only lacks current real config load

This commit is contained in:
kyoshiro 2007-02-25 22:35:32 +00:00
parent b5f1b68893
commit b056bea223

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
#use serialize;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
my $CFILE = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.bip/bip.conf.autogen';
my $CONFIG = ".config";
my $sfile = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.bip/';
my %cf;
my $debug = 0;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $global_done = 0;
my $cert_done = 0;
my $mode = 'normal';
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ my %optdesc = (
'blreset_on_talk' => { 'type' => 'b', 'adv' => 0,
'optional' => 1,
'default' => 'false', 'depends' => 'backlog', 'depval' => 'true',
'desc' => 'Reset backlog when an attached client sends is talking ?' },
'desc' => 'Reset backlog each time an attached client "talks" ?' },
'network' => {
@ -384,13 +384,20 @@ sub checkDepends {
sub loadConfig {
-e "$CONFIG" || return "There's no saved configuration at the moment";
my $data;
my $fh = new IO::File;
$fh->open($CONFIG) || return "Unable to open $CONFIG";
while ($data .= <$fh>) {};
%cf = unserialize($data) || return "Invalid format in $CONFIG";
return "Config loaded from $CONFIG";
my ($f) = @_;
my ($fh, $data, $hr);
$fh = new IO::File;
$data = '';
$fh->open($f) || return "Unable to open $f";
while (<$fh>) {
$data .= $_;
$hr = unserialize($data) || return "Invalid format in $f";
%cf = %{$hr};
return "Config loaded from $f";
sub resetConfig {
@ -398,10 +405,10 @@ sub resetConfig {
$r eq 'false' && return "Reset config aborted";
%cf = ();
-e "$CONFIG" || return "Configuration cleared";
my $r = askbool("Do you want to delete saved configuration file $CONFIG too ?", 'false');
-e "$sfile" || return "Configuration cleared";
my $r = askbool("Do you want to delete saved configuration file $sfile too ?", 'false');
if ($r eq 'true') {
unlink($CONFIG) || return "Unable to remove file $CONFIG, current config has been cleared";
unlink($sfile) || return "Unable to remove file $sfile, current config has been cleared";
return "Configuration cleared, saved-configuration file removed";
return "Configuration cleared";
@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ sub setOptions {
my $e = $optdesc{'global'}->{$n};
my $r = checkDepends($n, $e);
if ($r) {
print("$r\n") if ($debug);
print("$r\n") if ($DEBUG);
$cf{'global'}->{$n} = undef;
@ -501,7 +508,10 @@ sub writeConfig {
$ts = localtime(time);
$fh = new IO::File;
$fh->open('> ' . $f) || return "Unable to open $f for writing";
if (!$fh->open('> ' . $f)) {
print("Unable to open $f for writing\n");
print $fh "# vim:ft=bip:ts=2\n";
print $fh "# Auto-generated BIP IRC Proxy configuration $ts \n";
print $fh "#\n";
@ -531,9 +541,30 @@ sub writeConfig {
print $fh "\n";
print("Configuration saved in $f\n");
my $u = (exists($cf{'users'}) ? scalar @{$cf{'users'}}
: 0);
my $n = (exists($cf{'networks'}) ? scalar @{$cf{'networks'}}
: 0);
print "You haven't set global options\n" if (!$global_done);
print "$u users defined, $n networks defined\n";
print "The certificate/key pair is in $certout\n"
if ($cert_done eq 1);
print "Configuration has been generated in $CFILE\n";
print "You have to rename all generated files to use them\n";
sub storeConfig {
my ($f) = @_;
