/* * $Id: util.c,v 1.60 2005/04/12 19:34:35 nohar Exp $ * * This file is part of the bip project * Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Arnaud Cornet * Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2022 Loïc Gomez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "config.h" #include "connection.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int conf_log_level; extern int conf_log_system; extern int errno; extern FILE *conf_global_log_file; void memory_fatal(void) { fflush(conf_global_log_file); #define OOMMSG "Out of memory.\n" fwrite(OOMMSG, (size_t)1, strlen(OOMMSG), conf_global_log_file); #undef OOMMSG fflush(conf_global_log_file); exit(28); } void *bip_malloc(size_t size) { void *r; assert(size < INT_MAX / 4); r = malloc(size); if (!r) memory_fatal(); return r; } void *bip_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void *r = calloc(nmemb, size); if (!r) memory_fatal(); return r; } void *bip_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *r; assert(size < INT_MAX / 4); r = realloc(ptr, size); if (size > 0 && r == NULL) memory_fatal(); return r; } char *bip_strdup(const char *str) { char *r = strdup(str); if (!r) memory_fatal(); return r; } char *bip_strcat_fit(size_t *remaining, char *str, const char *str2) { char *res; if (!remaining || !str || !str2) { mylog(LOG_DEBUGVERB, "bip_strcat_fit: got NULL pointer"); return NULL; } res = memccpy(str, str2, '\0', *remaining); if (!res) { mylog(LOG_DEBUGTOOMUCH, "bip_strcat_fit: memccpy() failed, remaining %lu", *remaining); return NULL; } res--; if (res < str) { mylog(LOG_DEBUG, "bip_strcat_fit: memccpy res < str"); return NULL; } (*remaining) -= (size_t)(res - str); return res; } #define STRCATF_BUF_MAXLEN 1024 char *bip_strcatf_fit(size_t *remaining, char *str, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char str2[STRCATF_BUF_MAXLEN + 1]; int written; char *res = NULL; if (!remaining || !str || !fmt) { mylog(LOG_DEBUGVERB, "bip_strcatf_fit: NULL pointer"); return NULL; } if (*remaining > STRCATF_BUF_MAXLEN) { mylog(LOG_ERROR, "bip_strcatf_fit: remaining " "is over STRCATF_BUF_MAXLEN"); } va_start(ap, fmt); str2[*remaining] = '\0'; written = vsnprintf(str2, *remaining, fmt, ap); if (written < 0) { mylog(LOG_ERROR, "bip_strcatf_fit: vsnprintf failed with: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if ((unsigned)written >= *remaining) { mylog(LOG_DEBUGVERB, "bip_strcatf_fit,vsnprintf: no space left"); goto end; } res = memccpy(str, str2, '\0', *remaining); if (!res) { mylog(LOG_DEBUGTOOMUCH, "bip_strcatf_fit: memccpy() failed, " "remaining %lu", *remaining); goto end; } if (res < str) { mylog(LOG_DEBUG, "bip_strcatf_fit: memccpy res < str"); goto end; } res--; (*remaining) -= (size_t)(res - str); end: va_end(ap); return res; } /* * ::= { | | } * ::= '-' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}' */ int is_valid_nick(char *str) { char *tmp; if (!str || !isalpha(*str)) return 0; tmp = str; while (*tmp != '\0' && (isalnum(*tmp) || *tmp == '-' || *tmp == '[' || *tmp == ']' || *tmp == '\\' || *tmp == '`' || *tmp == '^' || *tmp == '{' || *tmp == '}' || *tmp == '|' || *tmp == '_' )) tmp++; return (*tmp == '\0'); } int is_valid_username(char *str) { char *tmp; if (!str || *str == '\0' || *str == ' ' || *str == '\n' || *str == '\r') return 0; tmp = str; while (*tmp != '\0' && *tmp != ' ' && *tmp != '\0' && *tmp != '\r' && *tmp != '\n') tmp++; return (*tmp == '\0'); } char *timestamp(void) { static char ts[20]; time_t tv; struct tm *tm; time(&tv); tm = localtime(&tv); strftime(ts, (size_t)20, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); return ts; } char *hrtime(time_t s) { static char ts[20]; struct tm *tm; if (s == 0) return "never"; tm = localtime(&s); strftime(ts, (size_t)20, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); return