var tagHdr = "#--- HDR ---#"; function createTheme() { // dark? XOR hidden? -> crimson let palElt = document.querySelector('label[for="__palette_2"]'); let palStyle = palElt.previousElementSibling.dataset.mdColorMedia; return "ace/theme/" + (palStyle === "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" == palElt.hidden ? "crimson_editor" : 'tomorrow_night_bright'); }; $('[id^=editor_]').each(function() { let number ='_').pop(); let url_pyfile = $('#content_' // Extracting url from the div before Ace layer if (url_pyfile.includes(tagHdr)) { // test if a header code is present splitHdrPyFile = url_pyfile.match(new RegExp(tagHdr + "(.*)" + tagHdr + "(.*)")); if (splitHdrPyFile === null) { pyFile = `Missing ${tagHdr} tag. Please check !\n\n` + url_pyfile } else { hdrFile = splitHdrPyFile[1]; pyFile = splitHdrPyFile[2]; newline = 'bksl-nl'; while(pyFile.startsWith(newline)) { pyFile = pyFile.substring(newline.length); } } } else { pyFile = url_pyfile; } let idEditor = "editor_" + number function createACE(idEditor){ ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); var editor = ace.edit(idEditor, { theme: createTheme(), mode: "ace/mode/python", autoScrollEditorIntoView: true, maxLines: 30, minLines: 6, tabSize: 4, printMargin: false // hide ugly margins... }); editor.setOptions({ // enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true, enableLiveAutocompletion: false, }); editor.getSession().setValue(pyFile.replace(/bksl-nl/g, "\n").replace(/py-und/g, "_").replace(/py-str/g, "*")) } window.IDE_ready = createACE(idEditor) // Creating Ace Editor #idEditor var nChange = 0; let editor = ace.edit(idEditor); editor.getSession().on('change', function() { nChange += 1; if (nChange % 25 == 0) localStorage.setItem("editor_" + idEditor, editor.getSession().getValue()) }); let storedCode = localStorage.getItem(idEditor); if (storedCode !== null) ace.edit(idEditor).getSession().setValue(storedCode) // Create 6 empty lines if (url_pyfile === '') ace.edit(idEditor).getSession().setValue('\n'.repeat(6)); // A correction Element always exists (can be void) prevNode = document.getElementById("corr_content_" + idEditor) var key = prevNode.dataset.strudel var workingNode = prevNode var remNode = document.createElement("div"); if (prevNode.parentNode.tagName === 'P') { // REM file on top level // console.log('51',idEditor,workingNode, workingNode.parentNode.innerHTML.includes('A')) workingNode = prevNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling //'A' // if (workingNode.nex) if (workingNode.innerHTML.includes('A') && workingNode.nextElementSibling.innerHTML.includes('Z')) { remNode.innerHTML = 'Pas de remarque particulière.'; workingNode.nextElementSibling.remove() workingNode.remove() } else { workingNode.remove() workingNode = prevNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling var tableElements = []; while (!workingNode.innerHTML.includes('Z')) { tableElements.push(workingNode) workingNode = workingNode.nextElementSibling; } workingNode.remove() for (let i = 0; i < tableElements.length; i++) remNode.append(tableElements[i]) } } else { // Search for the rem DIV. workingNode = workingNode.nextElementSibling // console.log(prevNode, workingNode) // If workingNode is a
(admonition), we continue // else, we are outside an admonition if (workingNode !== null) workingNode = workingNode.nextElementSibling // No remark file. Creates standard sentence. if (workingNode === null) remNode.innerHTML = 'Pas de remarque particulière.'; else { var tableElements = []; while (workingNode !== null) { tableElements.push(workingNode); workingNode = workingNode.nextElementSibling; } for (let i = 0; i < tableElements.length; i++) remNode.append(tableElements[i]) }} if (key != "") /* another possible condition is this : !remNode.innerHTML.includes('