[ "home" => "Home - Lycée Pange Code Hunt", "team_confirm" => "Team confirmation - Lycée Pange Code Hunt", "puzzles" => "Puzzles list - Lycée Pange Code Hunt", "article" => "Puzzle - Lycée Pange Code Hunt" ], "page_title" => [ "home" => "Code Hunt", "team_confirm" => "Team confirmation", "puzzles" => "Puzzles list for team n°", "article" => "Puzzle n°" ], "home" => [ "subtitle" => "Welcome to the code hunt of Lycée Jean de Pange of Sarreguemines !", "message" => "Select your team to begin :", "team" => "Team n°" ], "team_confirm" => [ "subtitle" => "Please make sure you selected the right team.", "message" => "Your name must appear on the following list : ", "button" => "Yes, this is my team !" ], "article" => [ "message" => "This puzzle describes a specific place. Head to that place, then scan the QR code you'll find there.", "success" => "Well done ! Your team solved this puzzle !", "qr_but" => "Scan QR code", "cam_sel" => "Selected camera :", "f_cam" => "Front camera", "r_cam" => "Rear camera" ], "puzzles" => [ "message" => "Select a puzzle in the list below :" ], "nav" => [ "title" => "Code Hunt Pange", "home" => "Home" ], "footer" => [ "text" => "Lycée Jean de Pange Sarreguemines
Source code." ] ]; ?>