my ($fh);
$fh = new IO::File;
$fh->open('> ' . $f) || return "Unable to open $f for writing";
print $fh serialize(\%cf);
return "Configuration stored in $f";
sub printBlock {
my ($prefix, $name, $e, $level) = @_;
my $out = '';
@ -575,7 +606,7 @@ sub addEntry {
my $r = checkDepends($n, $v);
if ($r) {
$e->{$n} = undef;
print("$r\n") if ($debug);
print("$r\n") if ($DEBUG);
if ($v->{'type'} eq 'e') {
@ -1151,17 +1182,20 @@ sub main_menu {
1 => 'Set global options',
2 => 'Add a new network',
3 => 'Add a new user',
4 => 'View/Edit/Unset global options',
3.5 => undef,
4 => 'View global options',
5 => 'View/Edit/Delete networks',
6 => 'View/Edit/Delete users',
7 => 'Generate a server certificate/key pair',
8 => 'Load saved config (todo)',
9 => 'Parse and load current config (todo)',
10 => 'Reset config options',
11 => 'Switch to ' . invMode($mode) . ' mode',
12 => undef,
90 => 'Save and exit',
91 => 'Debug (will be exit)',
8 => 'Switch to ' . invMode($mode) . ' mode',
8.5 => undef,
10 => 'Exit: store, write configuration and exit',
11 => 'Exit without saving',
12 => 'Store configuration for later use',
12.5 => undef,
20 => 'Reset config options',
21 => 'Load stored config',
22 => 'Parse and load current config (todo)',
$mhead = [
"Welcome to bip configuration program.",
@ -1172,26 +1206,9 @@ sub main_menu {
$act = printMenu($mhead, $mopts, $mfoot, $mask);
if ($act eq 8) {
$out = loadConfig();
} elsif ($act eq 10) {
$out = resetConfig();
} elsif ($act eq 4) {
$out = printOptions();
if ($act eq 0) {
} elsif ($act eq 1) {
$out = setOptions();
} elsif ($act eq 6) {
$out = printUsers();
} elsif ($act eq 3) {
$out = addEntry('user');
if ($out) {
push(@{$cf{'users'}}, $out);
$out = "New user added";
} else {
$out = "User add failed";
} elsif ($act eq 5) {
$out = printNetworks();
} elsif ($act eq 2) {
$out = addEntry('network');
if ($out) {
@ -1200,30 +1217,42 @@ sub main_menu {
} else {
$out = "Network add failed";
} elsif ($act eq 3) {
$out = addEntry('user');
if ($out) {
push(@{$cf{'users'}}, $out);
$out = "New user added";
} else {
$out = "User add failed";
} elsif ($act eq 4) {
$out = printOptions();
} elsif ($act eq 5) {
$out = printNetworks();
} elsif ($act eq 6) {
$out = printUsers();
} elsif ($act eq 7) {
$out = makeCert();
} elsif ($act eq 11) {
} elsif ($act eq 8) {
$mode = invMode();
$out = "Ok, configuration mode set to $mode";
} elsif ($act eq 90) {
$out = writeConfig($CFILE);
if (!$out) {
my $u = (exists($cf{'users'}) ? scalar @{$cf{'users'}}
: 0);
my $n = (exists($cf{'networks'}) ? scalar @{$cf{'networks'}}
: 0);
print "You haven't set global options\n" if (!$global_done);
print "$u users defined, $n networks defined\n";
print "The certificate/key pair is in $certout\n"
if ($cert_done eq 1);
print "Configuration has been generated in $CFILE\n";
print "You have to rename all generated files to use them\n";
} elsif ($act eq 91) {
print Dumper(\%cf);
} elsif ($act eq 10) {
print Dumper(\%cf) if ($DEBUG);
$out = storeConfig($sfile);
print ("$out\n") if ($out);
} elsif ($act eq 11) {
print Dumper(\%cf) if ($DEBUG);
} elsif ($act eq 12) {
$out = storeConfig($sfile);
print ("$out\n") if ($out);
# exit(0);
} elsif ($act eq 20) {
$out = resetConfig();
} elsif ($act eq 21) {
$out = loadConfig($sfile);
@ -1235,3 +1264,374 @@ sub invMode {
#sets config backlog
#different user/nick/real ?
