2021-09-10 19:22:30 +02:00
import gamedata.objects.menu.menu as menu
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import math
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class OptionMenu(menu.Menu):
def __init__(self,x,y,game,w=100,h=100):
super().__init__(x,y,game,w,h) # initialise l'objet de base avec les bons arguments
# Les dicos des boutons
def fnRetour(self,game):
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game.scene = game.scenes.main
btnRetour= {"name":"Retour","function": fnRetour}
# Initialisation de la grille du menu
self.grid = [
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self.depth = -1
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# Getting the number of unlocks ( minus 1 because the base skin isn't really an "unlock" )
unlocks = game.lib.getunlocks(game.globals["highscore"])
currentunlocks = len(unlocks["normal"]+unlocks["specials"])-1
unlocks = game.lib.getunlocks(math.inf)
totalunlocks= len(unlocks["normal"]+unlocks["specials"])-1
text = f"Highscore : {self.game.globals['highscore']} Unlocks : {currentunlocks}/{totalunlocks}"
self.highscore = self.game.fontfile.render(text,False,[255,230,50])
self.highscoreblack= self.game.fontfile.render(text,False,[0,0,0])
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def draw(self):
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margin = 2
for x in range(-margin,margin+1):
for y in range(-margin,margin+1):
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