ajout d'une galerie ok

This commit is contained in:
fredtempez 2022-04-05 15:50:48 +02:00
parent da1f293379
commit 8c26b42dec
1 changed files with 57 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -395,44 +395,66 @@ class gallery extends common {
public function add() {
// Soumission du formulaire d'ajout d'une galerie
if($this->isPost()) {
$galleryId = helper::increment($this->getInput('galleryAddName', helper::FILTER_ID, true), (array) $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content']));
$homePicture = '';
// définir une vignette par défaut
$directory = $this->getInput('galleryAddDirectory', helper::FILTER_STRING_SHORT, true);
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
foreach($iterator as $fileInfos) {
if($fileInfos->isDot() === false AND $fileInfos->isFile() AND @getimagesize($fileInfos->getPathname())) {
// Créer la miniature si manquante
if (!file_exists( str_replace('source','thumb',$fileInfos->getPath()) . '/' . self::THUMBS_SEPARATOR . strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename()))) {
str_replace('source','thumb',$fileInfos->getPath()) . '/' . self::THUMBS_SEPARATOR . strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename()),
$galleryId = $this->getInput('galleryAddName', null, true);
$success = false;
if ($galleryId ) {
$galleryId = helper::increment($this->getInput('galleryAddName', helper::FILTER_ID, true), (array) $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content']));
$homePicture = '';
// définir une vignette par défaut
$directory = $this->getInput('galleryAddDirectory', helper::FILTER_STRING_SHORT, true);
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
$i = 0;
foreach($iterator as $fileInfos) {
if($fileInfos->isDot() === false AND $fileInfos->isFile() AND @getimagesize($fileInfos->getPathname())) {
$i += 1;
// Créer la miniature si manquante
if (!file_exists( str_replace('source','thumb',$fileInfos->getPath()) . '/' . self::THUMBS_SEPARATOR . strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename()))) {
str_replace('source','thumb',$fileInfos->getPath()) . '/' . self::THUMBS_SEPARATOR . strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename()),
// Miniatures
$homePicture = strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename());
// Miniatures
$homePicture = strtolower($fileInfos->getFilename());
// Le dossier de la galerie est vide
if ($i > 0) {
$this->setData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content', $galleryId, [
'config' => [
'name' => $this->getInput('galleryAddName'),
'directory' => $this->getInput('galleryAddDirectory', helper::FILTER_STRING_SHORT, true),
'homePicture' => $homePicture,
'sort' => $this->getInput('galleryAddSort'),
'position' => count($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content'])) + 1,
'fullScreen' => $this->getInput('galleryAddFullscreen', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'showPageContent' => $this->getInput('galleryAddShowPageContent', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN)
'legend' => [],
'positions' => []
$success = true;
} else {
self::$inputNotices['galleryAddDirectory'] = "Le dossier sélectionné ne contient aucune image";
$success = false;
$this->setData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content', $galleryId, [
'config' => [
'name' => $this->getInput('galleryAddName'),
'directory' => $this->getInput('galleryAddDirectory', helper::FILTER_STRING_SHORT, true),
'homePicture' => $homePicture,
'sort' => $this->getInput('galleryAddSort'),
'position' => count($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'content'])) + 1,
'fullScreen' => $this->getInput('galleryAddFullscreen', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN),
'showPageContent' => $this->getInput('galleryAddShowPageContent', helper::FILTER_BOOLEAN)
'legend' => [],
'positions' => []
// Valeurs en sortie
'redirect' => helper::baseUrl() . $this->getUrl(0) . '/config', // '#galleryAddForm'*/,
'notification' => 'Modifications enregistrées',
'state' => true
if ($success) {
// Valeurs en sortie
'redirect' => helper::baseUrl() . $this->getUrl(0) . '/config',
'notification' => 'La galerie a été ajoutée',
'state' => true
} else {
// Valeurs en sortie
'title' => 'Ajout d\'une galerie',
'view' => 'add'
} else {
// Valeurs en sortie