663 lines
26 KiB
663 lines
26 KiB
var debug_mode = false;
var dict = {}; // Global dictionnary tracking the number of clicks
var tagHdr = "#--- HDR ---#";
function sleep(s){
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, s));
async function main() {
await loadPyodide({ indexURL : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.17.0/full/' });
let pyodideReadyPromise = main();
async function pyterm(id, height) {
await pyodideReadyPromise;
let namespace = pyodide.globals.get("dict")();
// creates the console
// the variable pyconsole is created here.
import sys
import js
from pyodide import console
import __main__
class PyConsole(console._InteractiveConsole):
def __init__(self):
def banner(self):
return f"Welcome to the Pyodide terminal emulator 🐍\\n{super().banner()}"
js.pyconsole = PyConsole()
`, namespace);
let ps1 = '>>> ', ps2 = '... ';
async function lock(){
let resolve;
let ready = term.ready;
term.ready = new Promise(res => resolve = res);
await ready;
return resolve;
async function interpreter(command) { /// reads the commands
let unlock = await lock();
try {
// multiline should be splitted (useful when pasting)
for( const c of command.split('\n') ) {
let run_complete = pyconsole.run_complete; // trying to run the commands
try {
const incomplete = pyconsole.push(c); // wait for completion of a Python command
term.set_prompt(incomplete ? ps2 : ps1); // set the prompt line
let r = await run_complete;
} catch(e){ // the completion of the Python command triggered an error (wrong Python syntax)
if(e.name !== "PythonError"){
throw e;
} finally {
await sleep(10);
let term = $(id).terminal( // creates terminal
interpreter, // how to read the input
greetings: '', // pyconsole.banner(),
prompt: ps1,
completionEscape: false,
height: height, // if not specified, css says 200
completion: function(command, callback) { // autocompletion
window.term = term;
pyconsole.stdout_callback = s => $.terminal.active().echo(s, {newline : false}); // this is thie line to change
pyconsole.stderr_callback = s => {
term.ready = Promise.resolve();
pyodide._module.on_fatal = async (e) => {
term.error("Pyodide has suffered a fatal error. Please report this to the Pyodide maintainers.");
term.error("The cause of the fatal error was:");
term.error("Look in the browser console for more details.");
await term.ready;
await sleep(15);
function removeLines(data, moduleName) {
return data
.filter(sentence => !(sentence.includes("import " + moduleName) || sentence.includes("from " + moduleName)))
async function foreignModulesFromImports(code, moduleDict = {}, id_editor = 0) {
await pyodideReadyPromise;
pyodide.runPython(`from pyodide import find_imports\nimported_modules = find_imports(${JSON.stringify(code)})`)
const importedModules = pyodide.globals.get('imported_modules').toJs();
var executedCode = code
for (var moduleName in moduleDict) {
var moduleFakeName = moduleDict[moduleName];
if (importedModules.includes(moduleName)) {
// number of characters before the first occurrence of the module name, presumably the import clause
var indexModule = executedCode.indexOf(moduleName);
// substring to count the number of newlines
var tempString = executedCode.substring(0, indexModule);
// counting the newlines
var lineNumber = tempString.split('\n').length;
let importLine = executedCode.split('\n')[lineNumber-1]; // getting the import line, now the business starts.
