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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-14 Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck Open Source Consulting.
# Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling.
# Web: Email:
# All rights reserved
# ****************************************************************************
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ****************************************************************************
from __future__ import absolute_import
import time
import re
try :
from xml.etree.ElementTree import dump, SubElement, Element, tostring
except ImportError :
from elementtree.ElementTree import dump, SubElement, Element, tostring
from copy import deepcopy
from ooopy.OOoPy import OOoPy, autosuper
from ooopy.Transformer import files, split_tag, OOo_Tag, Transform
from ooopy.Transformer import mimetypes, namespace_by_name
from ooopy.Version import VERSION
# counts in meta.xml
meta_counts = \
( 'character-count', 'image-count', 'object-count', 'page-count'
, 'paragraph-count', 'table-count', 'word-count'
class Access_Attribute (autosuper) :
""" For performance reasons we do not specify a separate transform
for each attribute-read or -change operation. Instead we define
all the attribute accesses we want to perform as objects that
follow the attribute access api and apply them all using an
Attribute_Access in one go.
def __init__ (self, key = None, prefix = None, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (key = key, prefix = prefix, **kw)
self.key = key
if key :
if not prefix :
prefix = self.__class__.__name__
self.key = ':'.join ((prefix, key))
# end def __init__
def register (self, transformer) :
self.transformer = transformer
# end def register
def use_value (self, oldval = None) :
""" Can change the given value by returning the new value. If
returning None or oldval the attribute stays unchanged.
raise NotImplementedError, "use_value must be defined in derived class"
# end def use_value
# end class Access_Attribute
class Get_Attribute (Access_Attribute) :
""" An example of not changing an attribute but only storing the
value in the transformer
def __init__ (self, tag, attr, key, transform = None, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (key = key, **kw)
self.tag = tag
self.attribute = attr
self.transform = transform
# end def __init__
def use_value (self, oldval = None) :
self.transformer [self.key] = oldval
return None
# end def use_value
# end def Get_Attribute
class Get_Max (Access_Attribute) :
""" Get the maximum value of an attribute """
def __init__ (self, tag, attr, key, transform = None, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (key = key, **kw)
self.tag = tag
self.attribute = attr
self.transform = transform
# end def __init__
def register (self, transformer) :
self.__super.register (transformer)
self.transformer [self.key] = -1
# end def register
def use_value (self, oldval = None) :
if self.transformer [self.key] < oldval :
self.transformer [self.key] = oldval
return None
# end def use_value
# end def Get_Max
class Renumber (Access_Attribute) :
""" Specifies a renumbering transform. OOo has a 'name' attribute
for several different tags, e.g., tables, frames, sections etc.
These names must be unique in the whole document. OOo itself
solves this by appending a unique number to a basename for each
element, e.g., sections are named 'Section1', 'Section2', ...
Renumber transforms can be applied to correct the numbering
after operations that destroy the unique numbering, e.g., after
a mailmerge where the same document is repeatedly appended.
The force parameter specifies if the new renumbered name should
be inserted even if the attribute in question does not exist.
def __init__ \
(self, tag, name = None, attr = None, start = 1, force = False) :
self.__super.__init__ ()
tag_ns, tag_name = split_tag (tag)
self.tag_ns = tag_ns
self.tag = tag = name or tag_name [0].upper () + tag_name [1:]
self.num = start
self.force = force
self.attribute = attr
# end def __init__
def register (self, transformer) :
self.__super.register (transformer)
if not self.attribute :
self.attribute = OOo_Tag (self.tag_ns, 'name', transformer.mimetype)
# end def register
def use_value (self, oldval = None) :
if oldval is None and not self.force :
name = "%s%d" % (, self.num)
self.num += 1
return name
# end def use_value
# end class Renumber
class Set_Attribute (Access_Attribute) :
Similar to the renumbering transform in that we are assigning
new values to some attributes. But in this case we give keys
into the Transformer dict to replace some tag attributes.
def __init__ \
( self
, tag
, attr
, key = None
, transform = None
, value = None
, oldvalue = None
, ** kw
) :
self.__super.__init__ (key = key, ** kw)
self.tag = tag
self.attribute = attr
self.transform = transform
self.value = value
self.oldvalue = oldvalue
# end def __init__
def use_value (self, oldval) :
if oldval is None :
return None
if self.oldvalue and oldval != self.oldvalue :
return None
if self.key and self.transformer.has_key (self.key) :
return str (self.transformer [self.key])
return self.value
# end def use_value
# end class Set_Attribute
def set_attributes_from_dict (tag, attr, d) :
""" Convenience function: iterate over a dict and return a list of
Set_Attribute objects specifying replacement of attributes in
the dictionary
return [Set_Attribute (tag, attr, oldvalue = k, value = v)
for k,v in d.iteritems ()
# end def set_attributes_from_dict
class Reanchor (Access_Attribute) :
Similar to the renumbering transform in that we are assigning
new values to some attributes. But in this case we want to
relocate objects that are anchored to a page.
