# Alpine WAYLAND desktop setup: FF version =========================================================== Alpine must be previously installed. This will install a new fashioned desktop, for more traditional check [../../newbie/alpine-newbie-xfce-desktop.md](../../newbie/alpine-newbie-xfce-desktop.md) * [How to use this guide](#how-to-use-this-guide) * [Preparation](#preparation-alpine) * [setup OS configuration](#setup-os-configuration) * [setup system users](#setup-system-users) * [setup hardware support](#setup-hardware-support) * [setup audio and video](#setup-audio-and-video) * [Instalacion WAYLAND Alpine](#instalacion-wayland-apine) * [wayland sway console login](#wayland-sway-console-login) * [wayland gui login manager](#wayland-gui-login-manager) * [multimedia and device enhanced](#multimedia-and-device-enhanced) * [Licensing clarifications](#licensing-clarifications) * [See also](#see-also) ## preparation Alpine You must have already installed alpine, and wayland only works well in alpine 3.14 and up **YOU MUST HAVE DIRECT WIRED INTERNET, if not ask for an ISO from VenenuX:** [https://t.me/alpine_linux/762](https://t.me/s/alpine_linux/762) #### setup OS configuration Feels lost here? check [How to use this guide](#how-to-use-this-guide) section of this document ``` sed -i -r 's|#PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin no|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config rc-service sshd restart;rc-update add sshd default hostname venenux-desktop echo 'hostname="venenux-desktop"' > /etc/conf.d/hostname echo "venenux-desktop" > /etc/hostname cat > /etc/hosts << EOF venenux-desktop localhost.localdomain localhost ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain EOF cat > /etc/network/interfaces << EOF auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet6 dhcp pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra EOF rc-service networking restart;rc-update add networking boot cat > /root/.cshrc << EOF unsetenv DISPLAY || true HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth EOF cp /root/.cshrc /root/.bashrc echo "root:toor" | chpasswd apk add tcsh add-shell '/bin/csh' adduser -D -g "" -u 998 -h /opt/daru -s /bin/csh daru echo "daru:daru" | chpasswd rm -f /opt/daru/* mkdir /opt/daru cat > /opt/daru/.cshrc << EOF unsetenv DISPLAY export PAGER=less set autologout = 6 set prompt = "$ " set history = 0 set ignoreeof EOF cp /opt/daru/.cshrc /opt/daru/.bashrc chown -R daru:daru /opt/daru cat > /etc/apk/repositories << EOF http://dl-4.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v$(cat /etc/alpine-release | cut -d'.' -f1,2)/main http://dl-4.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v$(cat /etc/alpine-release | cut -d'.' -f1,2)/community EOF apk update apk add man-db man-pages nano binutils coreutils readline \ sed attr dialog lsof less groff wget curl terminus-font \ zip p7zip xz tar cabextract cpio binutils lha acpi musl-locales musl-locales-lang \ e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-doc btrfs-progs btrfs-progs-doc exfat-utils \ f2fs-tools f2fs-tools-doc dosfstools dosfstools-doc xfsprogs xfsprogs-doc jfsutils jfsutils-doc \ testdisk testdisk-doc partimage partimage-doc parted parted-doc util-linux zram-init sed -i "s#.*consolefont.*=.*#consolefont="ter-132n.psf.gz"#g" /etc/conf.d/consolefont setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/ter-132n.psf.gz rc-update add consolefont boot ``` For more extended info check [../../newbie/alpine-newbie-xfce-desktop.md](../../newbie/alpine-newbie-xfce-desktop.md#setup-os-configuration) #### setup system users ``` apk add shadow shadow-uidmap doas musl-locales musl-locales-lang cat > /tmp/tmp.tmp << EOF set history = 10000 set prompt = "$ " EOF mkdir /etc/skel cat /tmp/tmp.tmp > /etc/skel/.cshrc cat /tmp/tmp.tmp > /etc/skel/.bashrc cat > /etc/skel/.Xresources << EOF Xft.antialias: 0 Xft.rgba: rgb Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.hintstyle: hintslight EOF cat > /etc/default/useradd << EOF # useradd defaults file HOME=/home INACTIVE=-1 EXPIRE= SHELL=/bin/bash SKEL=/etc/skel CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=yes EOF cat > /etc/login.defs << EOF USERGROUPS_ENAB yes SYSLOG_SU_ENAB yes SYSLOG_SG_ENAB yes SULOG_FILE /var/log/sulog SU_NAME su EOF useradd -m -U -c "" -G wheel,input,disk,floppy,cdrom,dialout,audio,video,lp,netdev,games,users,ping general for u in $(ls /home); do for g in disk lp floppy audio cdrom dialout video lp netdev games users ping; do