Here is some info (not as fresh in English as in French) about:

So this is a community-editable reference-documentation wiki. Create an account and document away (after I grant you necessary permissions). Commenting is deactivated, but you can ask for it to come back.

See here for what is about. is maintained in French first and foremost and plays catch-up.


## Activities, commons and programming - Activities, commons and programming**](/en/acts) - Programming](/en/acts/agenda) - Projects to do](/en/acts/backlog) - Paris Participatory Budget "Creative Digital"](/en/acts/budgetpartparis) - Popup exhibitions between local merchants and artists](/en/acts/exposup) - Digital services for and by](/en/acts/digital) - Digital projects to be realized](/en/acts/digital/backlog) - Digital production](/en/acts/digital/changelog) - The password management system](/en/acts/digital/pass) - Digital work in progress](/en/acts/digital/changes) - Migration of servers to a new container server](/en/acts/digital/changes/misesencontaineurs) - [Redo the home page of the Wiki](/en/acts/digital/changes/home) - [Connect all sites to](/en/acts/digital/changes/integrateloginsso) - Verify HTTPS with Certbot](/en/acts/digital/changes/verifycertbot) - mail. Mail service - [Forum for questions related to email](/en/acts/digital/mail/faq) - [Introduction for everyone to their email account](/en/acts/digital/mail/intro) ## Organizations, artists, artesans, companies, associations, institutions - Organizations, artists, entrepries, associations, institutions**](/en/orgs) - [ ourselves](/en/orgs/lesgvcom) - The Team](/en/orgs/lesgvcom/team) - What - [Communication](/en/orgs/lesgvcom/what/communication) - La Gazette des Voisins](/en/orgs/lesgvcom/what/gazette) - Next edition of the Neighbors' Gazette](/en/orgs/lesgvcom/what/gazette/gazette9) - Task - Search - Intern - Communication](/en/orgs/lesgvcom/task/seek/intern/communication) - Actors of the social and solidarity economy](/en/orgs/ess) ## Governance - [**Governance**](/en/votes) - The association](/en/votes/association) - The Charter](/en/votes/charter) - Information](/en/votes/information) - The Neighbors' Councils](/en/votes/councils) - [The one of April 21, 2022](/en/votes/councils/2022-04-21) - The Next Council](/en/votes/next-councils) - The Places](/en/votes/places) - Subscribe your structure](/en/votes/subscribe) ## Digital Diagram WWW.APPS.ID.WIKI.MAIL./login/login/en/frWiki.Id.Com.Mail.Forge.Drive.List.Pass.Meet.Web.Blog.Cal.Fossil./admin...Wiki.Id.Com.Forge.Drive./acts (Common Good(s))/orgs (Good Villagers)/votes (Governance) /SOGo/iredadminadmin...web2ldap