description: is an answer to Big Tech (G.A.F.A.M.) and can replace parts of G.A.F.A.M. one user at a time in an auto-deterministic manner. is run by in coordination with and under the supervision of We adhere to the [**Contract for the Web**]( The way we do it is already what we do. handles everything public-facing institutional website-related for Villagers including directory of Villagers, tools for website authoring, a search engine, a news portal, and images search, videos, etc. The name is a concatenation of the generic term googol and LesGV and not something else.
[]( provides a central launch bar and menu for different and useful applications. Villagers work with files, emails, contacts, calendar, passwords, etc. This is also where the core accounts may reside. The name is the concatenation of the generic term application and LesGV, and not something else.
Currently, we have Apache Keycloak identity and login-management software behind that needs to be configured. We would need this to be like a destop environment, maybe, or something straight-forward. Main purpos is user-profile management and access to other applications with one-click links. We will start with webmail.
We have yet to implement an e-commerce solution, but the service is to help Villagers with all of their e-commerce work, whatever approach and partners they choose.
I'm not auite sure how to fashon this yet. I, myself, through, have a lot to offer, my I think this might maybe be some kind of user-support hub... IDK. The important things to support with some kind of website activity is individual mastery and creativity, maybe with free software. offers one account for services and communities in multimedia web publishing, e-commerce, social media, applications and computing respectively under the domain names,,,, and Remember "Communities Open to Multitudes" of ".com".
GAFAM is an acronym that refers to Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft: in other words, the giants of the Internet that leave us all small. Here, we would like to propose an alternative.
As much as it's a wink, it's a nice categorization of our different digital services. As all services are under with the supervision and governance of Les Grands Voisins, we are consistent with ourselves and have no interest in sharing our data with the outside world normally. From the user's point of view, the navigation between the domain names is intended to be transparent.
The names don’t have to be perfectly remembered. They only need to be strong strongly plausible. They are alternative domain names for services already provided by