def __init__ (self, offset, tag, attr = None) :
self.__super.__init__ ()
self.offset = int (offset)
self.tag = tag
self.attribute = attr
# end def __init__
def register (self, transformer) :
self.__super.register (transformer)
if not self.attribute :
self.attribute = \
OOo_Tag ('text', 'anchor-page-number', transformer.mimetype)
# end def register
def use_value (self, oldval) :
if oldval is None :
return oldval
return "%d" % (int (oldval) + self.offset)
# end def use_value
# end class Reanchor
# general transforms applicable to several .xml files
class Attribute_Access (Transform) :
Read or Change attributes in an OOo document.
Can be used for renumbering, moving anchored objects, etc.
Expects a list of attribute changer objects that follow the
attribute changer API. This API is very simple:
- Member function "use_value" returns the new value of an
attribute, or if unchanged the old value
- The attribute "tag" gives the tag for an element we are
- The attribute "attribute" gives the name of the attribute we
want to read or change.
For examples of the attribute changer API, see Renumber and
Reanchor above.
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 110
def __init__ (self, attrchangers, filename = None, ** kw) :
self.filename = filename or self.filename
self.attrchangers = {}
# allow several changers for a single tag
self.attrchangers [None] = []
self.changers = attrchangers
self.__super.__init__ (** kw)
# end def __init__
def register (self, transformer) :
""" Register transformer with all attrchangers. """
self.__super.register (transformer)
for r in self.changers :
if r.tag not in self.attrchangers :
self.attrchangers [r.tag] = []
self.attrchangers [r.tag].append (r)
r.register (transformer)
# end def register
def apply (self, root) :
""" Search for all tags for which we renumber and replace name """
for n in [root] + root.findall ('.//*') :
changers = \
self.attrchangers [None] + self.attrchangers.get (n.tag, [])
for r in changers :
nval = r.use_value (n.get (r.attribute))
if nval is not None :
n.set (r.attribute, nval)
# end def apply
# end class Attribute_Access
# META-INF/manifest.xml transforms
class Manifest_Append (Transform) :
The Transformer stores a list of files (and contents) to append.
These files are added to the archive later but need to be
present in the manifest, too.
The file list in the Transformer currently doesn't store a media
type (which is one of the parameters in the manifest), the
current application of this transform is to add pictures --
these don't have a media type in the files that were checked.
So for now we add an empty media type.
filename = 'META-INF/manifest.xml'
prio = 1000
def apply (self, root) :
for n, node in enumerate (root) :
assert node.tag == self.oootag ('manifest', 'file-entry')
path = node.get (self.oootag ('manifest', 'full-path'))
assert (path)
if path == '/' :
else :
assert (not "The manifest needs a '/' entry")
for f, _ in self.transformer.appendfiles :
e = Element (self.oootag ('manifest', 'file-entry'))
e.attrib [self.oootag ('manifest', 'full-path')] = f
e.attrib [self.oootag ('manifest', 'media-type')] = ''
root.insert (n + 1, e)
n += 1
# end def apply
# end class Manifest_Append
# meta.xml transforms
class Editinfo (Transform) :
This is an example of modifying OOo meta info (edit information,
author, etc). We set some of the items (program that generated
the OOo file, modification time, number of edit cyles and overall
edit duration). It's easy to subclass this transform and replace
the "replace" variable (pun intended) in the derived class.
filename = 'meta.xml'
prio = 20
repl = \
{ ('meta', 'generator') : 'OOoPy field replacement'
, ('dc', 'date') : time.strftime ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
, ('meta', 'editing-cycles') : '0'
, ('meta', 'editing-duration') : 'PT0M0S'
replace = {}
# iterate over all mimetypes, so this works for all known mimetypes
# of OOo documents.
for m in mimetypes :
for params, value in repl.iteritems () :
replace [OOo_Tag (mimetype = m, *params)] = value
def apply (self, root) :
for node in root.findall (self.oootag ('office', 'meta') + '/*') :
if self.replace.has_key (node.tag) :
node.text = self.replace [node.tag]
# end def apply
# end class Editinfo
# settings.xml transforms
class Autoupdate (Transform) :
This is an example of modifying OOo settings. We set some of the
AutoUpdate configuration items in OOo to true. We also specify
that links should be updated when reading.
