#!/bin/sh . ./_commands/_extract.sh dir=$1 file=$2 page=${file%.choice} values=$(extract "$dir" "$page.md" ac_choices) choose() { dir=$1 file=$2 target=$3 user=${dir#*/users/} user=${user%%/*} target=${target#*(} target=${target%)*} target=${target#/pages} echo "Choice => $target for user $user" mkdir -p "../content/users/$user${target%/*}/" cp "../content/pages$target.md" "../content/users/$user${target%/*}/" # Delete former result files rm "$dir"/*.result # Generate a result file echo "$target" > "$dir/$page.result" ./_commands/default_actions.sh "$dir" "${target##*/}.md" ./_commands/count.sh "$dir" "${target##*/}" "${page}" } index=0 target=$(cat "$dir/$file") for value in $values do if [ $index = "${target#ac_choice=}" ] then choose "$dir" "$file" "$value" break fi index=$((index+1)) done if [ -z "${dir##*/content/users/*}" ] then # Remove the originating file rm "$dir/$page.md" # And destination directory rm -rf "${dir%/content/*}/public/${dir#*/content/}/$page/" fi