local Game = {} local insert = table.insert function Game:reinit() self.gameloop = {} self.objects = {} self.objects.base = require "objects/base" self.objects.grid = require "objects/grid" self.objects.circle = require "objects/circle" self.rect = require "lib/rect" self.maxobjects = 0 self.camerax = 0 self.cameray = 0 self.floatcamerax = 0 self.floatcameray = 0 self.assets = {} -- Caching loaded images self:initInputs() end function Game:changesize(width,height) self.WIDTH = width self.HEIGHT = height end function Game:movecamera(movex,movey) self.floatcamerax = self.floatcamerax + movex self.floatcameray = self.floatcameray + movey self.camerax = math.floor(self.floatcamerax+0.5) self.cameray = math.floor(self.floatcameray+0.5) end function Game:setcamera(x,y) self.floatcamerax = x self.floatcameray = y self.camerax = math.floor(self.floatcamerax+0.5) self.cameray = math.floor(self.floatcameray+0.5) end function Game:initInputs() self.inputs = {} self.inputs.deadzone = 0.4 self.inputs.keys = {} self.inputs.buttons = {} self.inputs.axis= {} self.inputs.actions = {} for i,v in pairs({"up","down","left","right","menu","valid"}) do local action = {} action.keys = {} action.buttons = {} action.axis = {} self.inputs.actions[v] = action action.timer = 0 action.lastpress = 99 end self.inputs.actions.valid.keys = {"space"} self.inputs.actions.valid.buttons = {"a"} self.inputs.actions.up.keys = {"up","w"} self.inputs.actions.up.buttons = {"dpup"} self.inputs.actions.up.axis = {{"lefty",-1}} self.inputs.actions.down.keys = {"down","s"} self.inputs.actions.down.buttons = {"dpdown"} self.inputs.actions.down.axis = {{"lefty",1}} self.inputs.actions.left.keys = {"left","a"} self.inputs.actions.left.buttons = {"dpleft"} self.inputs.actions.left.axis = {{"leftx",-1}} self.inputs.actions.right.keys = {"right","d"} self.inputs.actions.right.buttons = {"dpright"} self.inputs.actions.right.axis = {{"leftx",1}} self.inputs.actions.menu.keys = {"escape","return"} self.inputs.actions.menu.buttons = {"start","back"} end function Game:updateInputs(dt) for i,action in pairs(self.inputs.actions) do local pressed = false for _,key in pairs(action.keys) do if self.inputs.keys[key] then pressed = true end end for _,button in pairs(action.buttons) do if self.inputs.buttons[button] then pressed = true end end for _,axis in pairs(action.axis) do if self.inputs.axis[axis[1]]~=nil then if self.inputs.axis[axis[1]]*axis[2]>self.inputs.deadzone then pressed = true end end end if pressed then action.timer = action.timer+1 if action.timer == 1 then action.lastpress = 0 end else action.timer = 0 end action.lastpress = action.lastpress + dt end end function Game:summon(obj) obj.game = self obj.id = self.maxobjects self.maxobjects = self.maxobjects + 1 insert(self.gameloop,obj) end function Game:findName(askedname) local result = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.gameloop) do if v~=nil then for j,name in pairs(v.classes) do if name==askedname then insert(result,v) end end end end return result end function Game:delid(objid) self.gameloop[objid] = nil end function Game:delname(objName) for i,v in ipairs(Game:findName(objName)) do if v~=nil then self:delid(v.id) end end end function Game:step(dt) self:updateInputs(dt) for i,v in ipairs(self.gameloop) do --Processing all the objects if v~=nil then v:step(dt) end end end function Game:newImage(path) local image = nil if self.assets[path]~=nil then -- If already loaded image = self.assets[path] else image = love.graphics.newImage("assets/"..path) -- Load it and save it self.assets[path] = image end return image end function Game:getSpriteDir(path,ext,func,folder) if not ext then ext = ".png" end if not func then func = self.newImage end if not folder then folder = "assets/" end local counter = 0 local result = {} while love.filesystem.getInfo(folder..path..counter..ext) do insert(result,func(self,path..counter..ext)) counter = counter + 1 end return result end function Game:getLevel(i) local level = nil if self.levels[i]~=nil then level = self.levels[i] else level = {} level.folder = "maps/Level "..i.."/" local module = level.folder.."data" level.data = require(module) level.backgrounds = {} level.bgsizes = {} -- Get backgrounds local counter = 0 while love.filesystem.getInfo(level.folder.."background"..counter..".png") do img = love.graphics.newImage(level.folder.."background"..counter..".png") table.insert(level.backgrounds,img) table.insert(level.bgsizes,{img:getWidth(),img:getHeight()}) counter = counter + 1 end self.levels[i] = level end return level end function Game:draw(screen) draworder = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.gameloop) do if v~=nil then table.insert(draworder,v) end end table.sort(draworder, function(a,b) return a.depth< b.depth end) for i,v in ipairs(draworder) do --Processing all the objects if v~=nil then if screen~= "bottom" then if v.draw ~= nil then local offset = 0 if screen=="left" then offset = -love.graphics.get3DDepth() end if screen=="right" then offset = love.graphics.get3DDepth() end self.camerax = self.camerax + offset v:draw() self.camerax = self.camerax - offset end else if v.bottomdraw~=nil then v.bottomdraw() end end end end end function Game:MouseCallback(x,y,presses) local i for i=1,#self.gameloop do self.gameloop[i]:MouseCallback(x,y,presses) end end function Game:bint(bool) -- Convert Boolean to Integer local result = 0 if bool then result = 1 end return result end function Game:Timer(time) local Timer = {} Timer.maxcount = time Timer.timer = time Timer.loops = 0 function Timer:tick(advancement) local result = false self.timer = self.timer - advancement if self.timer<0 then result = true self.timer = self.timer + self.maxcount self.loops = self.loops + 1 end return result end function Timer:getratio() local result = self.timer/self.maxcount if result<0 then result = 0 end return result end function Timer:reset() self.timer = self.maxcount self.loops = 0 end return Timer end Game:reinit() return Game