This was originally intended to make OOo correctly display fields
if they were changed with the Field_Replace below
(similar to pressing F9 after loading the generated document in
OOo). In particular I usually make spaces depend on field
contents so that I don't have spurious spaces if a field is
empty. Now it would be nice if OOo displayed the spaces correctly
after loading a document (It does update the fields before
printing, so this is only a cosmetic problem :-). This apparently
does not work. If anybody knows how to achieve this, please let
me know:
filename = 'settings.xml'
prio = 20
def apply (self, root) :
config = None
for config in root.findall \
( self.oootag ('office', 'settings')
+ '/'
+ self.oootag ('config', 'config-item-set')
) :
name = config.get (self.oootag ('config', 'name'))
if name == 'configuration-settings' :
for node in config.findall (self.oootag ('config', 'config-item')) :
name = node.get (self.oootag ('config', 'name'))
if name == 'LinkUpdateMode' : # update when reading
node.text = '2'
# update fields when reading
if name == 'FieldAutoUpdate' or name == 'ChartAutoUpdate' :
node.text = 'true'
# end def apply
# end class Autoupdate
# content.xml transforms
class Field_Replace (Transform) :
Takes a dict of replacement key-value pairs. The key is the name
of a variable in OOo. Additional replacement key-value pairs may
be specified in ** kw. Alternatively a callback mechanism for
variable name lookups is provided. The callback function is
given the name of a variable in OOo and is expected to return
the replacement value or None if the variable value should not
be replaced.
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 100
def __init__ (self, prio = None, replace = None, ** kw) :
""" replace is something behaving like a dict or something
callable for name lookups
self.__super.__init__ (prio, ** kw)
self.replace = replace or {}
self.dict = kw
# end def __init__
def apply (self, root) :
tbody = self.find_tbody (root)
for tag in 'variable-set', 'variable-get', 'variable-input' :
for node in tbody.findall ('.//' + self.oootag ('text', tag)) :
attr = 'name'
if tag == 'text-input' :
attr = 'description'
name = node.get (self.oootag ('text', attr))
if callable (self.replace) :
replace = self.replace (name)
if replace :
node.text = replace
elif name in self.replace :
node.text = self.replace [name]
elif name in self.dict :
node.text = self.dict [name]
# end def apply
# end class Field_Replace
class Addpagebreak_Style (Transform) :
This transformation adds a new ad-hoc paragraph style to the
content part of the OOo document. This is needed to be able to
add new page breaks to an OOo document. Adding a new page break
is then a matter of adding an empty paragraph with the given page
break style.
We first look through all defined paragraph styles for
determining a new paragraph style number. Convention is P<num>
for paragraph styles. We search the highest number and use this
incremented by one for the new style to insert. Then we insert
the new style and store the resulting style name in the
transformer under the key class_name:stylename where class_name
is our own class name.
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 30
para = re.compile (r'P([0-9]+)')
def apply (self, root) :
max_style = 0
styles = root.find (self.oootag ('office', 'automatic-styles'))
for s in styles.findall ('./' + self.oootag ('style', 'style')) :
m = self.para.match (s.get (self.oootag ('style', 'name'), ''))
if m :
num = int ( (1))
if num > max_style :
max_style = num
stylename = 'P%d' % (max_style + 1)
new = SubElement \
( styles
, self.oootag ('style', 'style')
, { self.oootag ('style', 'name') : stylename
, self.oootag ('style', 'family') : 'paragraph'
, self.oootag ('style', 'parent-style-name') : 'Standard'
SubElement \
( new
, self.properties_tag
, { self.oootag ('fo', 'break-after') : 'page' }
self.set ('stylename', stylename)
# end def apply
# end class Addpagebreak_Style
class Addpagebreak (Transform) :
This transformation adds a page break to the last page of the OOo
text. This is needed, e.g., when doing mail-merge: We append a
page break to the tbody and then append the next page. This
transform needs the name of the paragraph style specifying the
page break style. Default is to use
'Addpagebreak_Style:stylename' as the key for
retrieving the page style. Alternatively the page style or the
page style key can be specified in the constructor.
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 50
def __init__ (self, stylename = None, stylekey = None, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (** kw)
self.stylename = stylename
self.stylekey = stylekey or 'Addpagebreak_Style:stylename'
# end def __init__
def apply (self, root) :
"""append to tbody e.g., <text:p text:style-name="P4"/>"""
tbody = self.find_tbody (root)
stylename = self.stylename or self.transformer [self.stylekey]
SubElement \
( tbody
, self.oootag ('text', 'p')
, { self.oootag ('text', 'style-name') : stylename }
# end def apply
# end class Addpagebreak
class Fix_OOo_Tag (Transform) :
OOo writer conditions are attributes where the *value* is
prefixed by an XML namespace. If the ooow namespace declaration
is not in scope, all conditions will evaluate to false. I
consider this a bug (a violation of the ideas of XML) of OOo.
