<p>We would also like to implement a balance between autonomy and integration in our IT. We are quite proud to make our own email server. We like free software. Also, we adhere to the <ahref="https://contractfortheweb.org/fr/"><strong>Contract for the Web</strong></a>. The way we do it is already what we do.</p>
<p><ahref="https://www.agoodvillage.com/en">agoodvillage.com</a> will allow us to give an alias domain name easier for English speakers to handle. The idea would have been to allow each service - cal. com. file. list. mail. pass. <ahref="https://wiki.agoodvillage.com/en/home">wiki.</a><ahref="https://www.agoodvillage.com/en">www.</a> - to have the same service with an English speaking alias name. </p>
<p><ahref="https://mail.lesgrandsvoisins.com">mail.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> does not use any intermediary. The public mail transport agent (MTA) is our own server with the required accreditations and certificates. We offer web, smartphone and native computer access.</p>
<p><ahref="https://visio.chapril.org/lesgrandsvoisins">visio.chapril.org/lesgrandsvoisins</a> is a videoconference meeting place currently open to all, including individual rooms with identifiers of your choice without limit in time or number of people beyond the server capacity. It is maintained by chapril.org.</p>
<p><ahref="https://wiki.lesgrandsvoisins.com">wiki.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> provides a reference documentation base. For now, comments are disabled. Anyone can create an account and become an editor if needed.</p>
<p><ahref="https://www.lesgrandsvoisins.com/en">www.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> is also administered on our servers with the free and open source <ahref="https://www.apostrophecms.com/">ApostropheCMS </a>technology.</p>
<p><ahref="https://web.lesgrandsvoisins.com/en/">web.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> is a content-management plateform for the Neighbors.</p>
<p><ahref="https//app.lesgrandsvoisins.com">app.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> is a central hub for the different application of Les Grands Voisins, A Good Village. </p>
<p><ahref="https://pass.lesgrandsvoisins.com">pass.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> will manage everyone's passwords in a secure and private way with KeeWeb as web access and a DAV connection to Android, iOS, Linux, Windows and Macs for KeePass.</p>
<p><ahref="https://cal.lesgrandsvoisins.com/radicale">cal.lesgrandsvoisins.com/radicale </a>is an iCal, WebCal server of unique calendar and address book information. The free software used is Radicale.</p>
<h3>(file.) Drive Cloud</h3>
<p><ahref="https://file.lesgrandsvoisins.com/">file.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> file synchronization in the cloud by the free software Seafile.</p>
<h3>(fossil.) Project, Ticket and File Management, Distributed</h3>
<p><ahref="https://fossil.lesgrandsvoisins.com">fossil.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> allows for project, ticket and file management ins a distributed open-source software Fossil-SCM.</p>
<h3>(list.) Mailing Lists</h3>
<p><ahref="https://list.lesgrandsvoisins.com/">list.lesgrandsvoisins.com</a> allows the composition and management of subscriptions is done with the free open source software List Monk on our own server.</p>
<p>A <ahref="https://listmonk.lesgrandsvoisins.com/subscription/form">subscription page is here</a>.</p>
<p>id.lesgrandsvoisins.com will allow each neighbor to have a unique untracked and private account. This would not be completely anonymous, however, because neighbors using this feature are known to the Les Grands Voisins, and therefore citizens with Hydra form ory.sh, opensource software. </p>
<h3>(gafam.us) Alternative names for the same services</h3>
<p><ahref="https://www.gafam.us">gafam.us</a> provides digital services are usually covered by the conglomerate previously known as GAFAM: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft with the domain names [Googlehood.com](https://www.googlehood.com), [Amazage.com](https://www.amazage.com), [Faceagora.com](https://www.faceagora.com), [Appgv.com](https://www.appgv.com) and [Mycraftsoft.com](https://www.mygrandsoft.com).</p>