2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
< ? php
class core extends common
* Constructeur du coeur
public function __construct ()
parent :: __construct ();
// Token CSRF
if ( empty ( $_SESSION [ 'csrf' ])) {
2024-09-06 17:18:17 +02:00
$_SESSION [ 'csrf' ] = bin2hex ( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes ( 64 ));
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Fuseau horaire
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
common :: $timezone = $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'timezone' ]); // Utile pour transmettre le timezone à la classe helper
date_default_timezone_set ( common :: $timezone );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Supprime les fichiers temporaires
$lastClearTmp = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
if ( $lastClearTmp > $this -> getData ([ 'core' , 'lastClearTmp' ]) + 86400 ) {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( common :: TEMP_DIR );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
foreach ( $iterator as $fileInfos ) {
if (
$fileInfos -> isFile () &&
$fileInfos -> getBasename () !== '.htaccess' &&
$fileInfos -> getBasename () !== '.gitkeep'
) {
@ unlink ( $fileInfos -> getPathname ());
// Date de la dernière suppression
$this -> setData ([ 'core' , 'lastClearTmp' , $lastClearTmp ]);
// Backup automatique des données
$lastBackup = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'autoBackup' ])
and $lastBackup > $this -> getData ([ 'core' , 'lastBackup' ]) + 86400
and $this -> getData ([ 'user' ]) // Pas de backup pendant l'installation
) {
// Copie des fichier de données
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
helper :: autoBackup ( common :: BACKUP_DIR , [ 'backup' , 'tmp' , 'file' ]);
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Date du dernier backup
$this -> setData ([ 'core' , 'lastBackup' , $lastBackup ]);
// Supprime les backups de plus de 30 jours
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( common :: BACKUP_DIR );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
foreach ( $iterator as $fileInfos ) {
if (
$fileInfos -> isFile ()
and $fileInfos -> getBasename () !== '.htaccess'
and $fileInfos -> getMTime () + ( 86400 * 30 ) < time ()
) {
@ unlink ( $fileInfos -> getPathname ());
// Crée le fichier de personnalisation avancée
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'custom.css' ) === false ) {
file_put_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'custom.css' , ( 'core/module/theme/resource/custom.css' ));
chmod ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'custom.css' , 0755 );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Crée le fichier de personnalisation
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( common :: DATA_DIR . common :: $siteContent . '/theme.css' ) === false ) {
file_put_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . common :: $siteContent . '/theme.css' , '' );
chmod ( common :: DATA_DIR . common :: $siteContent . '/theme.css' , 0755 );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Crée le fichier de personnalisation de l'administration
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'admin.css' ) === false ) {
file_put_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'admin.css' , '' );
chmod ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'admin.css' , 0755 );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Check la version rafraichissement du theme
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$cssVersion = preg_split ( '/\*+/' , file_get_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . common :: $siteContent . '/theme.css' ));
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( empty ( $cssVersion [ 1 ]) or $cssVersion [ 1 ] !== md5 ( json_encode ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' ])))) {
// Version
$css = '/*' . md5 ( json_encode ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' ]))) . '*/' ;
* Import des polices de caractères
* A partir du CDN
* ou dans le dossier site / file / source / fonts
* ou pas du tout si fonte webSafe
// Fonts disponibles
$fontsAvailable [ 'files' ] = $this -> getData ([ 'font' , 'files' ]);
$fontsAvailable [ 'imported' ] = $this -> getData ([ 'font' , 'imported' ]);
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$fontsAvailable [ 'websafe' ] = common :: $fontsWebSafe ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Fontes installées
$fonts = [
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'font' ]),
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'title' , 'font' ]),
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'font' ]),
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'font' ]),
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'font' ])
// Suppression des polices identiques
$fonts = array_unique ( $fonts );
2024-01-03 00:04:03 +01:00
* Charge les fontes
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
foreach ( $fonts as $fontId ) {
2024-01-03 00:04:03 +01:00
foreach ([ 'websafe' , 'imported' , 'files' ] as $typeFont ) {
if ( isset ( $fontsAvailable [ $typeFont ][ $fontId ])) {
$fonts [ $fontId ] = $fontsAvailable [ $typeFont ][ $fontId ][ 'font-family' ];
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Fond du body
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
// Body
$css .= 'body{font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'font' ])] . ';}' ;
if ( $themeBodyImage = $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'image' ])) {
// Image dans html pour éviter les déformations.