Nevertheless to make conditions work, we insert the ooow
namespace declaration into the top-level element.
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 10000
def apply (self, root) :
if self.mimetype == mimetypes [1] :
root.set ('xmlns:ooow', namespace_by_name [self.mimetype]['ooow'])
# end def apply
# end class Fix_OOo_Tag
class _Body_Concat (Transform) :
""" Various methods for modifying the tbody split into various pieces
that have to keep sequence in order to not confuse OOo.
ooo_sections = {}
for m in mimetypes :
ooo_sections [m] = \
[ { OOo_Tag ('text', 'variable-decls', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('text', 'sequence-decls', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('text', 'user-field-decls', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('office', 'forms', m) : 1
, { OOo_Tag ('draw', 'frame', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('draw', 'rect', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('draw', 'text-box', m) : 1
def _textbody (self) :
We use the office:body (OOo 1.X)/office:text (OOo 1.X)
element as a container for various transforms...
return Element (self.textbody_tag)
# end def _textbody
def _divide (self, textbody) :
""" Divide self.copy into parts that must keep their sequence.
We use another textbody tag for storing the parts...
Side-effect of setting self.copyparts is intended.
self.copyparts = self._textbody ()
self.copyparts.append (self._textbody ())
l = len (self.ooo_sections [self.mimetype])
idx = 0
for e in textbody :
while idx < l :
if e.tag in self.ooo_sections [self.mimetype][idx] :
else :
self.copyparts.append (self._textbody ())
idx += 1
self.copyparts [-1].append (e)
declarations = self.copyparts [0]
del self.copyparts [0]
return declarations
# end def _divide
def divide_body (self, root) :
cont = root
if cont.tag != self.oootag ('office', 'document-content') :
cont = root.find (self.oootag ('office', 'document-content'))
tbody = cont.find (self.oootag ('office', 'body'))
# OOo 2.X has an office:text inside office:body that contains
# the real text contents:
if self.mimetype == mimetypes [1] :
cont = tbody
tbody = cont.find (self.oootag ('office', 'text'))
idx = cont [:].index (tbody)
self.tbody = cont [idx] = self._textbody ()
self.declarations = self._divide (tbody)
self.bodyparts = self.copyparts
# end def divide_body
def append_declarations (self) :
for e in self.declarations :
self.tbody.append (e)
# end def append_declarations
def append_to_body (self, cp) :
for i in range (len (self.bodyparts)) :
for j in cp [i] :
self.bodyparts [i].append (j)
# end def append_to_body
def assemble_body (self) :
for p in self.bodyparts :
for e in p :
self.tbody.append (e)
# end def assemble_body
def _get_meta (self, var, classname = 'Get_Attribute', prefix = "") :
""" get page- and paragraph-count etc. meta-info """
return int (self.transformer [':'.join ((classname, prefix + var))])
# end def _get_meta
def _set_meta (self, var, value, classname = 'Set_Attribute', prefix = "") :
""" set page- and paragraph-count etc. meta-info """
self.transformer [':'.join ((classname, prefix + var))] = str (value)
# end def _set_meta
# end class _Body_Concat
class Mailmerge (_Body_Concat) :
This transformation is used to create a mailmerge document using
the current document as the template. In the constructor we get
an iterator that provides a data set for each item in the
iteration. Elements the iterator has to provide are either
something that follows the Mapping Type interface (it looks like
a dict) or something that is callable and can be used for
name-value lookups.
A precondition for this transform is the application of the
Addpagebreak_Style to guarantee that we know the style
for adding a page break to the current document. Alternatively
the stylename (or the stylekey if a different name should be used
for lookup in the current transformer) can be given in the
filename = 'content.xml'
prio = 60
def __init__ \
(self, iterator, stylename = None, stylekey = None, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (** kw)
self.iterator = iterator
self.stylename = stylename
self.stylekey = stylekey
# end def __init__
def apply (self, root) :
Copy old tbody, create new empty one and repeatedly append the
new tbody.