// taking into consideration the various import options
// Idea : change the import turtle of a user into import pyo_js_turtle
// import turtle as tl > import js-turtle as tl
// import turtle > import js-turtle as turtle
// from turtle import * > from js-turtle import *
if (importLine.includes('import ' + moduleName) && !importLine.includes('as')) {
importLine = importLine.replace(moduleName, moduleFakeName + ' as ' + moduleName)
} else {
importLine = importLine.replace(moduleName, moduleFakeName)
if (moduleName.includes('turtle')) showGUI(id_editor);
executedCode = `import micropip\nawait micropip.install("${moduleFakeName}")\n${importLine}\n` + executedCode
if (debug_mode) {console.log(executedCode)}
executedCode = removeLines(executedCode, moduleName)
if (debug_mode) {console.log(executedCode)}
return executedCode
function countParenthesis(string, char = '(') {
if (char == '(') endChar = ')';
if (char == '[') endChar = ']';
var count = 0;
for (let letter of string) {
if (letter == char) count++;
else if (letter == endChar) count--;
return count;
function generateAssertionLog(errLineLog, code){
var codeTable = code.split("\n"); // get assertion test
errLineLog -= 1;
var endErrLineLog = errLineLog;
var countPar = 0;
do { // multilines assertions
countPar += countParenthesis(codeTable[endErrLineLog]);
} while (countPar !== 0)
return `${codeTable.slice(errLineLog, endErrLineLog).join(" ").replace("assert ", "")}`
function generateErrLog(errTypeLog, errLineLog, code, src = 0){
let dictErrType =
{"AssertionError" : "Erreur avec les tests publics",
"SyntaxError" : "Erreur de syntaxe",
"ModuleNotFoundError" : "Erreur de chargement de module",
"IndexError" : "Erreur d'indice",
"KeyError" : "Erreur de clé",
"IndentationError" : "Erreur d'indentation",
"TypeError" : "Erreur de type",
"NameError" : "Erreur de nommage",
"IndentationError" : "Erreur d'indentation",
"ZeroDivisionError" : "Division par zéro",
// Ellipsis is triggered when ... are used
errTypeLog = errTypeLog + (errTypeLog.includes('Ellipsis') ? " (issue with the dots ...)" : "");
for (errType in dictErrType) {
if (errTypeLog.includes(errType)) {
if (errType != "AssertionError") { // All Exceptions but assertions
return ` Python a renvoyé une '${dictErrType[errType]}' à la ligne ${errLineLog}\n ---\n ${errTypeLog}`
} else {
if (errTypeLog !== "AssertionError") { // case : no Assertion description
return ` Python a renvoyé une '${dictErrType[errType]}' à la ligne ${errLineLog}\n ---\n ${errTypeLog}`
} else {
errTypeLog = `${errTypeLog} : test '${generateAssertionLog(errLineLog, code)}' failed`
return ` Python a renvoyé une '${dictErrType[errType]}' à la ligne ${errLineLog + src}\n ---\n ${errTypeLog}`
function generateLog(err, code, src = 0){
err = String(err).split("\n")
let p = -2
var lastLogs = err.slice(p, -1)
// catching relevant Exception logs
while (!lastLogs[0].includes("line")) {
lastLogs = err.slice(p, -1);
var errLineLog = lastLogs[0].split(',');
// catching line number of Exception
let i = 0;
while (!errLineLog[i].includes("line")) {
// When <exec> appears, an extra line is executed on Pyodide side (correct for it with -1)
let shift = errLineLog[0].includes("<exec>") ? -1 : 0;
errLineLog = Number(errLineLog[i].slice(5 + errLineLog[i].indexOf("line"))) + shift + src; // get line number
// catching multiline Exception logs (without line number)
var errTypeLog = lastLogs[1];
p = 2;
while (p < lastLogs.length) {
errTypeLog = errTypeLog + '\n' + " " + lastLogs[p];
return generateErrLog(errTypeLog, errLineLog, code, src)
async function evaluatePythonFromACE(code, id_editor, mode) {
await pyodideReadyPromise;
import sys as __sys__
import io as __io__
__sys__.stdout = __io__.StringIO()
// let ideClasseDiv = document.getElementById("term_"+id_editor).parentElement.parentElement;
// let evalDisabled = (ideClasseDiv.dataset.eval == "False" ? true : false);
// resize terminal to the size of editor on interpreting
if (mode === "v") {
if (debug_mode) {console.log(187, id_editor )}
$.terminal.active().resize($.terminal.active().width(), document.getElementById(id_editor).style.height);
// Strategy : code delimited in 2 blocks
// Block 1 : code
// Block 2 : asserts
let splitCode = code.replace(/#(\s*)Tests/i, "#tests").split("#tests") // normalisation
var mainCode = splitCode[0];
let lineShift = mainCode.split('\n').length
var assertionCode = splitCode[1];
$.terminal.active().echo(">>> Script exécuté : \n------");
if (debug_mode) {console.log(code)}
// foreignModulesFromImports kinda run the code once to detect the imports (that's shit, thanks pyodide)
mainCode = await foreignModulesFromImports(mainCode, {'turtle': "pyo_js_turtle"}, id_editor)
await pyodide.runPythonAsync("from __future__ import annotations\n" + mainCode); // Running the code
var stdout = pyodide.runPython("__sys__.stdout.getvalue()") // Catching and redirecting the output
if (stdout !== "") {$.terminal.active().echo(" " + stdout);}
if (typeof assertionCode !== "undefined") {
await pyodide.runPythonAsync("from __future__ import annotations\n" + assertionCode); // Running the assertions
var stdout = pyodide.runPython("__sys__.stdout.getvalue()") // Catching and redirecting the output
$.terminal.active().echo(" " + stdout + "\n------\n");
console.log('top', err)
// generateLog does the work
$.terminal.active().echo(generateLog(err, code, lineShift - 1) + "\n------\n");
// console.log('bim', err)
// // try
// // {
// // }
// // catch(err)
// // {
// // $.terminal.active().echo(">>> Script exécuté \n------\n" + generateLog(err, code, 0) + "\n------\n");
// // }
async function evaluateHdrFile(id_editor) {
// Used when a Header is defined for long files (SQL, Classes...)