2023-10-04 14:13:44 +02:00
$css .= 'html {background-image:url("../../file/source/' . $themeBodyImage . '");background-position:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'imagePosition' ]) . ';background-attachment:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'imageAttachment' ]) . ';background-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'imageSize' ]) . ';background-repeat:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'imageRepeat' ]) . '}' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Couleur du body transparente
$css .= 'body {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)}' ;
} else {
// Pas d'image couleur du body
$css .= 'html {background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';}' ;
// Icône BacktoTop
$css .= '#backToTop {background-color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'toTopbackgroundColor' ]) . ';color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'body' , 'toTopColor' ]) . ';}' ;
// Site
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'linkColor' ]));
$css .= 'a{color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '}' ;
// Couleurs de site dans TinyMCe
$css .= 'div.mce-edit-area {font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'font' ])] . ';}' ;
// Site dans TinyMCE
$css .= '.editorWysiwyg, .editorWysiwygComment {background-color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'backgroundColor' ]) . ';}' ;
$css .= 'span.mce-text{background-color: unset !important;}' ;
$css .= 'body,.row > div{font-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'fontSize' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'body{color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'textColor' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'select,input[type=password],input[type=email],input[type=text],input[type=date],input[type=time],input[type=week],input[type=month],input[type=datetime-local],.inputFile,select,textarea{color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'textColor' ]) . ';background-color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'backgroundColor' ]) . ';}' ;
// spécifiques au module de blog
$css .= '.blogDate {color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'textColor' ]) . ';}.blogPicture img{border:1px solid ' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'textColor' ]) . '; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px ' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'textColor' ]) . ';}' ;
// Couleur fixée dans admin.css
$css .= '.container {max-width:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'width' ]) . '}' ;
$margin = $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'margin' ]) ? '0' : '20px' ;
// Marge supplémentaire lorsque le pied de page est fixe
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'fixed' ]) === true &&
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'position' ]) === 'body'
) {
$marginBottomLarge = (( str_replace ( 'px' , '' , $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ])) * 2 ) + 31 ) . 'px' ;
$marginBottomSmall = (( str_replace ( 'px' , '' , $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ])) * 2 ) + 93 ) . 'px' ;
} else {
$marginBottomSmall = $margin ;
$marginBottomLarge = $margin ;
$css .= $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'width' ]) === '100%'
? '@media (min-width: 769px) {#site{margin:0 auto ' . $marginBottomLarge . ' 0 !important;}}@media (max-width: 768px) {#site{margin:0 auto ' . $marginBottomSmall . ' 0 !important;}}#site.light{margin:5% auto !important;} body{margin:0 auto !important;} #bar{margin:0 auto !important;} body > header{margin:0 auto !important;} body > nav {margin: 0 auto !important;} body > footer {margin:0 auto !important;}'
: '@media (min-width: 769px) {#site{margin: ' . $margin . ' auto ' . $marginBottomLarge . ' auto !important;}}@media (max-width: 768px) {#site{margin: ' . $margin . ' auto ' . $marginBottomSmall . ' auto !important;}}#site.light{margin: 5% auto !important;} body{margin:0px 10px;} #bar{margin: 0 -10px;} body > header{margin: 0 -10px;} body > nav {margin: 0 -10px;} body > footer {margin: 0 -10px;} ' ;
$css .= $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'width' ]) === '750px'
? '.button, button{font-size:0.8em;}'
: '' ;
$css .= '#site{background-color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'backgroundColor' ]) . ';border-radius:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'radius' ]) . ';box-shadow:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'shadow' ]) . ' #212223;}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'button' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
$css .= '.speechBubble,.button,.button:hover,button[type=submit],.pagination a,.pagination a:hover,input[type=checkbox]:checked + label:before,input[type=radio]:checked + label:before,.helpContent{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . '}' ;
$css .= '.helpButton span{color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '}' ;
$css .= 'input[type=text]:hover,input[type=date]:hover,input[type=time]:hover,input[type=week]:hover,input[type=month]:hover,input[type=datetime-local]:hover,input[type=password]:hover,.inputFile:hover,select:hover,textarea:hover{border-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '}' ;
$css .= '.speechBubble:before{border-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ' transparent transparent transparent}' ;
$css .= '.button:hover,button[type=submit]:hover,.pagination a:hover,input[type=checkbox]:not(:active):checked:hover + label:before,input[type=checkbox]:active + label:before,input[type=radio]:checked:hover + label:before,input[type=radio]:not(:checked):active + label:before{background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . '}' ;
$css .= '.helpButton span:hover{color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . '}' ;
$css .= '.button:active,button[type=submit]:active,.pagination a:active{background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . '}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'title' , 'textColor' ]));
$css .= 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h1 a,h2 a,h3 a,h4 a,h5 a,h6 a{color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'title' , 'font' ])] . ';font-weight:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'title' , 'fontWeight' ]) . ';text-transform:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'title' , 'textTransform' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'h1 a:hover,h2 a:hover,h3 a:hover,h4 a:hover,h5 a:hover,h6 a:hover{color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . '}' ;
// Les blocs
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'block' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
$css .= '.block {border: 1px solid ' . $this -> getdata ([ 'theme' , 'block' , 'borderColor' ]) . ';}.block h4 {background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
// Bannière
2024-01-03 00:04:03 +01:00
// Eléments communs
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'margin' ])) {
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'position' ]) === 'site-first' ) {
$css .= 'header{margin:0 20px}' ;
} else {
$css .= 'header{margin:20px 20px 0 20px}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
$css .= 'header{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';}' ;
// Bannière de type papier peint