pb = Addpagebreak \
( stylename = self.stylename
, stylekey = self.stylekey
, transformer = self.transformer
zi = Attribute_Access \
( (Get_Max (None, self.oootag ('draw', 'z-index'), 'z-index'),)
, transformer = self.transformer
zi.apply (root)
pagecount = self._get_meta ('page-count')
z_index = self._get_meta ('z-index', classname = 'Get_Max') + 1
ra = Attribute_Access \
( ( Reanchor (pagecount, self.oootag ('draw', 'text-box'))
, Reanchor (pagecount, self.oootag ('draw', 'rect'))
, Reanchor (pagecount, self.oootag ('draw', 'frame'))
, Reanchor (z_index, None, self.oootag ('draw', 'z-index'))
, transformer = self.transformer # transformer added
self.divide_body (root)
self.bodyparts = [self._textbody () for i in self.copyparts]
count = 0
for i in self.iterator :
count += 1
fr = Field_Replace (replace = i, transformer = self.transformer)
# add page break only to non-empty tbody
# reanchor only after the first mailmerge
if len (self.tbody) : # tbody non-empty (but existing!)
pb.apply (self.bodyparts [-1])
ra.apply (self.copyparts)
else :
self.append_declarations ()
cp = deepcopy (self.copyparts)
fr.apply (cp)
self.append_to_body (cp)
# new page-count:
for i in meta_counts :
self._set_meta (i, count * self._get_meta (i))
# we have added count-1 paragraphs, because each page-break is a
# paragraph.
p = 'paragraph-count'
self._set_meta \
(p, self._get_meta (p, classname = 'Set_Attribute') + (count - 1))
self.assemble_body ()
# end def apply
# end class Mailmerge
def tree_serialise (element, prefix = '', mimetype = mimetypes [1]) :
""" Serialise a style-element of an OOo document (e.g., a
style:font-decl, style:default-style, etc declaration).
We remove the name of the style and return something that is a
representation of the style element which can be used as a
dictionary key.
The serialisation format is a tuple containing the tag as the
first item, the attributes (as key,value pairs returned by
items()) as the second item and the following items are
serialisations of children.
attr = dict (element.attrib)
stylename = OOo_Tag ('style', 'name', mimetype)
if stylename in attr : del attr [stylename]
attr = attr.items ()
attr.sort ()
attr = tuple (attr)
serial = [prefix + element.tag, attr]
for e in element :
serial.append (tree_serialise (e, prefix, mimetype))
return tuple (serial)
# end def tree_serialise
class Concatenate (_Body_Concat) :
This transformation is used to create a new document from a
concatenation of several documents. In the constructor we get a
list of documents to append to the master document.
prio = 80
style_containers = {}
ref_attrs = {}
for m in mimetypes :
style_containers.update \
({ OOo_Tag ('office', 'font-decls', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('office', 'font-face-decls', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('office', 'styles', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('office', 'automatic-styles', m) : 1
, OOo_Tag ('office', 'master-styles', m) : 1
# Cross-references in OOo document:
# 'attribute' references another element with 'tag'.
# If attribute names change, we must replace references, too.
# attribute :
# tag
ref_attrs.update \
({ OOo_Tag ('style', 'parent-style-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'style', m)
, OOo_Tag ('style', 'master-page-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'master-page', m)
, OOo_Tag ('style', 'page-layout-name', m) : # OOo 2.X
OOo_Tag ('style', 'page-layout', m)
, OOo_Tag ('style', 'page-master-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'page-master', m)
, OOo_Tag ('table', 'style-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'style', m)
, OOo_Tag ('text', 'style-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'style', m)
, OOo_Tag ('draw', 'style-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'style', m)
, OOo_Tag ('draw', 'text-style-name', m) :
OOo_Tag ('style', 'style', m)
stylefiles = ['styles.xml', 'content.xml']
oofiles = stylefiles + ['meta.xml']
body_decl_sections = ['variable-decl', 'sequence-decl']
def __init__ (self, * docs, ** kw) :
self.__super.__init__ (** kw) = []
for doc in docs : (OOoPy (infile = doc))
assert ( [-1].mimetype == [0].mimetype)
# end def __init__
def apply_all (self, trees) :
assert ( [0].mimetype == self.transformer.mimetype)
self.serialised = {}
self.stylenames = {}
self.namemaps = [{}]
self.tab_depend = {}
for s in self.ref_attrs.itervalues () :
self.namemaps [0][s] = {}
self.body_decls = {}
for s in self.body_decl_sections :
self.body_decls [s] = {}
self.trees = {}
for f in self.oofiles :
self.trees [f] = [trees [f].getroot ()]
