
95 lines
3.7 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import doctest
import os
import sys
if sys.version.startswith ('2.3') :
# Doctest has a bug with super in python 2.3. This patches the 2.3
# doctest according to the patch by Christian Tanzer on sourceforge
# -- the fix is already in 2.4 but according to the docs on
# sourceforge will not be backported to 2.3. See
class Tester_patched (doctest.Tester) :
__record_outcome = doctest.Tester._Tester__record_outcome
def rundoc (self, obj, name = None) :
if name is None:
name = obj.__name__
except AttributeError :
raise ValueError("Tester.rundoc: name must be given "
"when obj.__name__ doesn't exist; " + repr (obj))
if self.verbose:
print ("Running", name + ".__doc__")
f, t = doctest.run_docstring_examples \
( obj, self.globs, self.verbose, name
, self.compileflags, self.optionflags
if self.verbose:
print (f, "of", t, "examples failed in", name + ".__doc__")
self.__record_outcome(name, f, t)
if doctest._isclass(obj):
# In 2.2, class and static methods complicate life. Build
# a dict "that works", by hook or by crook.
d = {}
for tag, kind, homecls, value in doctest._classify_class_attrs(obj):
if homecls is not obj:
# Only look at names defined immediately by the class.
elif self.isprivate(name, tag):
elif kind == "method":
if not isinstance(value, super):
# value is already a function
d[tag] = value
elif kind == "static method":
# value isn't a function, but getattr reveals one
d[tag] = getattr(obj, tag)
elif kind == "class method":
d[tag] = getattr(obj, tag).im_func
elif kind == "property":
# The methods implementing the property have their
# own docstrings -- but the property may have one too.
if value.__doc__ is not None:
d[tag] = str(value.__doc__)
elif kind == "data":
# Grab nested classes.
if doctest._isclass(value):
d[tag] = value
raise ValueError("teach doctest about %r" % kind)
f2, t2 = self.run__test__(d, name)
f += f2
t += t2
return f, t
doctest.Tester_orig = doctest.Tester
doctest.Tester = Tester_patched
format = "%(file)s fails %(f)s of %(t)s doc-tests"
for a in sys.argv [1:] :
sys.path [0:0] = ["./", os.path.dirname (a)]
os.environ ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join (sys.path)
m = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (a)) [0]
try :
module = __import__ (m)
file = module.__file__
f, t = doctest.testmod (module, verbose = 0)
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except Exception as cause :
print ("Testing of %s resulted in exception" % (a,))
else :
print (format % locals ())
del sys.path [0:2]