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'feature' ]) === 'wallpaper' ) {
$css .= 'header{background-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'imageContainer' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'header{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ];
// Valeur de hauteur traditionnelle
$css .= ';height:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'height' ]) . ';line-height:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'height' ]);
$css .= ';text-align:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'textAlign' ]) . '}' ;
if ( $themeHeaderImage = $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'image' ])) {
2023-10-04 14:13:44 +02:00
$css .= 'header{background-image:url("../../file/source/' . $themeHeaderImage . '");background-position:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'imagePosition' ]) . ';background-repeat:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'imageRepeat' ]) . '}' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'textColor' ]));
$css .= 'header span{color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'font' ])] . ';font-weight:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'fontWeight' ]) . ';font-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'fontSize' ]) . ';text-transform:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'textTransform' ]) . '}' ;
// Bannière au Contenu HTML
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'feature' ]) === 'feature' ) {
// Hauteur de la taille du contenu perso
$css .= 'header {height:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'height' ]) . '; min-height:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'header' , 'height' ]) . ';overflow: hidden;}' ;
// Menu
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
$css .= 'nav,nav.navMain a{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '}' ;
$css .= 'nav a,#toggle span,nav a:hover{color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'textColor' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'nav a:hover{background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . '}' ;
$css .= 'nav a.active{color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'activeTextColor' ]) . ';}' ;
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'activeColorAuto' ]) === true ) {
$css .= 'nav a.active{background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . '}' ;
} else {
$css .= 'nav a.active{background-color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'activeColor' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'nav #burgerText{color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . '}' ;
// Sous menu
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'backgroundColorSub' ]));
$css .= 'nav .navSub a{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '}' ;
$css .= 'nav .navMain a.active {border-radius:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'radius' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= '#menu{text-align:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'textAlign' ]) . '}' ;
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'margin' ])) {
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'position' ]) === 'site-first'
or $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'position' ]) === 'site-second'
) {
$css .= 'nav{padding:10px 10px 0 10px;}' ;
} else {
$css .= 'nav{padding:0 10px}' ;
} else {
$css .= 'nav{margin:0}' ;
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'position' ]) === 'top'
) {
$css .= 'nav{padding:0 10px;}' ;
$css .= '#toggle span,#menu a{padding:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'height' ]) . ';font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'font' ])] . ';font-weight:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'fontWeight' ]) . ';font-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'fontSize' ]) . ';text-transform:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'textTransform' ]) . '}' ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Déterminer la hauteur max du menu pour éviter les débordements
$padding = $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'height' ]); // Par exemple, "10px 20px"
$fontSize = ( float ) $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'text' , 'fontSize' ]); // Taille de référence en pixels
$menuFontSize = ( float ) $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'menu' , 'fontSize' ]); // Taille du menu en em
// Extraire la première valeur du padding (par exemple "10px 20px" -> "10px")
$firstPadding = ( float ) explode ( " " , $padding )[ 0 ]; // Nous prenons la première valeur, supposée être en px
// Convertir menuFontSize (en em) en pixels
$menuFontSizeInPx = $menuFontSize * $fontSize ;
// Calculer la hauteur totale
$totalHeight = $firstPadding + $fontSize + $menuFontSizeInPx ;
// Fixer la hauteur maximale de la barre de menu
2024-12-31 09:22:27 +01:00
// $css .= '#menuLeft, nav, a.active {max-height:' . $totalHeight . 'px}';
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Pied de page
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'margin' ])) {
$css .= 'footer{padding:0 20px;}' ;
} else {
$css .= 'footer{padding:0}' ;
$css .= 'footer span, #footerText > p {color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'textColor' ]) . ';font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'font' ])] . ';font-weight:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'fontWeight' ]) . ';font-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'fontSize' ]) . ';text-transform:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'textTransform' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'footer {background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'textColor' ]) . '}' ;
2023-10-07 13:10:15 +02:00
//$css .= 'footer a{color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'footer', 'textColor']) . '}';
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$css .= 'footer #footersite > div {margin:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ]) . ' 0}' ;
$css .= 'footer #footerbody > div {margin:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ]) . ' 0}' ;
$css .= '@media (max-width: 768px) {footer #footerbody > div { padding: 2px }}' ;
$css .= '#footerSocials{text-align:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'socialsAlign' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= '#footerText > p {text-align:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'textAlign' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= '#footerCopyright{text-align:' . $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'copyrightAlign' ]) . '}' ;
// Enregistre la personnalisation
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
file_put_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . common :: $siteContent . '/theme.css' , $css );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Effacer le cache pour tenir compte de la couleur de fond TinyMCE
header ( " Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT " );
header ( " Last-Modified: " . gmdate ( " D, d M Y H:i:s " ) . " GMT " );
header ( " Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0 " );
header ( " Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0 " , false );
header ( " Pragma: no-cache " );
// Check la version rafraichissement du theme admin