self.sections = {}
for f in self.stylefiles :
self.sections [f] = {}
for node in self.trees [f][0] :
self.sections [f][node.tag] = node
for d in :
self.namemaps.append ({})
for s in self.ref_attrs.itervalues () :
self.namemaps [-1][s] = {}
for f in self.oofiles :
self.trees [f].append ( (f).getroot ())
# append a pagebreak style, will be optimized away if duplicate
pbs = Addpagebreak_Style (transformer = self.transformer)
pbs.apply (self.trees ['content.xml'][0])
get_attr = []
for attr in meta_counts :
a = self.oootag ('meta', attr)
t = self.oootag ('meta', 'document-statistic')
get_attr.append (Get_Attribute (t, a, 'concat-' + attr))
zi = Attribute_Access \
( (Get_Max (None, self.oootag ('draw', 'z-index'), 'z-index'),)
, transformer = self.transformer
zi.apply (self.trees ['content.xml'][0])
self.zi = Attribute_Access \
( (Get_Max (None, self.oootag ('draw', 'z-index'), 'concat-z-index')
, transformer = self.transformer
self.getmeta = Attribute_Access \
(get_attr, filename = 'meta.xml', transformer = self.transformer)
self.pbname = self.transformer \
[':'.join (('Addpagebreak_Style', 'stylename'))]
for s in self.trees ['styles.xml'][0].findall \
('.//' + self.oootag ('style', 'default-style')) :
if s.get (self.oootag ('style', 'family')) == 'paragraph' :
default_style = s
self.default_properties = default_style.find \
('./' + self.properties_tag)
self.set_pagestyle ()
for f in 'styles.xml', 'content.xml' :
self.style_merge (f)
self.body_concat ()
self.append_pictures ()
# end def apply_all
def apply_tab_correction (self, node) :
""" Check if node depends on a style which has corrected tabs
if yes, insert all the default tabs *after* the maximum tab
position in that style.
tab_stops = self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stops')
tab_stop = self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stop')
tab_pos = self.oootag ('style', 'position')
parent = node.get (self.oootag ('style', 'parent-style-name'))
if parent in self.tab_depend :
for prop in node :
if prop.tag != self.properties_tag :
for sub in prop :
if sub.tag == tab_stops :
self.tab_depend [parent] = 1
max = 0
for ts in sub :
assert (ts.tag == tab_stop)
pos = float (ts.get (tab_pos) [:-2])
if max < pos :
max = pos
self.insert_tabs (sub, max)
# end def apply_tab_correction
def _attr_rename (self, idx) :
r = sum \
( [ set_attributes_from_dict (None, k, self.namemaps [idx][v])
for k,v in self.ref_attrs.iteritems ()
, []
return Attribute_Access (r, transformer = self.transformer)
# end def _attr_rename
def body_concat (self) :
count = {}
for i in meta_counts :
count [i] = self._get_meta (i)
count ['z-index'] = self._get_meta \
('z-index', classname = 'Get_Max') + 1
pb = Addpagebreak \
(stylename = self.pbname, transformer = self.transformer)
self.divide_body (self.trees ['content.xml'][0])
self.body_decl (self.declarations, append = 0)
for idx in range (1, len ( + 1) :
meta = self.trees ['meta.xml'][idx]
content = self.trees ['content.xml'][idx]
tbody = self.find_tbody (content)
self.getmeta.apply (meta)
self.zi.apply (tbody)
ra = Attribute_Access \
( ( Reanchor
(count ['page-count'], self.oootag ('draw', 'text-box'))
, Reanchor
(count ['page-count'], self.oootag ('draw', 'rect'))
, Reanchor
(count ['page-count'], self.oootag ('draw', 'frame'))
, Reanchor
(count ['z-index'], None, self.oootag ('draw', 'z-index'))
, transformer = self.transformer # transformer added
for i in meta_counts :
count [i] += self._get_meta (i, prefix = 'concat-')
count ['paragraph-count'] += 1
count ['z-index'] += self._get_meta \
('z-index', classname = 'Get_Max', prefix = 'concat-') + 1
namemap = self.namemaps [idx][self.oootag ('style', 'style')]
tr = self._attr_rename (idx)
pb.apply (self.bodyparts [-1])
tr.apply (content)
ra.apply (content)
declarations = self._divide (tbody)
self.body_decl (declarations)
self.append_to_body (self.copyparts)
self.append_declarations ()
self.assemble_body ()
for i in meta_counts :
self._set_meta (i, count [i])
# end def body_concat
def body_decl (self, decl_section, append = 1) :
for sect in self.body_decl_sections :
s = self.declarations.find \
('.//' + self.oootag ('text', sect + 's'))
d = self.body_decls [sect]
t = self.oootag ('text', sect)
for n in decl_section.findall ('.//' + t) :
name = n.get (self.oootag ('text', 'name'))
if name not in d :
if append and s is not None :
s.append (n)
d [name] = 1
# end def body_decl
def insert_tabs (self, element, max = 0) :
""" Insert tab stops into the current element. Optionally after
max = the current maximum tab-position
dist_tag = self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stop-distance')
