from random import * import sys,os,configparser def drawcenter(game,surface,posx,posy): # Draw a surface in its center game.window.blit(surface,(round(posx-surface.get_width()/2),round(posy-surface.get_height()/2))) def blit_text(pygame,surface, text, pos, font, color=[255]*4,center=False): # Blitting text with linebreaks words = [word.split(' ') for word in text.splitlines()] # Liste qui contient tout les mots space = font.size(' ')[0] # La largeur d'un espace max_width, max_height = surface.get_size() x, y = pos linebreak = False linesurf = pygame.Surface(surface.get_size(),pygame.SRCALPHA) for line in words: if linebreak: px = 0 if center: px = (surface.get_width()-x+space)//2 surface.blit(linesurf,(px,0)) linesurf.fill([0]*4) x=pos[0] y+=font.size(' ')[1] linebreak = False for word in line: word_surface = font.render(word,False,color) word_width = word_surface.get_width() if x+word_width>surface.get_width(): px = 0 if center: px = (surface.get_width()-x+space)//2 surface.blit(linesurf,(px,0)) linesurf.fill([0]*4) x=pos[0] y+=font.size(' ')[1] linesurf.blit(word_surface,(x,y)) x+=word_width+space linebreak = True px = 0 if center: px = (surface.get_width()-x+space)//2 surface.blit(linesurf,(px,0)) linesurf.fill([0]*4) x=pos[0] y+=font.size(' ')[1] class Timer(): def __init__(self,maxcount): self.maxcount = maxcount self.timer = maxcount self.loops = 0 def tick(self,avancement): result = self.timer<=0 self.timer-=avancement if result: self.timer+=self.maxcount self.loops+=1 return result def getloops(self): return self.loops def getmax(self): return self.maxcount def getratio(self): return max(min(1,self.timer/self.maxcount),0) def reset(self): self.timer = self.maxcount def add(self,amount): self.timer+=amount self.maxcount+=amount def get_save_dir(dirname): path = "" p = sys.platform if p=="linux": path = os.environ["HOME"]+"/.local/share/"+dirname if p=="win32": path = os.getenv('APPDATA')+"\\"+dirname # Create folder if non-existant try: os.mkdir(path) except: pass return path def loadscore(dirname,filename="highscore.ini"): filepath = os.path.join(dirname,filename) highscore = 0 try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() if "highscore" in config.sections(): highscore = int(config["highscore"].get("score",0)) except: # Save file corrupted, reset it os.remove(filepath) return highscore def loadsettings(dirname,filename="settings.ini"): filepath = os.path.join(dirname,filename) sfx = 100 bgm = 100 try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() if "settings" in config.sections(): bgm = int(config["settings"].get("bgm",100)) sfx = int(config["settings"].get("sfx",100)) except: # Save file corrupted, reset it os.remove(filepath) return bgm,sfx def savescore(dirname,highscore=0,filename="highscore.ini"): filepath = os.path.join(dirname,filename) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config["highscore"] = {"score":highscore} with open(filepath,'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) def savesettings(dirname,bgm=1,sfx=1,filename="settings.ini"): filepath = os.path.join(dirname,filename) config = configparser.ConfigParser() bgm,sfx = round(bgm*100),round(sfx*100) config["settings"] = {"bgm":bgm,"sfx":sfx} with open(filepath,'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) def getunlocks(highscore): unlocks = {"normal":["base"],"specials":[]} if highscore>=50: unlocks["normal"].append("green") if highscore>=150: unlocks["specials"].append("monster") if highscore>=250: unlocks["normal"].append("blue") if highscore>=400: unlocks["specials"].append("gold") if highscore>=750: unlocks["specials"].append("platinum") return unlocks