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$cssVersion = preg_split ( '/\*+/' , file_get_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'admin.css' ));
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( empty ( $cssVersion [ 1 ]) or $cssVersion [ 1 ] !== md5 ( json_encode ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' ])))) {
// Version
$css = '/*' . md5 ( json_encode ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' ]))) . '*/' ;
// Fonts disponibles
$fontsAvailable [ 'files' ] = $this -> getData ([ 'font' , 'files' ]);
$fontsAvailable [ 'imported' ] = $this -> getData ([ 'font' , 'imported' ]);
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$fontsAvailable [ 'websafe' ] = common :: $fontsWebSafe ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
* Import des polices de caractères
* A partir du CDN ou dans le dossier site / file / source / fonts
$fonts = [
$this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'fontText' ]),
$this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'fontTitle' ]),
// Suppression des polices identiques
$fonts = array_unique ( $fonts );
2024-01-03 00:04:03 +01:00
* Charge les fontes
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
foreach ( $fonts as $fontId ) {
2024-01-03 00:04:03 +01:00
foreach ([ 'websafe' , 'imported' , 'files' ] as $typeFont ) {
if ( isset ( $fontsAvailable [ $typeFont ][ $fontId ])) {
$fonts [ $fontId ] = $fontsAvailable [ $typeFont ][ $fontId ][ 'font-family' ];
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Thème Administration
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColor' ]));
$css .= '#site{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';}' ;
$css .= 'p, div, label, select, input, table, span {font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'fontText' ])] . '}' ;
$css .= 'body,.row > div {font-size:' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'fontSize' ]) . '}' ;
$css .= 'body h1, h2, h3, h4 a, h5, h6 {font-family:' . $fonts [ $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'fontTitle' ])] . ';color:' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'colorTitle' ]) . ';}' ;
2023-10-09 20:30:17 +02:00
$css .= '.container {max-width:' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'width' ]) . '}' ;
$margin = $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'site' , 'margin' ]) ? '0' : '20px' ;
// Marge supplémentaire lorsque le pied de page est fixe
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'fixed' ]) === true &&
$this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'position' ]) === 'body'
) {
$marginBottomLarge = (( str_replace ( 'px' , '' , $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ])) * 2 ) + 31 ) . 'px' ;
$marginBottomSmall = (( str_replace ( 'px' , '' , $this -> getData ([ 'theme' , 'footer' , 'height' ])) * 2 ) + 93 ) . 'px' ;
} else {
$marginBottomSmall = $margin ;
$marginBottomLarge = $margin ;
$css .= $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'width' ]) === '100%'
? '@media (min-width: 769px) {#site{margin:0 auto ' . $marginBottomLarge . ' 0 !important;}}@media (max-width: 768px) {#site{margin:0 auto ' . $marginBottomSmall . ' 0 !important;}}#site.light{margin:5% auto !important;} body{margin:0 auto !important;} #bar{margin:0 auto !important;} body > header{margin:0 auto !important;} body > nav {margin: 0 auto !important;} body > footer {margin:0 auto !important;}'
: '@media (min-width: 769px) {#site{margin: ' . $margin . ' auto ' . $marginBottomLarge . ' auto !important;}}@media (max-width: 768px) {#site{margin: ' . $margin . ' auto ' . $marginBottomSmall . ' auto !important;}}#site.light{margin: 5% auto !important;} body{margin:0px 10px;} #bar{margin: 0 -10px;} body > header{margin: 0 -10px;} body > nav {margin: 0 -10px;} body > footer {margin: 0 -10px;} ' ;
$css .= $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'width' ]) === '750px'
? '.button, button{font-size:0.8em;}'
: '' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// TinyMCE
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'colorText' ]));
$css .= 'body:not(.editorWysiwyg), body:not(editorWysiwygComment),span .zwiico-help {color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';}' ;
$css .= 'table thead tr, table thead tr .zwiico-help{ background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . '; color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$css .= 'table thead th { color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColorButton' ]));
$css .= 'input[type=checkbox]:checked + label::before,.speechBubble{background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$css .= '.speechBubble::before {border-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ' transparent transparent transparent;}' ;
$css .= '.button {background-color:' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button:hover {background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button:active {background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColorButtonGrey' ]));
$css .= '.button.buttonGrey {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonGrey:hover {background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonGrey:active {background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColorButtonRed' ]));
$css .= '.button.buttonRed {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonRed:hover {background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonRed:active {background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColorButtonHelp' ]));
$css .= '.button.buttonHelp {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonHelp:hover {background-color:' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonHelp:active {background-color:' . $colors [ 'veryDarken' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundColorButtonGreen' ]));
$css .= '.button.buttonGreen, button[type=submit] {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonGreen:hover, button[type=submit]:hover {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}.button.buttonGreen:active, button[type=submit]:active {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'darken' ] . ';color: ' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
$colors = helper :: colorVariants ( $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'backgroundBlockColor' ]));
$css .= '.buttonTab, .block {border: 1px solid ' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'borderBlockColor' ]) . ';}.buttonTab, .block h4 {background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';}' ;
2024-01-20 21:22:16 +01:00
$css .= 'table tr,input[type=email],input[type=date],input[type=time],input[type=month],input[type=week],input[type=datetime-local],input[type=text],input[type=password],select:not(#barSelectCourse),select:not(#menuSelectCourse),select:not(#barSelectPage),textarea:not(.editorWysiwyg), textarea:not(.editorWysiwygComment),.inputFile{background-color: ' . $colors [ 'normal' ] . ';color:' . $colors [ 'text' ] . ';border: 1px solid ' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'borderBlockColor' ]) . ';}' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Bordure du contour TinyMCE
$css .= '.mce-tinymce{border: 1px solid ' . $this -> getData ([ 'admin' , 'borderBlockColor' ]) . '!important;}' ;
// Enregistre la personnalisation
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