for k in range (1, len (self.tab_correct)) :
if self.tab_correct [-k].isdigit() :
l = float (self.tab_correct [:-k])
unit = self.tab_correct [-k:]
for ts in range (35) :
pos = l * (ts + 1)
if pos > max :
SubElement \
( element
, self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stop')
, { self.oootag ('style', 'position') : '%s%s' % (pos, unit)
# end def insert_tabs
def merge_defaultstyle (self, default_style, node) :
assert default_style is not None
assert node is not None
proppath = './' + self.properties_tag
defprops = default_style.find (proppath)
props = node.find (proppath)
sn = self.oootag ('style', 'name')
if props is None :
props = Element (self.properties_tag)
for k, v in defprops.attrib.iteritems () :
if self.default_properties.get (k) != v and not props.get (k) :
if k == self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stop-distance') :
self.tab_correct = v
self.tab_depend = {node.get (sn) : 1}
stps = SubElement \
(props, self.oootag ('style', 'tab-stops'))
self.insert_tabs (stps)
else :
props.set (k,v)
if len (props) or props.attrib :
node.append (props)
# end def merge_defaultstyle
def _newname (self, key, oldname) :
stylenum = 0
if (key, oldname) not in self.stylenames :
self.stylenames [(key, oldname)] = 1
return oldname
newname = basename = 'Concat_%s' % oldname
while (key, newname) in self.stylenames :
stylenum += 1
newname = '%s%d' % (basename, stylenum)
self.stylenames [(key, newname)] = 1
return newname
# end def _newname
def set_pagestyle (self) :
""" For all documents: search for the first paragraph of the tbody
and get its style. Modify this style to include a reference
to the default page-style if it doesn't contain a reference
to a page style. Insert the new style into the list of
styles and modify the first paragraph to use the new page
This procedure is necessary to make appended documents use
their page style instead of the master page style of the
first document.
FIXME: We should search the style hierarchy backwards for
the style of the first paragraph to check if there is a
reference to a page-style somewhere and not override the
page-style in this case. Otherwise appending complex
documents that use a different page-style for the first page
will not work if the page style is referenced in a style
from which the first paragraph style derives.
for idx in range (1, len ( + 1) :
croot = self.trees ['content.xml'][idx]
sroot = self.trees ['styles.xml'] [idx]
tbody = self.find_tbody (croot)
para = tbody.find ('./' + self.oootag ('text', 'p'))
if para is None :
para = tbody.find ('./' + self.oootag ('text', 'list'))
tsn = self.oootag ('text', 'style-name')
sname = para.get (tsn)
styles = croot.find (self.oootag ('office', 'automatic-styles'))
ost = sroot.find (self.oootag ('office', 'styles'))
mst = sroot.find (self.oootag ('office', 'master-styles'))
assert mst is not None and len (mst)
assert mst [0].tag == self.oootag ('style', 'master-page')
sntag = self.oootag ('style', 'name')
master = mst [0].get (sntag)
mpn = self.oootag ('style', 'master-page-name')
stytag = self.oootag ('style', 'style')
style = None
for s in styles :
if s.tag == stytag :
# Explicit references to default style converted to
# explicit references to new page style.
if s.get (mpn) == '' :
s.set (mpn, master)
if s.get (sntag) == sname :
style = s
if style is None :
for s in ost :
if s.tag == stytag and s.get (sntag) == sname :
style = s
if style is not None and not style.get (mpn) :
newstyle = deepcopy (style)
# Don't register with newname: will be rewritten later
# when appending. We assume that an original doc does
# not already contain a style with _Concat suffix.
newname = sname + '_Concat'
para.set (tsn, newname)
newstyle.set (self.oootag ('style', 'name'), newname)
newstyle.set (mpn, master)
styles.append (newstyle)
# end def set_pagestyle
def style_merge (self, oofile) :
""" Loop over all the docs in our document list and look up the
styles there. If a style matches an existing style in the
original document, register the style name for later
transformation if the style name in the original document
does not match the style name in the appended document. If
no match is found, append style to master document and add
to serialisation. If the style name already exists in the
master document, a new style name is created. Names of
parent styles are changed when appending -- this means that
parent style names already have to be defined earlier in the
If there is a reference to a parent style that is not yet
defined, and the parent style is defined later, it is
already too late, so an assertion is raised in this case.