# Serialize code, from Scott Hurring's serialize serialize module
# see for more
# TODO maybe use Storable ?
sub serialize {
my ($value) = @_;
return serialize_value($value);
sub serialize_key {
my ($value) = @_;
my $s;
# Serialize this as an integer
if ($value =~ /^\d+$/) {
# Kevin Haidl - PHP can only handle (((2**32)/2) - 1)
# before value must be serialized as a double
if (abs($value) > ((2**32)/2-1)) {
$s = "d:$value;";
else {
$s = "i:$value;";
# Serialize everything else as a string
else {
my $vlen = length($value);
$s = "s:$vlen:\"$value\";";
return $s;
sub serialize_value {
my ($value) = @_;
my $s;
$value = defined($value) ? $value : '';
# This is a hash ref
if ( ref($value) =~ /hash/i) {
#The data in the hashref
my $num = keys(%{$value});
$s .= "a:$num:{";
foreach my $k ( keys(%$value) ) {
$s .= serialize_key( $k );
$s .= serialize_value( $$value{$k} );
$s .= "}";
# This is an array ref
elsif ( ref($value) =~ /array/i) {
#The data in the arrayref
my $num = @{$value};
$s .= "a:$num:{";
for (my $k=0; $k < @$value; $k++ ) {
$s .= serialize_key( $k );
$s .= serialize_value( $$value[$k] );
$s .= "}";
# This is a double
# Thanks to Konrad Stepien <>
# for pointing out correct handling of negative numbers.
elsif ($value =~ /^\-?(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
$s = "d:$value;";
# This is an integer
elsif ($value =~ /^\-?\d+$/) {
# Kevin Haidl - PHP can only handle (((2**32)/2) - 1)
# before value must be serialized as a double
if (abs($value) > ((2**32)/2-1)) {
$s = "d:$value;";
else {
$s = "i:$value;";
# This is a NULL value
# Only values of "\0" will be serialized as NULL
# Empty strings are not NULL, they are simply empty strings.
# @note Differs from v0.7 where string "NULL" was serialized as "N;"
elsif ($value eq "\0") {
$s = "N;";
# Anything else is interpreted as a string
else {
my $vlen = length($value);
$s = "s:$vlen:\"$value\";";
return $s;
sub unserialize {
my ($string) = @_;
return unserialize_value($string);
sub unserialize_value {
my ($value) = @_;
# Thanks to Ron Grabowski [ronnie (at)] for suggesting
# the need for single-value unserialize code
# This is an array
if ($value =~ /^a:(\d+):\{(.*)\}$/) {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing array");
my @chars = split(//, $2);
# Add one extra char at the end so that the loop has one extra
# cycle to hit the 'set' state and set the final value
# Otherwise it'll terminate before setting the last value
push(@chars, ';');
return unserialize_sub({}, $1*2, \@chars);
# This is a single string
elsif ($value =~ /^s:(\d+):(.*);$/) {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing single string ($value)");
#$string =~ /^s:(\d+):/;
return $2;
#return substr($string, length($1) + 4, $1);
# This is a single integer or double value
elsif ($value =~ /^(i|d):(\-?\d+\.?\d+?);$/) {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing integer or double ($value)");
return $2
#substr($string, 2) + 0;
# This is a NULL value
# Thanks to Julian Jares [jjares at]
elsif ($value == /^N;$/i) {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing NULL value ($value)");
return "\0";
# This is a boolean
# Thanks to Charles M Hall (cmhall at hawaii dot edu)
elsif ($value =~/^b:(\d+);$/) {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing boolean value ($value)");
return $1;
# Invalid data
else {
serialize_dbg("Unserializing BAD DATA!\n($value)");
die("Trying to unserialize bad data!");
return '';
sub unserialize_sub {
my ($hashref, $keys, $chars) = @_;
my ($temp, $keyname, $skip, $strlen);
my $mode = 'normal'; #default mode
serialize_dbg("> unserialize: $hashref, $keys, $chars");
# Loop through the data char-by-char, eating them as we go...
while ( defined(my $c = shift @{$chars}) )
serialize_dbg("\twhile [$mode] = $c (skip=$skip)");
# Processing a serialized string
# Format: s:length:"data"
if ($mode eq 'string') {
$skip = 1; #how many chars should 'readstring' skip?