addgroup $u $g; done;done ``` **WARNING** your user name must be `general`, you can put a "human name" as you wish, later. For more details check [../../newbie/alpine-newbie-configuration.md](../../newbie/alpine-newbie-configuration.md#setup-system-users) #### setup hardware support ``` apk add acpi eudev eudev-doc eudev-rule-generator eudev-openrc pciutils util-linux zram-init \ fuse fuse-exfat-utils fuse-exfat avfs pcre2 cpufreqd bluez bluez-openrc \ wpa_supplicant dhcpcd chrony macchanger wireless-tools iputils linux-firmware \ networkmanager networkmanager-lang networkmanager-openvpn networkmanager-openvpn-lang rc-update add udev rc-update add acpid rc-update add cpufreqd rc-update add fuse rc-update add bluetooth rc-update add chronyd rc-update add wpa_supplicant rc-update add networkmanager rc-service networking restart rc-service wpa_supplicant restart rc-service bluetooth restart rc-service udev restart rc-service fuse restart rc-service cpufreqd restart ``` For more details check [../../newbie/alpine-newbie-configuration.md](../../newbie/alpine-newbie-configuration.md#setup-software-graphical-fonts-and-languajes) #### setup audio and video for wayland **HINT** on alpine 3.14 gtk3 will force xorg dependencies.. for 3.16 will use gtk4 and SDL2 ``` apk add xf86-input-evdev cairo pango pixman \ mesa xinit mesa-dri-gallium xf86-video-modesetting xf86-input-libinput libxinerama xrandr kbd setxkbmap apk add bluez bluez-openrc polkit polkit-openrc polkit-elogind udisks2 udisks2-lang \ dbus dbus-x11 elogind elogind-openrc \ gvfs gvfs-fuse gvfs-archive gvfs-dav gvfs-nfs gvfs-lang \ networkmanager-elogind dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id rc-update add dbus rc-update add elogind rc-update add polkit apk add font-noto-all ttf-dejavu ttf-linux-libertine ttf-liberation \ font-bitstream-type1 font-bitstream-100dpi font-bitstream-75dpi \ font-adobe-utopia-type1 font-adobe-utopia-75dpi font-adobe-utopia-100dpi \ font-isas-misc apk add alsa-utils alsa-plugins alsa-tools alsaconf \ pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa pipewire-spa-bluez cat > /etc/security/limits.d/audio-limits.conf << EOF @audio - memlock 256 @audio - nice -11 @audio - rtprio 88 EOF rc-service dbus restart rc-service elogind restart rc-service polkit restart rc-update del lightdm ``` **WARNING** your user name must be `general`, you can put a "human name" as you wish, later. **ADVERTISE** pure wayland will work only in modern gpu, otherwise will use xwayland if you need some modules like xf86-video packages as `xf86-video-intel`, `xf86-video-amdgpu`, `xf86-video-noveau`, `xf86-video-ati` or `xf86-video-nv` ## Instalacion WAYLAND Alpine ``` apk add wayland wlroots foot sway sway-doc bemenu swaylock swaylockd swaybg swayidle \ weston weston-backend-wayland weston-backend-x11 weston-backend-drm weston-backend-wayland weston-backend-headless \ weston-doc weston-shell-desktop weston-desktop-x11 weston-clients weston-terminal \ weston-xwayland weston-shell-desktop weston-shell-fullscreen weston-cms-static ``` At this point you already has a waylan environment and can choose beetween weston and sway, just login into and start your desktop, weston is just the first implementation, can be run inside and X11 or another wayland session, sway is a window manager and compositor. #### configurations ``` for u in $(ls /home); do mkdir -p /home/$u/.config/sway/ && cp /etc/sway/config /home/$u/.config/sway/config ;done for u in $(ls /home); touch /home/$u/.config/weston.ini;done ``` The wayland weston and sway configurations depens on your preferences, the above commands just provide defaults to made those compositors able to run for users. #### wayland sway console login If want autologin with TTY use this script to your system users: ``` mkdir /home/general/ cat > /etc/skel/.profile << EOF if test -z "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/\$(id -u)-runtime-dir if ! test -d "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then mkdir "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" chmod 0700 "\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" fi fi EOF for u in $(ls /home); do cp /etc/skel/.profile /home/$u/ ;done cat > /home/general/.xinitrc << EOF if [ -z "\${DISPLAY}" ] && [ "\${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "\$(fgconsole 2>/dev/null || echo -1)" -eq 1 ]; then dbus-run-session -- sway export SWAYSOCK=/run/user/$(id -u)/sway-ipc.$(id -u).