
'disable' => $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'disable']),
'contentRight' => $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight'])
//file_get_contents(self::DATA_DIR . self::$i18n . '/content/' . $this->getData(['page', $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight']), 'content']))
//? $this->getPage($this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight']))
? $this->getPage($this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barRight']), self::$i18n)
: '',
'contentLeft' => $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft'])
// ? file_get_contents(self::DATA_DIR . self::$i18n . '/content/' . $this->getData(['page', $this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft']), 'content']))
? $this->getPage($this->getData(['page',$this->getUrl(0),'barLeft']), self::$i18n)
: ''
//$pageContent = file_get_contents(self::DATA_DIR . self::$i18n . '/content/' . $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'content']));
$pageContent = $this->getPage($this->getUrl(0), self::$i18n);
else {