file_put_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . 'admin.css' , $css );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
* Auto - chargement des classes
* @ param string $className Nom de la classe à charger
public static function autoload ( $className )
$classPath = strtolower ( $className ) . '/' . strtolower ( $className ) . '.php' ;
// Module du coeur
if ( is_readable ( 'core/module/' . $classPath )) {
require 'core/module/' . $classPath ;
// Module
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
elseif ( is_readable ( common :: MODULE_DIR . $classPath )) {
require common :: MODULE_DIR . $classPath ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Librairie
elseif ( is_readable ( 'core/vendor/' . $classPath )) {
require 'core/vendor/' . $classPath ;
* Routage des modules
public function router ()
$layout = new layout ( $this );
// Installation
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'user' ]) === []
and $this -> getUrl ( 0 ) !== 'install'
) {
http_response_code ( 302 );
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl () . 'install' );
exit ();
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
* Récupère les statistiques de l ' utilisateur non admin
* en dehors de home
* et si la connextion est nécessaire et que le membre est connecté
* stocke la progression dans la base des inscriptions
* */
2023-10-01 20:59:48 +02:00
if (
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
// L'utilisateur est renseigné
2023-10-08 14:59:22 +02:00
$this -> getUser ( 'id' )
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
// L'accueil ne stocke pas lea progression
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
&& common :: $siteContent !== 'home'
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
// La page existe
2023-10-08 14:59:22 +02:00
&& in_array ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), array_keys ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' ])))
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
// L'espace dispose d'un accès nécessitant un compte
&& $this -> getData ([ 'course' , self :: $siteContent , 'enrolment' ]) > 0
// Le userId n'est pas celui d'un admis ni le compte d'un gestionnaire de cet espace
2023-10-08 14:59:22 +02:00
&& (
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$this -> getUser ( 'group' ) < common :: GROUP_ADMIN
|| $this -> getUser ( 'id' ) !== $this -> getData ([ 'course' , common :: $siteContent , 'author' ])
2023-10-08 14:59:22 +02:00
2023-10-01 20:59:48 +02:00
) {
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
$course = new course ();
// Met à jour la progression de l'utisateur et obtient le nombre de pages vues
2024-12-06 18:58:49 +01:00
$userProgress = $course -> setUserProgress ( self :: $siteContent , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ));
2024-12-06 18:20:36 +01:00
// Stockage dans les données d'inscription du membre
$this -> setData ([ 'enrolment' , self :: $siteContent , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'progress' , $userProgress ], false );
2024-12-06 18:58:49 +01:00
// Les rapports sont activés
2023-12-09 13:25:18 +01:00
// Stocke la dernière page vue et sa date de consultation
2024-12-06 18:58:49 +01:00
if ( $this -> getdata ([ 'course' , common :: $siteContent , 'report' ]) === true ) {
$this -> setData ([ 'enrolment' , common :: $siteContent , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'lastPageView' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 )], false );
$this -> setData ([ 'enrolment' , common :: $siteContent , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'datePageView' , time ()]);
2023-10-01 20:59:48 +02:00
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Journalisation
$this -> saveLog ();
// Force la déconnexion des membres bannis ou d'une seconde session
if (
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
$this -> isConnected () === true
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
and ( $this -> getUser ( 'group' ) === common :: GROUP_BANNED
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
or ( $_SESSION [ 'csrf' ] !== $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'accessCsrf' ])
and $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'connect' , 'autoDisconnect' ]) === true )
) {
$user = new user ;
$user -> logout ();
// Mode maintenance
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'maintenance' ])
and in_array ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), [ 'maintenance' , 'user' ]) === false
and $this -> getUrl ( 1 ) !== 'login'
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
and ( $this -> isConnected () === false
or ( $this -> isConnected () === true
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
and $this -> getUser ( 'group' ) < common :: GROUP_ADMIN
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) {
// Déconnexion
$user = new user ;
$user -> logout ();
// Redirection
http_response_code ( 302 );
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl () . 'maintenance' );
exit ();
// Check l'accès à la page
$access = null ;
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 )]) !== null ) {
if (
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'group' ]) === common :: GROUP_VISITOR
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
or ( $this -> isConnected () === true
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// and $this->getUser('group') >= $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'group'])
// Modification qui tient compte du profil de la page
and ( $this -> getUser ( 'group' ) * 10 + $this -> getUser ( 'profil' )) >= ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'group' ]) * 10 + $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'profil' ]))
) {
$access = true ;
} else {
2023-09-30 13:35:20 +02:00
if ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ) === $this -> homePageId ()) {
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$access = 'login' ;
} else {
$access = false ;
// Empêcher l'accès aux pages désactivées par URL directe
if (
( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'disable' ]) === true
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
and $this -> isConnected () === false
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) or ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'disable' ]) === true
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
and $this -> isConnected () === true
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
and $this -> getUser ( 'group' ) < common :: GROUP_EDITOR
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) {
$access = false ;
2024-06-04 22:21:10 +02:00
// Lève une erreur si l'url est celle d'une page avec des éléments surnuméraires https://www.site.fr/page/truc
if (
array_key_exists ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), $this -> getData ([ 'page' ]))
and $this -> getUrl ( 1 )
2024-06-07 20:47:25 +02:00
and $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ]) === ''
2024-06-04 22:21:10 +02:00
) {
$access = false ;
2024-10-17 10:40:50 +02:00
/** Empêche la consultation d ' un espace laissé ouvert après la déconnexion et redirige vers home
* L 'utilisateur n' est pas connecté
* ET l 'accueil n' est pas affiché
* ET l 'espace affiché nécessite un compte d' accès , enrolment vaut 1 , 2 ou 3
* */
2024-10-16 12:27:32 +02:00
if (
2024-10-20 17:59:08 +02:00
$this -> isConnected () === false
and self :: $siteContent !== 'home'
2024-10-17 10:40:50 +02:00