$(pgrep -x sway).sock fi fi EOF ``` #### wayland gui login manager Wayland its on early stages.. so there is no login manager compatible, this is cos wayland per ser its another way to run GUI, and all the sesion and login GUI managers runs over Xorg. ``` apk add lightdm elogind elogind-openrc elogind-lang polkit polkit-openrc polkit-elogind \ lightdm-lang lightdm-gtk-greeter rc-update add lightdm rc-service lightdm restart ``` **WARNING**: for alpine 3.14, 3.15 just works the login sesion for sway, maybe 3.16 and up will result in a blank screen, check https://github.com/swaywm/sway/pull/3634#issuecomment-462779163 #### desktop integration and device media ``` apk add xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xdg-desktop-portal-lang xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang ``` #### multimedia and device enhanced ``` apk add gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-plugins-good \ libcanberra-gstreamer wxgtk-media \ mediainfo ffmpeg ffmpeg-doc ffmpeg-libs lame lame-doc rtkit rtkit-doc \ mpv mpv-doc deadbeef deadbeef-lang libxinerama xrandr for u in $(ls /home); do for g in plugdev audio cdrom dialout video netdev; do addgroup $u $g; done;done cat > /etc/network/interfaces << EOF auto lo iface lo inet loopback EOF service networking restart service wpa_supplicant restart service networkmanager restart ``` ## How to use this guide This guide **structure all the commands in blocks, each block its separated by a line spaced**, so you must **type each line as is.. and hit enter**, so you noted that then you typed each separated clocks of commands, copy/type only blocks separated by an empty line, all new(next) lines are made by just enter. the terminal will detect if must execute or not. **If you have another computer or gui**, try to use SSH client like putty or just in terminal (MAC or Linux) do: 1. at the Alpine installation: `sed -i 's|.*PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin yes|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config;service sshd restart` 2. at the other OS just connect: `ssh -l root ` change "``" with the address of your device. 3. copy each separated by empty line, block of command, copy only blocks separate by empty line 4. and paste each separated by empty line block in the remnote (ssh), do not paste all the blocks at same time! **CAUTION** Some Linux or/and Mac terminals have security cut/paste locks, so if you paste, the first line will be preceded by garbage, check always the first char of your paste. **WARNING** after finish, rerun: `sed -i -r 's|.*PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin no|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config` and restart ssh `service sshd restart` becouse security implications. Done? return to [Preparation](#preparation-alpine) section of this document. #### hardware used | item | minimal feature | Extra recommendations | | ---------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------- | | RAM MB | 1Gb DDR1 | 6Gb DDR3, web browsers consumes so much | | CPU | intel Dual Core | Not necesary | | RAM CPU | 2Mb (L2) 4kb/L1 | | | GPU | intel G41 | Radeon X1200 For web browsers and modern apps will be need | | RAM GPU | 256Mb | 1Gb For web browsers and modern apps will be need | | Storage | 120Gb HDD WD | 256Gb SSD are mandatory for speed | | ARCH | 32bits (i386/arm6)| 64bits (amd64) mandatory for most modern apps unfortunatelly | | Audio | AC 97 | HD audio and HDMI audio are a mess | #### usernames | item | name | password | | --------- | ------------------- | -------- | | remote | daru | daru | | admin | root | toor | | user | general | general | Done? return to [Preparation](#preparation-alpine) section of this document. ## Licensing clarifications **CC BY-NC-SA**: the project allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creators involved. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms, includes the following elements: * **BY** – Credit must be given to the creator of each content respectivelly, starting at the first contributor. * **NC** – Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted, with exceptions if you fill an issue here! * **SA** – Adaptations must be shared under the same terms, you must obey this terms and do not change it. https://codeberg.org/alpine/alpine-wiki/src/branch/main#license ## See also * [README.md](README.md) * [alpine-newbie-install.md](../../newbie/alpine-newbie-install.md) * [alpine-tutorial-desktop-xfce4-fast-forward.md](alpine-tutorial-desktop-xfce4-fast-forward.md)