ts; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL char *checkmode2text(int v) { switch (v) { case SSL_CHECK_BASIC: return "basic"; case SSL_CHECK_CA: return "ca"; default: return "none"; } } #endif void _mylog(int level, char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *prefix; if (!conf_log_system) return; if (level > conf_log_level) return; switch (level) { case LOG_FATAL: prefix = "FATAL: "; break; case LOG_DEBUGVERB: prefix = "DEBUGVERB: "; break; case LOG_DEBUG: prefix = "DEBUG: "; break; case LOG_ERROR: prefix = "ERROR: "; break; case LOG_WARN: prefix = "WARNING: "; break; case LOG_INFO: prefix = ""; break; default: prefix = ""; break; } fprintf(conf_global_log_file, "%s %s", timestamp(), prefix); vfprintf(conf_global_log_file, fmt, ap); fprintf(conf_global_log_file, "\n"); #ifdef DEBUG fflush(conf_global_log_file); #endif } void mylog(int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); _mylog(level, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } #ifdef HAVE_BACKTRACE #include void dump_trace(void) { void *array[32]; int size; size = backtrace(array, 32); fflush(conf_global_log_file); backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, fileno(conf_global_log_file)); } #endif extern char *conf_pid_file; void fatal(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); _mylog(LOG_FATAL, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); #ifdef HAVE_BACKTRACE dump_trace(); #endif exit(200); } /* * list handling functions */ int list_ptr_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { if (a == b) return 0; return -1; } void list_init(list_t *l, int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *)) { l->first = NULL; l->last = NULL; l->cmp = cmp; } list_t *list_new(int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *)) { list_t *l; l = bip_malloc(sizeof(list_t)); list_init(l, cmp); return l; } static struct list_item *list_item(void *ptr) { struct list_item *l; l = bip_malloc(sizeof(struct list_item)); l->ptr = ptr; l->next = NULL; l->prev = NULL; return l; } void list_add_first(list_t *list, void *ptr) { struct list_item *li; assert(list); if (!ptr) fatal("Cannot add NULL ptr to list."); li = list_item(ptr); if (!list->first) { list->first = list->last = li; return; } li->next = list->first; list->first = li; li->next->prev = li; } void list_add_first_uniq(list_t *list, void *ptr) { assert(list); assert_msg(ptr, "Cannot add NULL ptr to list."); if (list_get(list, ptr)) return; list_add_first(list, ptr); } void list_add_last(list_t *list, void *ptr) { struct list_item *li; assert(list); assert_msg(ptr, "Cannot add NULL ptr to list."); li = list_item(ptr); if (!list->first) { list->first = list->last = li; return; } li->prev = list->last; list->last = li; li->prev->next = li; } void *list_get_first(list_t *list) { assert(list); if (!list->first) return NULL; return list->first->ptr; } void *list_get_last(list_t *list) { assert(list); if (!list->last) return NULL; return list->last->ptr; } void *list_remove_first(list_t *list) { struct list_item *l; void *ptr; assert(list); ptr = list_get_first(list); if (!ptr) return NULL; l = list->first; list->first = list->first->next; if (list->first == NULL) list->last = NULL; free(l); return ptr; } void *list_remove_last(list_t *list) { struct list_item *l; void *ptr; assert(list); ptr = list_get_last(list); if (!ptr) return NULL; l = list->last; list->last = list->last->prev; if (list->last == NULL) list->first = NULL; free(l); return ptr; } void *list_remove_if_exists(list_t *list, const void *ptr) { list_iterator_t li; int debug = 0; void *ret = 0; assert(list); assert_msg(list->cmp, "list does not have a cmp function"); for (list_it_init(list, &li); list_it_item(&li); list_it_next(&li)) { if (list->cmp(list_it_item(&li), ptr) == 0) { if (debug == 1) fatal("%x appears twice in list\n", ptr); ret = list_it_remove(&li); debug = 1; } } if (debug) return ret; return NULL; } void *list_remove(list_t *list, const void *ptr) { void *ret; if (!