let url_pyfile = $('#content_' + id_editor).text();
if (url_pyfile.includes(tagHdr)) {
splitHdrPyFile = url_pyfile.match(new RegExp(tagHdr + "(.*)" + tagHdr));
if (splitHdrPyFile !== null) {
hdrFile = splitHdrPyFile[1].replace(/bksl-nl/g, "\n").replace(/py-und/g, "_").replace(/py-str/g, "*");
async function silent_interpretACE(id_editor) {
let ideClasseDiv = document.getElementById("term_"+id_editor).parentElement.parentElement;
let evalDisabled = (ideClasseDiv.dataset.eval == "False" ? true : false);
def dummy_eval(src):
print("""L'appel à eval est interdit :""")
print("""eval("instruction") renvoie "instruction".""")
return src
window.console_ready = await pyterm('#term_'+id_editor, 150);
$('#term_'+id_editor).terminal().focus(true); // gives the focus to the corresponding terminal
var editor = ace.edit(id_editor);
let stream = await editor.getSession().getValue();
if (stream.includes("eval(") && evalDisabled) {
stream = stream.replace(/eval\(/g, "dummy_eval(")
return stream
async function interpretACE(id_editor, mode) {
// interpret content of ACE IDE
let interpret_code = silent_interpretACE(id_editor)
let stream = await interpret_code;
calcTermSize(stream, mode)
evaluatePythonFromACE(stream, id_editor, mode);
async function start_term(nom_id) {
// turns an idle terminal into a terminal
document.getElementById(nom_id).className = "terminal terminal_f";
document.getElementById('fake_'+nom_id).className = "hide";
window.console_ready = pyterm('#'+nom_id);
function download_file(id_editor, nom_script) {
var editor = ace.edit(id_editor);
let data = editor.getValue();
let splitDate = new Date().toISOString().split('T')
let date = splitDate[0] + '-' + splitDate[1].split('.')[0].replace(/:/g, "-");
let script2download = 'script_' + date + '.py';
if (nom_script !== '') script2download = nom_script+'.py';
let link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = script2download;
let blob = new Blob(['' + data + ''], {
type: 'text/plain'
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
function calcTermSize(text, mode) {
let nlines = (mode === 'v' ? Math.max(text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length, 6) : Math.max(5,Math.min(10, text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length)))
$.terminal.active().resize($.terminal.active().width(), nlines*30);
return nlines
function executeTest(id_editor, mode) {
executeTestAsync(id_editor, mode)
function getWrapperElement(filetype, id_editor) {
if (document.getElementById(filetype + id_editor) === null) {
let wrapperElement = document.getElementById(id_editor); /* going up the DOM to IDE+buttons */
while (wrapperElement.className !== "ide_classe") {
wrapperElement = wrapperElement.parentNode
return wrapperElement;
function showGUI(id_editor) {
let wrapperElement = getWrapperElement("gui_", id_editor);
var txt = document.createElement("div");
// txt.innerHTML='<details class="check"><summary>Fenêtre graphique</summary>\
// <div class="highlight" id="gui_'+id_editor+'"></div></details>'
txt.innerHTML='<details open class="check"><summary>Fenêtre graphique</summary><div class = "can_wrapper"><div id = "gui_'+id_editor+'"><canvas id = "gui_'+id_editor+'_tracer" width="700" height="400"></canvas><canvas id="gui_'+id_editor+'_pointer" width="700" height="400"></canvas></div></div></details>'
wrapperElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', txt)
function showCorrection(id_editor) {
let wrapperElement = getWrapperElement("gui_", id_editor);
var txt = document.createElement("div");
txt.setAttribute("id", "solution_" + id_editor);
txt.innerHTML='<details class="check" open><summary>Solution</summary>\
<div class="highlight" id="corr_'+id_editor+'"></div></details>'
let url_pyfile = document.getElementById("corr_content_"+id_editor).textContent
console.log('url_pyfile', url_pyfile)
function createACE(id_editor){
let paletteElement = document.querySelector('label[for="__palette_2"]')
if (paletteElement.previousElementSibling.dataset.mdColorMedia === "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)") {
var defineTheme = paletteElement.hidden ? "ace/theme/crimson_editor" : 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night_bright'
} else {
var defineTheme = paletteElement.hidden ? 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night_bright' : "ace/theme/crimson_editor"
var editor = ace.edit(id_editor, {
theme: defineTheme,
mode: "ace/mode/python",
autoScrollEditorIntoView: true,
maxLines: 30,
minLines: 6,
tabSize: 4,
readOnly: true,
printMargin: false // hide ugly margins...
