.TH STC 1 "2020-09-02" 1.0 .SH NAME stc \- Simple Telnet Client .SH SYNOPSIS .B stc address|hostname [port] .SH DESCRIPTION .B stc is a Simple Telnet Client that take at least an IP address or a domain name as a first argument. If a domain name is provided, it will try to resolve it. Optionnaly it can take a port number as a second argument. In this case it will be used instead of the default (which is 23). .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 0 if no error uncountered .TP 1 if the wrong amount of arguments has been given .TP 2 if it failed to initialize network connection (socket, NS resolution, ...) .TP 3 if it failed to setup terminal .TP 4 if it failed to create epoll instance .TP 5 if it failed to set signal handler (for SIGINT or SIGTERM) .TP 6 if it failed to add a file descriptor to the epoll instance (for stdin or the socket) .TP 7 if error happened during epoll_wait .TP 8 if it failed to receive data .TP 9 if it failed to send data .SH AUTHOR Franck STAUFFER .I