Stephane Bortzmeyer 2fc541c0a7 Initial import
2023-06-08 21:49:35 +02:00

55 lines
1.8 KiB

import qualified Grammar
import qualified Registry.Registry as Registry
import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Text.Regex as Regex
wfTagsFile = "./well-formed-tags.txt"
brokenTagsFile = "./broken-tags.txt"
validTagsFile = "./valid-tags.txt"
invalidTagsFile = "./invalid-tags.txt"
registryfile = "./language-subtag-registry"
languageTag = Grammar.tag
getTag line =
let fields = Regex.splitRegex (Regex.mkRegex " +") line in
fields !! 0
shouldBeWellFormed tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should be well-formed")
(Grammar.testTag tag == True))
shouldBeBroken tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should *not* be well-formed")
(Grammar.testTag tag == False))
shouldBeValid reg tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should be valid")
(Registry.testTag reg tag == True))
shouldBeInvalid reg tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should *not* be valid")
(Registry.testTag reg tag == False))
tagsFromFile filename = do
myContents <- System.IO.readFile filename
let myLines = lines myContents
return (map getTag myLines)
main = do
brokenTags <- tagsFromFile brokenTagsFile
wfTags <- tagsFromFile wfTagsFile
theregistry <- Registry.readRegistry registryfile
invalidTags <- tagsFromFile invalidTagsFile
validTags <- tagsFromFile validTagsFile
let tests = HUnit.TestList (map shouldBeBroken (brokenTags) ++
map shouldBeWellFormed (wfTags) ++
map (shouldBeValid theregistry) (validTags) ++
map (shouldBeInvalid theregistry) (invalidTags))
HUnit.runTestTT tests