// Decode the backslashes into newlines for ACE editor from admonitions
// (<div> autocloses in an admonition)
editor.getSession().setValue(url_pyfile.replace(/bksl-nl/g, "\n").replace(/py-und/g, "_").replace(/py-str/g, "*"))
wrapperElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', txt)
if (document.getElementById("corr_content_" + id_editor).dataset.strudel == "") {
window.IDE_ready = createACE('corr_'+id_editor) // Creating Ace Editor #id_editor
// revealing the remark from Element
var remElement = document.getElementById("rem_content_" + id_editor)
remElement.style.display = "block";
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
console.log(document.getElementById("solution_" + id_editor).firstChild)
document.getElementById("solution_" + id_editor).firstChild.appendChild(fragment);
async function executeTestAsync(id_editor, mode) {
await pyodideReadyPromise;
let interpret_code = silent_interpretACE("editor_"+id_editor, "")
var code = await interpret_code;
let executed_code = await foreignModulesFromImports(code, {'turtle': "pyo_js_turtle"}, "editor_" + id_editor)
await pyodide.runPythonAsync("from __future__ import annotations\n" + executed_code); // Running the code
// pyodide.runPython("from __future__ import annotations\n"+code); // Running the student code (no output)
let test_code = document.getElementById("test_term_editor_"+id_editor)
.textContent.replace(/bksl-nl/g, "\n").replace(/py-und/g, "_").replace(/py-str/g, "*");
if (test_code.includes("benchmark")) {
import sys as __sys__
import io as __io__
import js
__sys__.stdout = __io__.StringIO()
if 'test_unitaire' not in list(globals()):
from random import choice
def test_unitaire(numerous_benchmark):
global_failed = 0
success_smb = ['🔥','✨','🌠','✅','🥇','🎖']
fail_smb = ['🌩','🙈','🙉','⛑','🌋','💣']
try :
if type(numerous_benchmark[0]) not in [list, tuple]: # just one function has to be evaluated
type_bench = 'multiple'
numerous_benchmark = (numerous_benchmark, )
for benchmark in numerous_benchmark:
failed = 0
print(f">>> Test de la fonction ** {benchmark[0].split('(')[0].upper()} **")
for k, test in enumerate(benchmark, 1):
if eval(test):
print(f'Test {k} réussi : {test} ')
print(f'Test {k} échoué : {test} ')
failed += 1
if not failed :
print(f"Bravo vous avez réussi tous les tests {choice(success_smb)}")
else :
if failed == 1 : msg = f"{failed} test a échoué. "
else : msg = f"{failed} tests ont échoué. "
print(msg + f"Reprenez votre code {choice(fail_smb)}")
global_failed += 1
except :
if numerous_benchmark != []:
print(f"- Fonctions manquantes ou noms de fonctions incorrectes.")
print(f"- Respectez les noms indiqués dans l'énoncé.")
global_failed += 1
print(f"🙇🏻 pas de fichier de test... Si vous êtes sur de vous, continuez à cliquer sur le gendarme.")