(ret = list_remove_if_exists(list, ptr))) fatal("list_remove: item not found"); return ret; } void *list_get(list_t *list, const void *ptr) { struct list_item *it; assert_msg(list->cmp, "list_get: list does not have a cmp function"); for (it = list->first; it; it = it->next) { if (list->cmp(it->ptr, ptr) == 0) return it->ptr; } return NULL; } int list_is_empty(list_t *l) { assert(l); return (l->first ? 0 : 1); } void list_it_init(list_t *list, list_iterator_t *ti) { assert(list && ti); ti->list = list; ti->cur = list->first; ti->next = NULL; } void list_it_init_last(list_t *list, list_iterator_t *ti) { assert(list && ti); ti->list = list; ti->cur = list->last; ti->next = NULL; } void *list_it_remove(list_iterator_t *li) { assert(li); if (!li->cur) return NULL; if (li->cur->prev) li->cur->prev->next = li->cur->next; else li->list->first = li->cur->next; if (li->cur->next) li->cur->next->prev = li->cur->prev; else li->list->last = li->cur->prev; void *ptr = li->cur->ptr; struct list_item *item = li->cur; li->next = li->cur->next; li->cur = NULL; free(item); return ptr; } void list_free(list_t *t) { assert(t); assert(list_is_empty(t)); free(t); } void list_append(list_t *dest, list_t *src) { assert(dest && src); if (src->last == NULL) return; if (dest->first == NULL) { dest->first = src->first; dest->last = src->last; src->first = src->last = NULL; return; } src->first->prev = dest->last; dest->last->next = src->first; dest->last = src->last; src->first = src->last = NULL; } /* * Hash stuff */ struct hash_item { char *key; void *item; }; static int hash_item_nocase_cmp(const struct hash_item *a, const char *b) { return strcasecmp(a->key, b); } static int hash_item_cmp(struct hash_item *a, char *b) { return strcmp(a->key, b); } void hash_init(hash_t *h, int options) { int i; assert(h); memset(h, 0, sizeof(hash_t)); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { switch (options) { case HASH_NOCASE: list_init(&h->lists[i], (int (*)(const void*, const void*)) hash_item_nocase_cmp); break; case HASH_DEFAULT: list_init(&h->lists[i], (int (*)(const void*,const void*)) hash_item_cmp); break; default: fatal("wrong hash option %d", options); } } } void hash_clean(hash_t *h) { int i; struct hash_item *hi; assert(h); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { while ((hi = list_remove_first(&h->lists[i]))) { free(hi->key); free(hi); } } } void hash_free(hash_t *h) { assert(h); hash_clean(h); free(h); } hash_t *hash_new(int options) { hash_t *h; h = bip_malloc(sizeof(hash_t)); hash_init(h, options); return h; } /* Now we have a real hash, but we use only the last byte of it :p */ static unsigned char hash_func(const char *pkey) { char c; unsigned long hash = 5381; /* 5381 & 0xff makes more sense */ // toupper should not return negative values (only char compatible int) while ((c = *pkey++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ (long unsigned)toupper(c); return (unsigned char)hash; } void hash_insert(hash_t *hash, const char *key, void *ptr) { struct hash_item *it; assert(hash && key); if (hash_get(hash, key)) fatal("Element with key %s already in hash %x\n", key, hash); it = bip_malloc(sizeof(struct hash_item)); it->key = bip_strdup(key); it->item = ptr; list_add_first(&hash->lists[hash_func(key)], it); } int hash_includes(hash_t *hash, const char *key) { struct hash_item *hi; list_t *list; assert(hash && key); list = &hash->lists[hash_func(key)]; hi = list_get(list, key); return hi != NULL; } void *hash_get(hash_t *hash, const char *key) { struct hash_item *hi; list_t *list; assert(hash && key); list = &hash->lists[hash_func(key)]; hi = list_get(list, key); if (!hi) return NULL; return hi->item; } void *hash_remove_if_exists(hash_t *hash, const char *key) { assert(hash && key); if (hash_get(hash, key) == NULL) return NULL; return hash_remove(hash, key); } void *hash_remove(hash_t *hash, const char *key) { struct hash_item *it; void *ptr; assert(hash && key); it = (struct hash_item *)list_remove(&hash->lists[hash_func(key)], key); if (!it) return NULL; ptr = it->item; free(it->key); free(it); return ptr; } int hash_is_empty(hash_t *h) { int i; assert(h); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (!list_is_empty(&h->lists[i])) return 0; } return 1; } void hash_it_init(hash_t *h, hash_iterator_t *hi) { assert(h); memset(hi, 0, sizeof(hash_iterator_t)); hi->hash = h; while (hi->list < 256 && list_is_empty(&h->lists[hi->list])) hi->list++; if (hi->list < 256) list_it_init(&h->lists[hi->list], &hi->lit); } void hash_it_next(hash_iterator_t *hi) { assert(hi); list_it_next(&hi->lit); if (!list_it_item(&hi->lit)) { do { hi->list++; if (hi->list == 256) return; } while (list_is_empty(&hi->hash->lists[hi->list])); list_it_init(&hi->hash->lists[hi->list], &hi->lit); } } void *hash_it_item(hash_iterator_t *h) { struct hash_item *hi; assert(h); hi = list_it_item(&h->lit); if (!hi) return NULL; return hi->item; } const char *hash_it_key(hash_iterator_t *h) { struct hash_item *hi; assert(h); hi = list_it_item(&h->lit); if (!hi) return NULL; return hi->key; } void *hash_it_remove(hash_iterator_t *hi) { struct hash_item *hitem; void *ptr; assert(hi); hitem = list_it_remove(&hi->lit); ptr = hitem->item; free(hitem->key); free(hitem); return ptr; } void hash_dump(hash_t *h) { hash_iterator_t it; assert(h); for (hash_it_init(h, &it); hash_it_key(&it) ;hash_it_next(&it)) printf("%s => %p\n", hash_it_key(&it), hash_it_item(&it)); } list_t *hash_keys(hash_t *hash) { hash_iterator_t hi; list_t *ret; assert(hash); ret = list_new(NULL); for (hash_it_init(hash, &hi); hash_it_item(&hi); hash_it_next(&hi)) list_add_last(ret, bip_strdup(hash_it_key(&hi))); return ret; } void hash_rename_key(hash_t *h, const char *oldk, const char *newk) { assert(h && oldk && newk); if (strcmp(oldk, newk) == 0) return; hash_insert(h, newk, hash_remove(h, oldk)); } char *bip_strmaydup(char *s) { if (!s) return s; return bip_strdup(s); } void strucase(char *s) { while (*s) { *s = (char)toupper(*s); // toupper, safe to cast to char s++; } } int ischannel(char p) { return (p == '#' || p == '&' || p == '+' || p == '!'); } void array_init(array_t *a) { memset(a, 0, sizeof(array_t)); } array_t *array_new(void) { array_t *a; a = bip_malloc(sizeof(array_t)); array_init(a); return a; } void array_ensure(array_t *a, int index) { assert(a && index >= 0); if (array_includes(a, index)) return; a->elemv = bip_realloc(a->elemv, sizeof(void *) * (size_t)(index + 1)); // a->elemc should be lower than index + 1 memset(a->elemv + a->elemc, 0, sizeof(void *) * (size_t)(index + 1 - a->elemc)); a->elemc = index + 1; } void *array_drop(array_t *a, int index) { int i; void *ret; assert(a && array_includes(a, index)); ret = a->elemv[index]; for (i = index; i < array_count(a) - 1; i++) a->elemv[i] = a->elemv[i + 1]; a->elemc--; return ret; } array_t *array_extract(array_t *a, int index, int upto) { array_t *ret; int i; assert(a && array_includes(a, index)); if (upto == -1) upto = a->elemc; assert((index == 0 && upto == 0) || array_includes(a, upto - 1)); assert(index <= upto); ret = array_new(); if (index == upto) return ret; /* here we have index < upto */ array_ensure(ret, upto - index - 1); for (i = 0; i < ret->elemc; i++) ret->elemv[i] = a->elemv[i + index]; return ret; } void array_deinit(array_t *a) { assert(a); if (a->elemv) free(a->elemv); array_init(a); } void array_free(array_t *a) { assert(a); if (a->elemv) free(a->elemv); free(a); }