signature($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'userId'])); ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'publishedOn']), self::$siteContent) . ' ' . helper::dateUTF8($module::$timeFormat, $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'publishedOn']), self::$siteContent); ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'picture']) &&
file_exists(self::FILE_DIR . 'source/' . $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'picture']))
): ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'pictureSize']) === null ? '100' : $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'pictureSize']); ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'hidePicture']) == false) {
echo '
} ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'content']); ?>
getUser('password') === $this->getInput('ZWII_USER_PASSWORD')
( // Propriétaire
($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'editConsent']) === $module::EDIT_OWNER
and ($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'userId']) === $this->getUser('id')
or $this->getUser('group') === self::GROUP_ADMIN)
or (
// Groupe
($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'editConsent']) === self::GROUP_ADMIN
or $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'editConsent']) === self::GROUP_EDITOR)
and $this->getUser('group') >= $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'editConsent'])
or (
// Tout le monde
$this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'editConsent']) === $module::EDIT_ALL
and $this->getUser('group') >= $module::$actions['config']
): ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'commentClose'])): ?>
Cet article ne reçoit pas de commentaire.
'right']); ?> 0) { echo ''; echo $module::$comments[$articleId] . ' commentaire' . ($module::$comments[$articleId] > 1 ? 's' : ''); echo ''; } else { echo 'Pas encore de commentaire'; } ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'picture']));
$thumb = 'mini_' . $parts['basename'];
// Créer la miniature si manquante
if (!file_exists(self::FILE_DIR . 'thumb/' . $thumb)) {
self::FILE_DIR . 'source/' . $article['picture'],
self::FILE_DIR . 'thumb/' . $thumb,
signature($this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'userId'])); ?>
getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'publishedOn']), self::$siteContent) . ' ' . helper::dateUTF8($module::$timeFormat, $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'posts', $articleId, 'publishedOn'], self::$siteContent), self::$siteContent); ?>