global_failed += 1
return global_failed
var output = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(test_code + "\ntest_unitaire(benchmark)"); // Running the code OUTPUT
} else {
var global_failed = 0;
var testCodeTable = test_code.split('\n'); // splits test code into several lines
var testCodeTableMulti = []; // multiple lines code joined into one line
var line = 0;
while (line < testCodeTable.length) {
let countPar = 0;
let countBra = 0;
let contiBool = false;
let lineStart = line;
do { // multilines assertions
countPar += countParenthesis(testCodeTable[line], "(");
countBra += countParenthesis(testCodeTable[line], "[");
contiBool = testCodeTable[line].endsWith("\\")
testCodeTable[line] = testCodeTable[line].replace("\\", "")
} while (countPar !== 0 || countBra !== 0 || contiBool)
testCodeTableMulti.push(testCodeTable.slice(lineStart, line).join(""))
testCodeTableMulti = testCodeTableMulti.map(x => x.replace(/\s\s/g, ""))
var nSecretTests = testCodeTableMulti.filter(x => x.includes("assert") && !x.startsWith("#")).length;
var extVarData = testCodeTableMulti.filter(x => !x.includes("assert") && !x.startsWith("#"));
var nPassedDict = {};
for (let i = 0; i < nSecretTests; i++)
nPassedDict[i] = 0;
var i = 0;
var success = 0;
for (let test of testCodeTableMulti) {
if (test.includes("assert") && !test.startsWith("#")) {nPassedDict[i] = [1, test]; i++;success++;}
catch (err)
nPassedDict[i] = [0, test] ;
console.log("show me who you are", extVarData, nPassedDict)
window.n_passed = nPassedDict;
window.ext_var_data = extVarData;
from js import n_passed, ext_var_data
import random
import sys as __sys__
import io as __io__
__sys__.stdout = __io__.StringIO()
success_smb = ['🔥','✨','🌠','✅','🥇','🎖']
n_passed_dict = n_passed.to_py()
ext_var_data = ext_var_data.to_py()
n_passed = list(map(lambda x: x[0],n_passed_dict.values())).count(1)
if n_passed == len(n_passed_dict):
print(f""">>> Bravo {random.choice(success_smb)} : vous avez réussi tous les tests. \n === Penser à lire le corrigé et les commentaires ===""")
else :
print(f""">>> Vérification : pour {len(n_passed_dict)} tests, il y a {n_passed} réussite{"s" if n_passed > 1 else ""} \n------""")
def extract_log(dico):
for key, value in n_passed_dict.items():
if value[0] == 0:
return key, value[1]
return None
def extract_external_var(log, var_list):
T = []
for definition in var_list:
var_name = "".join(definition.split("=")[0].split())
if var_name in log and var_name != "":
return "\\n".join(T)
key, log = extract_log(n_passed_dict)
if (ext_var := extract_external_var(log, ext_var_data)) != "":
print(f"""Échec du test n°{key} : \n\n{extract_external_var(log, ext_var_data)} \n\n{log}""")
print(f"""Échec du test n°{key} : \n\n{log}""")
print(f"""------""", end="")
if (nSecretTests == success) {
var output = 0;
var stdout = pyodide.runPython("import sys as __sys__\n__sys__.stdout.getvalue()") // Catching and redirecting the output
let elementCounter = document.getElementById("test_term_editor_"+id_editor)
let parentCounter = elementCounter.parentElement.dataset.max;
const nAttempts = parentCounter;
while (elementCounter.className !== "compteur") {
elementCounter = elementCounter.nextElementSibling
if (output === 0) {
dict[id_editor] = nAttempts
} else {
dict[id_editor] = 1 + (id_editor in dict ? dict[id_editor] : 0)
if (nAttempts !== '\u221e') { // INFTY symbol
elementCounter.textContent = Math.max(0, nAttempts-dict[id_editor]) + "/" + parentCounter
} else {
elementCounter.textContent = parentCounter + "/" + parentCounter
if (dict[id_editor] == nAttempts && !document.getElementById('solution_editor_'+id_editor)) {
let correctionExists = $('#corr_content_editor_'+id_editor).text() // Extracting url from the div before Ace layer
if (correctionExists !== "" || document.getElementById("corr_content_editor_" + id_editor).dataset.strudel != "") {
nlines = calcTermSize(stdout, mode)
let editor = ace.edit("editor_"+id_editor);
let stream = await editor.getSession().getValue();
if(editor.session.getLength() <= nlines && mode === 'v') {
nslash = editor.session.getLength()- nlines + 3; // +3 takes into account shift and newlines
for (var i = 0; i < nslash; i++) {
stream += "\n"
editor.session.setValue(stream); // set value and reset undo history
} catch(err) { // Python not correct.
err = err.toString().split("\n").slice(-7).join("\n");
nlines = calcTermSize(err, mode);
$.terminal.active().echo(">>> Script exécuté : \n------\n" + generateLog(err, code, 0) + "\n------\n");
// $.terminal.active().echo(">>> Erreur de syntaxe !\n"+err)//.split("\n").slice(~~(nlines/2)).join("\n")); // Would be nice to display only the last lines