and $this -> getData ([ 'course' , self :: $siteContent , 'enrolment' ]) > 0
2024-10-20 17:59:08 +02:00
) {
2024-10-17 10:40:50 +02:00
$_SESSION [ 'ZWII_SITE_CONTENT' ] = 'home' ;
2025-01-08 22:46:15 +01:00
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl ( true ) . 'swap/' . self :: $siteContent );
2024-10-16 12:27:32 +02:00
exit ();
2024-10-17 10:40:50 +02:00
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
* Contrôle si la page demandée est en édition ou accès à la gestion du site
* conditions de blocage :
* - Les deux utilisateurs qui accèdent à la même page sont différents
* - les URLS sont identiques
* - Une partie de l 'URL fait partie de la liste de filtrage (édition d' un module etc .. )
* - L 'édition est ouverte depuis un temps dépassé, on considère que la page est restée ouverte et qu' elle ne sera pas validée
$accessInfo [ 'userName' ] = '' ;
$accessInfo [ 'pageId' ] = '' ;
if ( $this -> getData ([ 'user' ])) {
foreach ( $this -> getData ([ 'user' ]) as $userId => $userIds ) {
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'accessUrl' ]))) {
$t = explode ( '/' , $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'accessUrl' ]));
if (
$this -> getUser ( 'id' ) &&
$userId !== $this -> getUser ( 'id' ) &&
$this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'accessUrl' ]) === $this -> getUrl () &&
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
array_intersect ( $t , common :: $concurrentAccess ) &&
//array_intersect($t, common::$accessExclude) !== false &&
time () < $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'accessTimer' ]) + common :: ACCESS_TIMER
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) {
$access = false ;
$accessInfo [ 'userName' ] = $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'lastname' ]) . ' ' . $this -> getData ([ 'user' , $userId , 'firstname' ]);
$accessInfo [ 'pageId' ] = end ( $t );
// Accès concurrent stocke la page visitée
if (
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
$this -> isConnected () === true
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
&& $this -> getUser ( 'id' )
2024-09-28 17:54:05 +02:00
&& ! $this -> isPost ()
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) {
2024-09-28 13:24:55 +02:00
$this -> setData ([ 'user' , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'accessUrl' , $this -> getUrl ()], false );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$this -> setData ([ 'user' , $this -> getUser ( 'id' ), 'accessTimer' , time ()]);
// Breadcrumb
$title = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'title' ]);
if (
! empty ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'parentPageId' ])) &&
$this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'breadCrumb' ])
) {
$title = '<a href="' . helper :: baseUrl () .
$this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'parentPageId' ]) .
'">' .
ucfirst ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'parentPageId' ]), 'title' ])) .
'</a> › ' .
$this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'title' ]);
// Importe le style de la page principale
$inlineStyle [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'css' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'css' ]);
// Importe le script de la page principale
$inlineScript [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'js' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'js' ]);
// Importe le contenu, le CSS et le script des barres
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$contentRight = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]) ? $this -> getPage ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]), common :: $siteContent ) : '' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$inlineStyle [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]), 'css' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]), 'css' ]);
$inlineScript [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]), 'js' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barRight' ]), 'js' ]);
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$contentLeft = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]) ? $this -> getPage ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]), common :: $siteContent ) : '' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$inlineStyle [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]), 'css' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]), 'css' ]);
$inlineScript [] = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]), 'js' ]) === null ? '' : $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'barLeft' ]), 'js' ]);
// Importe la page simple sans module ou avec un module inexistant
if (
$this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 )]) !== null
and ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ]) === ''
or ! class_exists ( $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ]))
and $access
) {
// Importe le CSS de la page principale
$this -> addOutput ([
'title' => $title ,
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
'content' => $this -> getPage ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), common :: $siteContent ),
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
'metaDescription' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'metaDescription' ]),
'metaTitle' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'metaTitle' ]),
'typeMenu' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'typeMenu' ]),
'iconUrl' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'iconUrl' ]),
'disable' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'disable' ]),
'contentRight' => $contentRight ,
'contentLeft' => $contentLeft ,
'inlineStyle' => $inlineStyle ,
'inlineScript' => $inlineScript ,
// Importe le module
else {
// Id du module, et valeurs en sortie de la page s'il s'agit d'un module de page
if ( $access and $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ])) {
$moduleId = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ]);
// Construit un meta absent
$metaDescription = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'moduleId' ]) === 'blog' && ! empty ( $this -> getUrl ( 1 )) && in_array ( $this -> getUrl ( 1 ), $this -> getData ([ 'module' ]))
? strip_tags ( substr ( $this -> getData ([ 'module' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'posts' , $this -> getUrl ( 1 ), 'content' ]), 0 , 159 ))
: $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'metaDescription' ]);
// Importe le CSS de la page principale
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$pageContent = $this -> getPage ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), common :: $siteContent );
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$this -> addOutput ([
'title' => $title ,
// Meta description = 160 premiers caractères de l'article
'content' => $pageContent ,
'metaDescription' => $metaDescription ,
'metaTitle' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'metaTitle' ]),
'typeMenu' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'typeMenu' ]),
'iconUrl' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'iconUrl' ]),
'disable' => $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'disable' ]),
'contentRight' => $contentRight ,
'contentLeft' => $contentLeft ,
'inlineStyle' => $inlineStyle ,
'inlineScript' => $inlineScript ,
} else {
$moduleId = $this -> getUrl ( 0 );
$pageContent = '' ;
