import environ """The default environment to use.""" DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = "production" """The environment variables of the app instance.""" env = environ.Env() """Path to the package root - e.g. Django project.""" root_dir = environ.Path(__file__) - 2 """Path to the base directory of the app instance.""" base_dir = env.path("BASE_DIR", default=str(root_dir - 1)) # Load config.env, OS environment variables will take precedence unless # CONFIG_PRIORITY_TO_FILE is set to `True` - the default. This way, this # configuration file will be read again when the application is reloaded. env.read_env( base_dir("config.env"), overwrite=env.bool("CONFIG_PRIORITY_TO_FILE", default=True), ) """The Django settings module"s name to use.""" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = env( "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", default="fournée.settings.{}".format( env("ENV", default=DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT) ), )