#!/usr/bin/env python3 # You can test it with: # curl --request POST --data string=foobar\&what=language http://localhost:4000 import wsgiref.simple_server as server import urllib.parse # PostgreSQL interface import psycopg2 # HTML templates http://www.yattag.org/ from yattag import Doc PORT = 4000 REDIRECTION_URL = "https://www.langtag.net/registries/registry-html" # For # local testing: Firefox apparently does not accept a redirect to a # file. def pack(start_response, status, title, body, headers = []): doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() doc.asis("\n") doc.asis("") with tag("html", ("xml:lang", "en"), lang = "en", xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"): with tag("head"): with tag("title"): text(title) with tag("body"): doc.asis(body.getvalue()) data = doc.getvalue() datae = data.encode() response_headers = [("Content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"), ("Content-Length", str(len(datae)))] if headers != []: for header in headers: response_headers.append(header) start_response(status, response_headers) return [datae] def application(environ, start_response): if environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST": status = "405 Method unavailable" msg = "Unsupported HTTP method \"%s\"\r\n" % environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() with tag("p"): text(msg) return pack(start_response, status, msg, doc) try: body_size = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", 0)) except (ValueError): body_size = 0 body = environ["wsgi.input"].read(body_size) query = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(body.decode()) form = {} headers = [] for q in query: form[q[0]] = q[1] for mandatory in ["string", "what"]: if mandatory not in form: status = "400 Invalid request" msg = "Missing \"%s\" in request\r\n" % mandatory doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() with tag("p"): text(msg) return pack(start_response, status, msg, doc) if form["what"] == "language": sql = "SELECT code,suppressscript,preferredvalue,added,comments FROM Languages WHERE code = %s" term = form["string"].lower() elif form["what"] == "script": sql = "SELECT code,added,comments FROM Scripts WHERE code = %s" term = form["string"].capitalize() else: status = "400 Invalid request" msg = "Unknown search category \"%s\"\r\n" % form["what"] doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() with tag("p"): text(msg) return pack(start_response, status, msg, doc) cursor.execute(sql, (term, )) mytuple = cursor.fetchone() status = "200 OK" doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() title = "Result for %s" % term if mytuple is not None: status = "308 Redirect" url = "%s/%s/%s.html" % (REDIRECTION_URL, form["what"], mytuple[0]) headers.append(("Location", url)) msg = "Redirect to %s\r\n" % (url) with tag("p"): text("Redirect to ") with tag("a", href = url): text(url) text("\r\n") else: if form["what"] == "language": sql = "SELECT Languages.code, Descriptions.description FROM Languages,Descriptions_Languages,Descriptions WHERE Descriptions_Languages.description = Descriptions.id AND Descriptions_Languages.lang = Languages.code AND position(%s in lower(Descriptions.description)) > 0;" elif form["what"] == "script": sql = "SELECT Scripts.code, Descriptions.description FROM Scripts,Descriptions_Scripts,Descriptions WHERE Descriptions_Scripts.description = Descriptions.id AND Descriptions_Scripts.script = Scripts.code AND position(%s in lower(Descriptions.description)) > 0;" cursor.execute(sql, (form["string"], )) found = False with tag("h1"): text("Results for %s" % form["string"]) with tag("p"): with tag("ul"): for tuple in cursor.fetchall(): code = tuple[0] description = tuple[1] with tag("li"): with tag("a", href = "%s/%s/%s.html" % (REDIRECTION_URL, form["what"], code)): text("%s: %s\r\n" % (code, description)) found = True if not found: with tag("li"): text("\"%s\" not found\r\n" % term) return pack(start_response, status, title, doc, headers) if __name__ == "__main__": conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=lsr") cursor = conn.cursor() httpd = server.make_server("", PORT, application) print("Listening on port %s" % PORT) httpd.serve_forever()