#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Tadam ! Tool to preprocess audio in real time from folder coming from recorder SD card into time expansion audio splitted in 5s-long chunks to be sent to Vigie-Chiro. """ __author__ = "Samuel ORTION" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Chiro-Canto organisation" __credits__ = ["Samuel ORTION"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "Samuel ORTION" __email__ = "samuel.ortion@orange.fr" __status__ = "Production" __date__ = "2021-05-17" import soundfile as sf import os import sys import numpy as np import getopt verbose = False def usage(): usage_str = """ Tadam ! Tool to preprocess audio in real time from folder coming from recorder SD card into time expansion audio splitted in 5s-long chunks to be sent to Vigie-Chiro. Author: Samuel ORTION License: GNU GPL v3 or later Requirements: pysoundfile, numpy Usage: ./tadam.py -i INPUT_FOLDER [ -o OUTPUT_FOLDER ] Available options: -v (--verbose) - Verbose mode -h (--help) - Display usage -i (--input) - Specify input folder -o (--output) - Specify output folder -l (--length) - Specify the max length (in seconds) of output wav -z (--zip) - Specify wether the output folder has to be compressed -p (--prefix) - Specify the prefix that will be added to the output file name -r (--ratio) - Specify samplerate convertion rate Example: tadam.py -v -i raw -o exp -l 5 -z -p "Car910130-2021-Pass1-Z1-AudioMoth_" -r 0.1 """ print(usage_str) def rate(infile, outfile, rate_ratio): data, samplerate = sf.read(infile) new_samplerate = int(samplerate * rate_ratio) try: sf.write(outfile, data, new_samplerate) except: print(f"ERROR while converting sample rate {infile} to {outfile}") def convert_folder(infolder, outfolder, rate_ratio, prefix): try: os.mkdir(outfolder) except: print(f"output folder {outfolder} exists.") infiles = os.listdir(infolder) n = len(infiles) i = 1 for infile in infiles: extension = infile.split(".")[-1] if not extension in ["wav", "WAV"]: continue outfile = prefix + infile.replace('.WAV', '.wav') if verbose: print( f"{str(i).zfill(len(str(n)))}/{n} Processing {infile} → {outfile}...") rate(os.path.join(infolder, infile), os.path.join(outfolder, outfile), rate_ratio) i += 1 def chunk(outfolder, length): for file in os.listdir(outfolder): infile = os.path.join(outfolder, file) extension = infile.split(".")[-1] if not extension in ["wav", "WAV"]: continue try: data, samplerate = sf.read(infile) except: print("ERROR: cannot read file " + infile + " for chunking.") else: if verbose: print(f"\t Splitting {infile} in {length}s-long chunks.") sections = int(np.ceil(len(data) / samplerate / length)) for i in range(sections): if verbose: print( f"\t {str(i).zfill(len(str(sections)))}/{sections} \t {infile}") filename = infile.replace('.wav', f'_{str(i).zfill(3)}.wav') temp = data[i*samplerate*length: i * samplerate*length+samplerate*length] try: sf.write(filename, temp, samplerate) except: print(f"ERROR: cannot write chunk file {filename}.") os.remove(infile) def zip_folder(outfolder): if verbose: print("Compressing .zip archive...") os.system('7z -v700m a output.zip exp') if verbose: print("Archive compressed.") def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:o:vr:l:zp:", [ "help", "input=", "output=", "verbose", "ratio=", "length=", "zip", "prefix="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err) global verbose verbose = False rate_ratio = 0.1 # Default is x10 time expansion infolder = "raw" outfolder = "exp" compress = False prefix = "" chunk_length = -1 for o, a in opts: if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-i", "--input"): infolder = a elif o in ("-o", "--output"): outfolder = a elif o in ("-r", "--ratio"): rate_ratio = float(a) elif o in ("-l", "--length"): chunk_length = int(a) elif o in ("-z", "--zip"): compress = True elif o in ("-p", "--prefix"): prefix = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" convert_folder(infolder, outfolder, rate_ratio, prefix) if chunk_length != -1: chunk(outfolder, chunk_length) if compress: zip_folder(outfolder) if verbose: print("Done.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()