local game = require "game" game.OS = love.system.getOS() game.OSTYPE = "PC" if game.OS == 'Horizon' then game.OSTYPE = love._console_name -- 3DS or Switch end if game.OS == "Android" or game.OS == "iOS" then game.OSTYPE = "Mobile" end lg = love.graphics if game.OS~="Horizon" then push = require "lib/push" end function love.load() lg.setBackgroundColor(31/255,14/255,28/255) if pcall (lg.set3D, true) == true then lg.set3D(true) end game:changesize(400,240) lg.setDefaultFilter("nearest") if game.OS ~= "Horizon" then game:changesize(416,234) if game.OSTYPE=="Mobile" then game:changesize(234,234) end love.window.setTitle('Neutron') w,h = love.window.getDesktopDimensions() res = game.OSTYPE=="PC" push:setupScreen(game.WIDTH, game.HEIGHT, w, h, {fullscreen = true,resizable = res, pixelperfect = true}) push:setBorderColor(0.161,0.157, 0.192,1) end game.scenes:main(game) end function love.draw(screen) if game.OSTYPE~="Horizon" then push:start() end game:draw(screen) if game.OSTYPE~="Horizon" then push:finish() end end function love.update() dt = love.timer.getDelta() game:step(dt) end function love.keypressed(key,scancode) game.inputs.keys[scancode] = true end function love.gamepadpressed(joystick, button) game.inputs.buttons[button] = true end function love.keyreleased(key,scancode) game.inputs.keys[scancode] = false end function love.gamepadreleased(joystick, button) game.inputs.buttons[button] = false end function love.gamepadaxis( joystick, axis, value ) game.inputs.axis[axis] = value end function love.resize(w, h) if game.OSTYPE~="3DS" then push:resize(w, h) end end function love.mousepressed(x,y,button,istouch,presses) -- Format positions according to screen if game.OS ~= "Horizon" then x,y = push:toGame(x,y) end if x~=nil and y~=nil then game:MouseCallback(x,y,presses) end end