// Check l'existence du module
if ( class_exists ( $moduleId )) {
/** @var common $module */
$module = new $moduleId ;
// Check l'existence de l'action
$action = '' ;
$ignore = true ;
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> getUrl ( 1 ))) {
foreach ( explode ( '-' , $this -> getUrl ( 1 )) as $actionPart ) {
if ( $ignore ) {
$action .= $actionPart ;
$ignore = false ;
} else {
$action .= ucfirst ( $actionPart );
$action = array_key_exists ( $action , $module :: $actions ) ? $action : 'index' ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $action , $module :: $actions )) {
$module -> $action ();
$output = $module -> output ;
// Check le groupe de l'utilisateur
if (
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
( $module :: $actions [ $action ] === common :: GROUP_VISITOR
2024-09-06 17:16:04 +02:00
or ( $this -> isConnected () === true
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
and $this -> getUser ( 'group' ) >= $module :: $actions [ $action ]
and $this -> getUser ( 'permission' , $moduleId , $action )
and $output [ 'access' ] === true
) {
// Enregistrement du contenu de la méthode POST lorsqu'une notice est présente
if ( common :: $inputNotices ) {
foreach ( $_POST as $postId => $postValue ) {
if ( is_array ( $postValue )) {
foreach ( $postValue as $subPostId => $subPostValue ) {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
common :: $inputBefore [ $postId . '_' . $subPostId ] = $subPostValue ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} else {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
common :: $inputBefore [ $postId ] = $postValue ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Sinon traitement des données de sortie qui requiert qu'aucune notice ne soit présente
else {
// Notification
if ( $output [ 'notification' ]) {
if ( $output [ 'state' ] === true ) {
} elseif ( $output [ 'state' ] === false ) {
$notification = 'ZWII_NOTIFICATION_ERROR' ;
} else {
$notification = 'ZWII_NOTIFICATION_OTHER' ;
$_SESSION [ $notification ] = $output [ 'notification' ];
// Redirection
if ( $output [ 'redirect' ]) {
http_response_code ( 301 );
header ( 'Location:' . $output [ 'redirect' ]);
exit ();
// Données en sortie applicables même lorsqu'une notice est présente
// Affichage
if ( $output [ 'display' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'display' => $output [ 'display' ]
// Contenu brut
if ( $output [ 'content' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'content' => $output [ 'content' ]
// Contenu par vue
elseif ( $output [ 'view' ]) {
// Chemin en fonction d'un module du coeur ou d'un module
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$modulePath = in_array ( $moduleId , common :: $coreModuleIds ) ? 'core/' : '' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// CSS
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$stylePath = $modulePath . common :: MODULE_DIR . $moduleId . '/view/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '.css' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( $stylePath )) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'style' => file_get_contents ( $stylePath )
if ( $output [ 'style' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'style' => file_get_contents ( $output [ 'style' ])
// JS
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$scriptPath = $modulePath . common :: MODULE_DIR . $moduleId . '/view/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '.js.php' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( $scriptPath )) {
ob_start ();
include $scriptPath ;
$this -> addOutput ([
'script' => ob_get_clean ()
// Vue
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
$viewPath = $modulePath . common :: MODULE_DIR . $moduleId . '/view/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '/' . $output [ 'view' ] . '.php' ;
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( file_exists ( $viewPath )) {
ob_start ();
include $viewPath ;
$modpos = $this -> getData ([ 'page' , $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), 'modulePosition' ]);
if ( $modpos === 'top' ) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'content' => ob_get_clean () . ( $output [ 'showPageContent' ] ? $pageContent : '' )
2024-08-24 07:20:17 +02:00
} elseif ( $modpos === 'free' && strstr ( $pageContent , '[MODULE]' )) {
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( strstr ( $pageContent , '[MODULE]' , true ) === false ) {
$begin = strstr ( $pageContent , '[]' , true );
} else {
$begin = strstr ( $pageContent , '[MODULE]' , true );
if ( strstr ( $pageContent , '[MODULE]' ) === false ) {
$end = strstr ( $pageContent , '[]' );
} else {
$end = strstr ( $pageContent , '[MODULE]' );
$cut = 8 ;
$end = substr ( $end , - strlen ( $end ) + $cut );
$this -> addOutput ([
'content' => ( $output [ 'showPageContent' ] ? $begin : '' ) . ob_get_clean () . ( $output [ 'showPageContent' ] ? $end : '' )
} else {
$this -> addOutput ([
'content' => ( $output [ 'showPageContent' ] ? $pageContent : '' ) . ob_get_clean ()
// Librairies
if ( $output [ 'vendor' ] !== $this -> output [ 'vendor' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'vendor' => array_merge ( $this -> output [ 'vendor' ], $output [ 'vendor' ])
if ( $output [ 'title' ] !== null ) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'title' => $output [ 'title' ]
// Affiche le bouton d'édition de la page dans la barre de membre
if ( $output [ 'showBarEditButton' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'showBarEditButton' => $output [ 'showBarEditButton' ]
// Erreur 403
else {
$access = false ;
// Erreurs
if ( $access === 'login' ) {
http_response_code ( 302 );
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl () . 'user/login/' );
exit ();
if ( $access === false ) {
http_response_code ( 403 );
if ( $accessInfo [ 'userName' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
'title' => 'Accès verrouillé' ,
2024-06-04 22:21:10 +02:00
'content' => template :: speech ( '<p>' . sprintf ( helper :: translate ( 'La page %s est ouverte par l\'utilisateur %s</p><p><a style="color:inherit" href="javascript:history.back()">%s</a></p>' ), $accessInfo [ 'pageId' ], $accessInfo [ 'userName' ], helper :: translate ( 'Retour' )))
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} else {
if (
2023-11-28 10:11:20 +01:00
$this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'page403' ]) !== 'none'
2024-02-06 20:30:18 +01:00
//and $this->getData(['page', $this->getData(['config', 'page403'])])
2023-11-28 10:11:20 +01:00
) {
2024-02-06 20:30:18 +01:00
$_SESSION [ 'ZWII_SITE_CONTENT' ] = 'home' ;
2023-09-05 15:31:35 +02:00
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl () . $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'page403' ]));
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} else {
$this -> addOutput ([
2023-11-28 10:11:20 +01:00
'title' => 'Accès interdit' ,
2024-06-04 22:21:10 +02:00
'content' => template :: speech ( '<p>' . helper :: translate ( 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à consulter cette page (erreur 403)' ) . '</p><p><a style="color:inherit" href="javascript:history.back()">' . helper :: translate ( 'Retour' ) . '</a></p>' )
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} elseif ( $this -> output [ 'content' ] === '' ) {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
// Pour éviter une 404, bascule dans l'espace correct si la page existe dans cet espace.
