
66 lines
2.4 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
{{ with .Site.GetPage (path.Join "groups" .Params.groups) }}
<span class="group absolute top-1 right-1">
{{ $featured_image := partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html" . }}
{{ if $featured_image }}
<a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">
<img src="{{ $featured_image }}" class="grow mw3 mw4-l" alt="{{ .Title }}">
{{ else }}
<a class="hero-pill bg-black" href="{{.RelPermalink}}">
{{- .Title -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<section class="pa3 pa4-ns nested-copy-line-height
{{ if (le (.RelPermalink | strings.Count "/") 3) }}with-breadcrumb{{ end }}">
<aside id="actions" class="w-30-l mt4-l fr tc">
{{ if .Parent.IsHome }}
<button id="create"
class="br-pill f6 link dim pa3 mb2 dib white bg-dark-gray pointer">
{{ T (print .Section ".create") }}
{{ else if .Parent.Parent.IsHome }}
<label class="br-pill f6 link dim pa3 mb2 dib white bg-dark-gray pointer" for="cover">
{{ T (print .Section ".cover") }}
<input class="dn" id="cover" name="cover" type="file" data-section="{{ .Section }}"/>
<button id="delete"
class="br-pill f6 link dim pa3 mb2 dib white bg-dark-gray pointer"
data-confirm="{{ T (print .Section ".delete") }}?">
{{ T (print .Section ".delete") }}
<a href="mailto:?subject=invitation&body={{.Content | plainify}}"
class="br-pill f6 link dim pa3 mb2 dib white bg-dark-gray"
{{ T (print .Section ".send") }}
<span id="barcode" />
{{ end }}
{{ with .Content }}
<section id="content"
class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 tc-l center measure-wide lh-copy {{ $.Param "text_color" | default "mid-gray" }}">
{{- . -}}
{{ end }}
<section class="flex no-text">
{{ range .Pages }}
<span class="w-third h8">
{{ .Render "summary-with-image" }}
{{ end }}
{{- template "_internal/pagination.html" . -}}
{{ end }}