#skip initial quote " at the beginning.
#find out how many chars need to be read
if ($c =~ /\d+/) {
#get the length of string
$strlen = $strlen . $c;
#if we already have a length, and see ':', we know that
#the actual string is coming next (see format above)
if (($strlen =~ /\d+/) && ($c eq ':')) {
serialize_dbg("[string] length = $strlen");
$mode = 'readstring';
# Read $strlen number of characters into $temp
elsif ($mode eq 'readstring') {
next if ($skip && ($skip-- > 0));
$mode = 'set', next if (!$strlen--);
$temp .= $c;
# Process a serialized integer
# Format: i:data
elsif ($mode eq 'integer') {
next if ($c eq ':');
$mode = 'set', next if ($c eq ';');
# Grab the digits
# Thanks to Konrad Stepien <>
# for pointing out correct handling of negative numbers.
if ($c =~ /\-|\d+/) {
if ($c eq '-') {
$temp .= $c unless $temp;
} else {
$temp .= $c;
# Process a serialized double
# Format: d:data
elsif ($mode eq 'double') {
next if ($c eq ':');
$mode = 'set', next if ($c eq ';');
# Grab the digits
# Thanks to Konrad Stepien <>
# for pointing out correct handling of negative numbers.
if ($c =~ /\-|\d+|\./) {
if ($c eq '-') {
$temp .= $c unless $temp;
} else {
$temp .= $c;
# Process a serialized NULL value
# Format: N
# Thanks to Julian Jares [jjares at]
elsif ($mode eq 'null') {
# Set $temp to something perl will recognize as null "\0"
# Don't unserialize as an empty string, becuase PHP
# serializes empty srings as empty strings, not null.
$temp = "\0";
$mode = 'set', next;
# Process an array
# Format: a:num_of_keys:{...}
elsif ($mode eq 'array') {
# Start of array definition, start processing it
if ($c eq '{') {
$temp = unserialize_sub( $$hashref{$keyname}, ($temp*2), $chars );
# If temp is an empty array, change to {}
# Thanks to Charles M Hall (cmhall at hawaii dot edu)
if(!defined($temp) || $temp eq "") {
$temp = {};
$mode = 'set', next;
# Reading in the number of keys in this array
elsif ($c =~ /\d+/) {
$temp = $temp . $c;
serialize_dbg("array_length = $temp ($c)");
# Do something with the $temp variable we read in.
# It's either holding data for a key or a value.
elsif ($mode eq 'set') {
# The keyname has already been set, so that means
# $temp holds the value
if (defined($keyname)) {
serialize_dbg("set [$keyname]=$temp");
$$hashref{$keyname} = $temp;
# blank out keyname
undef $keyname;
# $temp holds a keyname
else {
serialize_dbg("set KEY=$temp");
$keyname = $temp;
undef $temp;
$mode = 'normal'; # dont eat any chars
# Figure out what the upcoming value is and set the state for it.
if ($mode eq 'normal') {
# Blank out temp vars used by previous state.
$strlen = $temp = '';
if (!$keys) {
serialize_dbg("return normally, finished processing keys");
return $hashref;
# Upcoming information is integer
if ($c eq 'i') {
$mode = 'integer';
# Upcoming information is a bool,
# process the same as an integer
if ($c eq 'b') {
$mode = 'integer';
# Upcoming information is a double
if ($c eq 'd') {
$mode = 'double';
# Upcoming information is string
if ($c eq 's') {
$mode = 'string';
# Upcoming information is array/hash
if ($c eq 'a') {
$mode = 'array';
# Upcoming information is a null value
if ($c eq 'N') {
$mode = 'null';
} #while there are chars to process
# You should never hit this point.
# If you do hit this, it means that the code was expecting more
# characters than it was given.
# Perhaps your data was unexpectedly truncated or mutilated?
serialize_dbg("> unserialize_sub ran out of chars when it was expecting more.");
die("unserialize_sub() ran out of characters when it was expecting more.");
return 0;
sub serialize_dbg {
my ($string) = @_;
print $string ."\n";