// Parcourir les espaces y compris l'accueil
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
foreach ( array_merge ([ 'home' => []], $this -> getData ([ 'course' ])) as $courseId => $value ) {;
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
if (
// l'espace existe
is_dir ( common :: DATA_DIR . $courseId ) &&
file_exists ( common :: DATA_DIR . $courseId . '/page.json' )
) {
// Lire les données des pages
$pagesId = json_decode ( file_get_contents ( common :: DATA_DIR . $courseId . '/page.json' ), true );
if (
// La page existe
is_array ( $pagesId [ 'page' ]) &&
array_key_exists ( $this -> getUrl ( 0 ), $pagesId [ 'page' ])
) {
// Basculer
$_SESSION [ 'ZWII_SITE_CONTENT' ] = $courseId ;
header ( 'Refresh:0; url=' . helper :: baseUrl () . $this -> getUrl ());
exit ();
// La page n'existe pas dans les esapces, on génére une erreur 404
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
http_response_code ( 404 );
if (
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
// une page est définie dans la configuration mais dans home
2023-09-05 15:31:35 +02:00
$this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'page404' ]) !== 'none'
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
) {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
// Bascule sur l'acccueil et rediriger
2024-02-06 20:30:18 +01:00
$_SESSION [ 'ZWII_SITE_CONTENT' ] = 'home' ;
2023-11-28 10:11:20 +01:00
header ( 'Location:' . helper :: baseUrl () . $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'page404' ]));
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} else {
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
// Page par défaut
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
$this -> addOutput ([
'title' => 'Page indisponible' ,
2024-06-04 22:21:10 +02:00
'content' => template :: speech ( '<p>' . helper :: translate ( 'La page demandée n\'existe pas ou est introuvable (erreur 404)' ) . '</p><p><a style="color:inherit" href="javascript:history.back()">' . helper :: translate ( 'Retour' ) . '</a></p>' )
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
// Mise en forme des métas
if ( $this -> output [ 'metaTitle' ] === '' ) {
if ( $this -> output [ 'title' ]) {
$this -> addOutput ([
2023-09-05 15:31:35 +02:00
'metaTitle' => strip_tags ( $this -> output [ 'title' ]) . ' - ' . $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'title' ])
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
} else {
$this -> addOutput ([
2023-09-05 15:31:35 +02:00
'metaTitle' => $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'title' ])
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
if ( $this -> output [ 'metaDescription' ] === '' ) {
$this -> addOutput ([
2023-09-05 15:31:35 +02:00
'metaDescription' => $this -> getData ([ 'config' , 'metaDescription' ])
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
switch ( $this -> output [ 'display' ]) {
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Layout brut
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_RAW :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
echo $this -> output [ 'content' ];
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Layout vide
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_LAYOUT_BLANK :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
require 'core/layout/blank.php' ;
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Affichage en JSON
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_JSON :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
header ( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode ( $this -> output [ 'content' ]);
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// RSS feed
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_RSS :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
header ( 'Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8' );
echo $this -> output [ 'content' ];
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Layout allégé
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_LAYOUT_LIGHT :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
ob_start ();
require 'core/layout/light.php' ;
$content = ob_get_clean ();
// Convertit la chaîne en UTF-8 pour conserver les caractères accentués
$content = mb_convert_encoding ( $content , 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-8' );
// Supprime les espaces, les sauts de ligne, les tabulations et autres caractères inutiles
$content = preg_replace ( '/[\t ]+/u' , ' ' , $content );
echo $content ;
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00
// Layout principal
2024-04-23 14:57:10 +02:00
case common :: DISPLAY_LAYOUT_MAIN :
2023-09-05 15:21:01 +02:00
ob_start ();
require 'core/layout/main.php' ;
$content = ob_get_clean ();
// Convertit la chaîne en UTF-8 pour conserver les caractères accentués
$content = mb_convert_encoding ( $content , 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-8' );
// Supprime les espaces, les sauts de ligne, les tabulations et autres caractères inutiles
$content = preg_replace ( '/[\t ]+/u' , ' ' , $content );
echo $content ;
break ;
2024-12-30 23:21:45 +01:00