from gamedata.objects.base import BaseObject import random,math class Lemming(BaseObject): def __init__(self,x,y,game,speedmargin=5): super().__init__(x,y,game,w=60,h=60) self.direction = random.randint(0,360) self.holdrect = self.rect.copy() self.holdradius = 65 self.holdrect = self.holdrect.inflate(self.holdradius,self.holdradius) self.basespeed = max(30,40+random.randint(-speedmargin,speedmargin)) # Speed that he normally walks by self.holdtimer = game.lib.Timer(2.5) # Max seconds of holding self.normalspeed = self.basespeed # Speed "objective" self.speed = 0 # Current speed, leaning towards objective speed self.selected = False # If beeing redirected self.cachedrel = [] # Storing relative movement of mouse self.cachedrelsize = 10 self.mincachedsize = 5 # Used for movement self.restx = 0 self.resty = 0 # Sprites self.orientations = ["Right","Left","Left","Right"] self.sprites = {} for i in self.orientations: self.sprites[i] = game.getSpriteDir("lemmings/"+i+"/") self.spriteindex = 0 self.animspeed = 0.2 self.tiles = game.gameloop.findname("Tiles")[0] self.manager = game.gameloop.findname("Manager")[0] def step(self): # Depth updating based on position self.depth = 1+self.rect[1]/100 # Lean towards the normal speed if self.selected: self.normalspeed = 0 else: self.normalspeed = self.basespeed self.speed += (self.normalspeed-self.speed)**3 # Getting x and y velocity diffx = math.cos(math.radians(self.direction))*self.speed diffy = math.sin(math.radians(self.direction))*self.speed self.move(diffx*,diffy* # Mouse selection["mouse"] if self.selected: # Caching mouse relative movement self.cachedrel.append(mouse["rel"]) if len(self.cachedrel)>self.cachedrelsize: self.cachedrel.pop(0) # Releasing it if mouse["click"]==0 or not self.holdrect.collidepoint(mouse["campos"]): self.launch() else: if self.holdtimer.tick( self.selected = False self.holdtimer.reset() self.normalspeed = self.basespeed if["mouse"]["click"]==1: if self.rect.collidepoint(mouse["campos"]): self.selected = True # Animation*self.animspeed*self.speed # Check if still on ground gridx = int(([0]-self.tiles.rect[0])/self.tiles.cellsize) gridy = int(([1]-self.tiles.rect[1])/self.tiles.cellsize) dead = True if 0<=gridyself.mincachedsize: averagerel = [sum([x[i] for x in self.cachedrel])/len(self.cachedrel) for i in range(2)] self.direction = math.degrees(math.atan2(averagerel[1],averagerel[0])) self.speed = self.basespeed*4 self.cachedrel = [] self.selected = False def move(self,x,y): # Remember the digits, pygame rects only move with integers velx = x+self.restx vely = y+self.resty self.restx = velx-int(velx) self.resty = vely-int(vely) self.rect[0]+=int(velx) self.rect[1]+=int(vely) self.holdrect[0]+=int(velx) self.holdrect[1]+=int(vely) def draw(self): orientation = self.orientations[int(self.direction%360/361*4)] sprites = self.sprites[orientation],["lemmings/shadow.png"],[0],[1]),sprites[int(self.spriteindex)%len(sprites)],[0],[1]) if["debug"]: s = s.fill([255,0,0]) s.set_alpha(30),self.rect[:2]) s = s.fill([0,255,0]) s.set_alpha(30),self.holdrect[:2])