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# OmegaT 6.0: a major feature-packed update
*The following provides a complete list of the new features and bug fixes included in the update. It is a valuable resource for users who want to learn more about OmegaT 6.0:* []
The OmegaT Project announces the release of OmegaT 6.0 - the latest version of its free computer-aided translation (CAT) tool designed for professionals. This update introduces a range of new features designed to make the translation process more efficient and effective.
OmegaT 6.0 brings 90 new enhancements and 85 bug fixes compared to the 4.3.3 version.
## Improved User Experience
*The OmegaT Project conducted a survey among its user group to identify which default settings to enable. Based on the results, settings were chosen, enabled, and included in the update.*
OmegaT 6.0 introduces a new user guide that provides comprehensive documentation. This guide makes it easier for users to understand the roles of all functions and get the most out of the tool. OmegaT now opens sub-windows in the main window by default, making it optimized for larger screens. It also offers greater clarity of menu sections and preferences. Additionally, this update introduces new keyboard shortcuts such as switching from the Notepad (new name for the old "Notes" pane) to the editor panel, allowing users to access all the tools powerful features quickly.
OmegaT uses regular expressions (regex) in various areas (search and replacements, custom tags, etc.) and to make them easier to use and understand proposes the \d+ expression set as a default custom tag, (used to match one or more digits) along with a thoroughly rewritten regex chapter.
## Emphasis on Teamwork
Several new features have been added to optimize teamwork and the translation process. One such feature is the ability to easily share project TMs by providing the ability to set the export folder. This allows teams that do not need the advanced team features (full project memory 3-minutes based sharing, translation conflict resolution) to quickly access and reference past translations, leading to more consistent and accurate results.
Additionally, the integration of Git and Subversion (SVN) has been improved, improved, enabling smoother collaboration between team members.
In addition to these features, OmegaT 6.0 also increased sturdiness in team project updates. This enhancement will reduce the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies in the final translation, ultimately improving the overall workflow and productivity of the team.
## Core Modernization
OmegaT 6.0 has modernized its core and integrated file filters originally developed for the EU Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) thus facilitating the work with XLIFF as well as bettering the user experience by organizing and simplifying the use of extensions. The StAX filters feature has been added, replacing the original filters for XLIFF and Microsoft Office OpenXML (which are still present but tagged as “obsolete”).
OmegaT is now developed with Java 11 and users who run OmegaT with a locally installed Java JRE now need Java 11 to run OmegaT.*
Whether you are a new or experienced OmegaT user, these updates are sure to improve your translation experience. For more information about OmegaT, or to download the software, please visit our website: []
The OmegaT Project always welcomes developers, localisers, and users to contribute their experience, knowledge, and insights to the software we release.
Donations are welcome: []
Thank you to everyone who worked on this update over the last 3 years. Your contributions have been invaluable to this project!
*Those of you who cannot use Java 11 can instead install OmegaT 5.8, which is functionally equivalent to OmegaT 6.0. Except for bug fixes, OmegaT 5.8 will no longer be updated.