#!/usr/bin/env python3 """A simple module to get the RDAP server for a given domain name, IP prefix or object, from the IANA databases specified in RFC 9224/8521. """ # http://python-requests.org/ for easier HTTPS retrieval import requests import datetime import json import os import sys import time import fcntl import pickle import pathlib IANABASES = {"domains": "https://data.iana.org/rdap/dns.json", "v4prefixes": "https://data.iana.org/rdap/ipv4.json", "v6prefixes": "https://data.iana.org/rdap/ipv6.json", "as": "https://data.iana.org/rdap/asn.json", "objects": "https://data.iana.org/rdap/object-tags.json"} CACHE = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.ianardapcaches" MAXAGE = 24 # Hours. Used only if the server no longer gives the information. IANATIMEOUT = 10 # Seconds MAXTESTS = 3 # Maximum attempts to get the database # Don't touch HTTP_DATE_FORMAT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z" # RFC 9111, section 5.2 def parse_cachecontrol(h): result = {} directives = h.split(",") for directive in directives: directive = directive.strip() if "=" in directive: (key, value) = directive.split("=") else: key = directive value = None result[key.lower()] = value return result def parse_expires(h): d = datetime.datetime.strptime(h, HTTP_DATE_FORMAT) return d class IanaRDAPDatabase(): def __init__(self, category="domains", maxage=MAXAGE, cachedir=CACHE, pickleformat=False): """Retrieves the IANA database, if not already cached. maxage is in hours. The cachedir is a directory (it will be created if not already existant). pickleformat is not the default because it is not really faster *and* it introduces security risks if someone can write in the file (see the documentation of the module). """ cache_valid = False if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) self.category = category cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, category) if pickleformat: self.cachefile = cachefile + ".pickle" else: self.cachefile = cachefile + ".json" self.lockname = self.cachefile + ".lock" self.expirationfile = self.cachefile + ".expires" loaded = False tests = 0 errmsg = "No error" while not loaded and tests < MAXTESTS: self.lock() if os.path.exists(self.cachefile) and \ (pathlib.Path(self.expirationfile).exists() and \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.expirationfile)) > \ datetime.datetime.now()): cache = open(self.cachefile, "rb") content = cache.read() cache.close() self.unlock() if pickleformat: try: database = pickle.loads(content) loaded = True self.retrieved = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.cachefile)) cache_valid = True except (pickle.UnpicklingError, EOFError): tests += 1 errmsg = "Invalid pickle content in %s" % self.cachefile # Delete it without mercy os.remove(self.cachefile) continue else: try: database = json.loads(content) loaded = True self.retrieved = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.cachefile)) cache_valid = True except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: tests += 1 errmsg = "Invalid JSON content in %s" % self.cachefile # Delete it without mercy os.remove(self.cachefile) continue else: self.unlock() response = requests.get(IANABASES[category], timeout=IANATIMEOUT) expirationtime = None if "cache-control" in response.headers: directives = parse_cachecontrol(response.headers["cache-control"]) if "max-age" in directives: maxage = int(directives["max-age"]) expirationtime = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=maxage) if not expirationtime: if "expires" in response.headers: expirationtime = parse_expires(response.headers["expires"]) else: expirationtime = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=MAXAGE) self.expirationtime = time.mktime(expirationtime.timetuple()) if response.status_code != 200: time.sleep(2) tests += 1 errmsg = "Invalid HTTPS return code when trying to get %s: %s" % (IANABASE, response.status_code) continue else: loaded = True self.retrieved = datetime.datetime.now() try: content = response.content database = json.loads(content) with open(self.expirationfile, 'w'): os.utime(self.expirationfile, times = (self.expirationtime, self.expirationtime)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: tests += 1 errmsg = "Invalid JSON retrieved from %s" % IANABASE continue if not loaded: raise Exception("Cannot read IANA database: %s" % errmsg) self.description = database["description"] self.publication = database["publication"] self.version = database["version"] self.services = {} if self.category == "domains": for service in database["services"]: for tld in service[0]: if tld.lower() not in self.services: self.services[tld.lower()] =[] for server in service[1]: # server is an URL so case-sensitive. self.services[tld.lower()].append(server) elif self.category == "objects": for service in database["services"]: maintainer = service[0] for registry in service[1]: if registry.upper() not in self.services: self.services[registry.upper()] =[] for server in service[2]: self.services[registry.upper()] for server in service[2]: self.services[registry.upper()].append(server) else: # IP addresses will be complicated, because of the # longest prefix rule. raise Exception("Unsupported category %s" % self.category) if not cache_valid: self.lock() cache = open(self.cachefile, "wb") if pickleformat: cache.write(pickle.dumps(database)) else: cache.write(content) cache.close() self.unlock() def lock(self): self.lockhandle = open(self.lockname, 'w') fcntl.lockf(self.lockhandle, fcntl.LOCK_EX) def unlock(self): fcntl.lockf(self.lockhandle, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.lockhandle.close() def find(self, id): """Get the RDAP server(s), as an array, for a given identifier. None if there is none. TODO port check_expire on that""" if self.category == "domains": domain = id if domain.endswith("."): domain = domain[:-1] labels = domain.lower().split(".") tld = labels[len(labels)-1] if tld in self.services: return self.services[tld] else: return None elif self.category == "objects": try: (handle, registry) = id.rsplit("-", maxsplit=1) except ValueError: raise Exception("Not a valid RFC 8521 identifier: \"%s\"" % id) if registry.upper() in self.services: return self.services[registry.upper()] else: return None else: raise Exception("Unsupported category %s" % self.category) if __name__ == "__main__": rdap = IanaRDAPDatabase(maxage=1) print("Database \"%s\", version %s published on %s, retrieved on %s, %i services" % \ (rdap.description, rdap.version, rdap.publication, rdap.retrieved, len(rdap.services))) for domain in sys.argv[1:]: print("%s -> %s" % (domain, rdap.find(domain)))