OOo seems to ensure declaration order of dependent styles,
so this should not be a problem.
for idx in range (len (self.trees [oofile])) :
namemap = self.namemaps [idx]
root = self.trees [oofile][idx]
delnode = []
for nodeidx, node in enumerate (root) :
if node.tag not in self.style_containers :
prefix = ''
# font_decls may have same name in styles.xml and content.xml
if node.tag == self.font_decls_tag :
prefix = oofile
default_style = None
for n in node :
if ( n.tag == self.oootag ('style', 'default-style')
and ( n.get (self.oootag ('style', 'family'))
== 'paragraph'
) :
default_style = n
name = n.get (self.oootag ('style', 'name'), None)
if not name : continue
if ( idx != 0
and name == 'Standard'
and n.get (self.oootag ('style', 'class')) == 'text'
and ( n.get (self.oootag ('style', 'family'))
== 'paragraph'
) :
self.merge_defaultstyle (default_style, n)
self.apply_tab_correction (n)
key = prefix + n.tag
if key not in namemap : namemap [key] = {}
tr = self._attr_rename (idx)
tr.apply (n)
sn = tree_serialise (n, prefix, self.mimetype)
if sn in self.serialised :
newname = self.serialised [sn]
if name != newname :
assert \
( name not in namemap [key]
or namemap [key][name] == newname
namemap [key][name] = newname
# optimize original doc: remove duplicate styles
if not idx and node.tag != self.font_decls_tag :
#delnode.append (nodeidx)
else :
newname = self._newname (key, name)
self.serialised [sn] = newname
if newname != name :
n.set (self.oootag ('style', 'name'), newname)
dn = self.oootag ('style', 'display-name')
disp_name = n.get (dn)
if disp_name :
n.set (dn, 'Concat ' + disp_name)
namemap [key][name] = newname
if idx != 0 :
self.sections [oofile][node.tag].append (n)
assert not delnode or not idx
delnode.reverse ()
for i in delnode :
del node [i]
# end style_merge
def append_pictures (self) :
for doc in :
for f in doc.izip.infolist () :
if f.filename.startswith ('Pictures/') :
self.transformer.appendfiles.append \
((f.filename, (f.filename)))
# end def append_pictures
# end class Concatenate
def renumber_frames (mimetype) :
return \
[ Renumber (OOo_Tag ('draw', 'text-box', mimetype), 'Frame') # OOo 1.X
, Renumber (OOo_Tag ('draw', 'frame', mimetype), 'Frame') # OOo 2.X
# end def renumber_frames
def renumber_sections (mimetype) :
return [Renumber (OOo_Tag ('text', 'section', mimetype))]
# end def renumber_sections
def renumber_tables (mimetype) :
return [Renumber (OOo_Tag ('table', 'table', mimetype))]
# end def renumber_tables
def renumber_images (mimetype) :
return [Renumber (OOo_Tag ('draw', 'image', mimetype))]
# end def renumber_images
def renumber_xml_id (mimetype) :
if mimetype == mimetypes [0] :
return []
xmlid = OOo_Tag ('xml', 'id', mimetype)
return [Renumber (OOo_Tag ('text', 'list', mimetype), 'list', xmlid)]
# end def renumber_xml_id
def renumber_all (mimetype) :
""" Factory function for all renumberings parameterized with
return Attribute_Access \
( renumber_frames (mimetype)
+ renumber_sections (mimetype)
+ renumber_tables (mimetype)
+ renumber_images (mimetype)
+ renumber_xml_id (mimetype)
# end def renumber_all
# used to have a separate Pagecount transform -- generalized to get
# some of the meta information using an Attribute_Access transform
# and set the same information later after possibly being updated by
# other transforms. We use another naming convention here for storing
# the info retrieved from the OOo document: We use the attribute name in
# the meta-information to store (and later retrieve) the information.
def get_meta (mimetype) :
""" Factory function for Attribute_Access to get all interesting
get_attr = []
for attr in meta_counts :
a = OOo_Tag ('meta', attr, mimetype)
t = OOo_Tag ('meta', 'document-statistic', mimetype)
get_attr.append (Get_Attribute (t, a, attr))
return Attribute_Access (get_attr, prio = 20, filename = 'meta.xml')
# end def get_meta
def set_meta (mimetype) :
""" Factory function for Attribute_Access to set all interesting
set_attr = []
for attr in meta_counts :
a = OOo_Tag ('meta', attr, mimetype)
t = OOo_Tag ('meta', 'document-statistic', mimetype)
set_attr.append (Set_Attribute (t, a, attr))
return Attribute_Access (set_attr, prio = 120, filename = 'meta.xml')
# end def set_meta