Define an org-link yt type
This commit is contained in:
@ -2670,19 +2670,16 @@ environments and non-floating breakable LaTeX environments by means of
*** [[info:org#Adding Hyperlink Types][Making Org hyperlink types (info)]]
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:making-org-hyperlink-types
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:make-org-hyperlink-types
The listings below implement four groups of =org-link= types:
The listings below implement or reimplement three groups of =org-link= types:
1. Listing [[lst:org-ref-like-org-link-types]] defines =org-link= types for
backwards compatibility with [[][org-ref]].
2. Listing [[lst:define-org-pdfview-link-type]] uses ideas from the definition of
=docview-org-link= and =doi-org-link= types to define an =pdfview-org-link=
type for use with [[][pdf-tools]].
3. Listing [[lst:define-org-yt-link-type]] reimplements the code of the post
[[][Extending org-mode to handle YouTube links]] allowing to open the YouTube link
[[yt://][Extending org-mode to handle YouTube links]] link.
4. Listing [[lst:patch-org-info-link-type]] patches the function =org-info-export=
3. Listing [[lst:patch-org-info-link-type]] patches the function =org-info-export=
and listing [[lst:emacs-lisp-setup-buffer-local-ol-info]] sets the constants
~org-info-emacs-documents~ and ~org-info-other-documents~ as buffer local
variables in order to export the =info-org-link= types in this document to
@ -2781,52 +2778,6 @@ facilate moving single directories or whole directory trees."
:description path)))))
#+caption[Define an =org-link= type for =YouTube=]:
#+caption: Define an =org-link= type for =YouTube=.
#+name: lst:define-org-yt-link-type
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'ol
(org-link-set-parameters "yt"
:follow #'org-yt-open
:export #'org-yt-export)
(defun org-yt-open (path prefix)
"Open PATH with \"emms\", \"mpv\", or `browse-url' (when PREFIX)."
(let ((url (format "https:%s" path)))
(browse-url url))
((require 'emms nil 'noerror)
(emms-add-url url)
(emms-playlist-mode-play-current-track))) )
((executable-find "mpv")
(let ((display-buffer-alist
`((,shell-command-buffer-name-async . (display-buffer-no-window)))))
(async-shell-command (format "\"%s\" \"%s\"" url)))
(message "Launched mpv with \"%s\"" url))
(user-error "Can't open `%s': install `emms' and/or `mpv'" url)))))
(defun org-yt-export (path desc backend _)
"Export an \"yt\" link."
(pcase backend
(let* ((video-id (cadar (url-parse-query-string path)))
(url (if (string-empty-p video-id)
(format "//" video-id))))
(concat "<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"%s\" "
"title=\"%s\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>")
url desc)))
(`latex (format "\\href{https:%s}{%s}" path desc))
(_ path))))
#+caption[Patch =ol-info=]:
#+caption: Patch =ol-info=.
#+name: lst:patch-org-info-link-type
@ -2879,6 +2830,213 @@ See `org-link-parameters' for details about PATH, DESC and FORMAT."
org-info-other-documents :test #'equal)))
*** [[][Extending org-mode to handle YouTube links]]
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:make-org-yt-link-type
Listing [[lst:define-org-yt-link-type][define org-yt-link type]] implements code to open the link to the
following YouTube video [[yt:eaZUZCzaIgw#6s#10s][Extending org-mode to handle YouTube links.]]
The following posts provide programming information:
1. [[][YouTube API reference]].
2. [[][YouTube Player API reference for iframe embeds]].
3. [[][How to link to a specific timestamp in a YouTube video]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :tangle no
(org-yt-seconds-to-hms (+ (* 3600 120) (* 60 9) 7))
(org-yt-seconds-to-hms 3661)
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1:1")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1:1:1")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1h1m1s")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1mX")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1h")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1H1m")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1h1s")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1m1s")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1h1s")
(org-yt-time-to-seconds "1h1M1s")
(org-yt-format-open-url "WKwZHSbHmPg" "")
(org-yt-format-open-url "WKwZHSbHmPg" nil)
(org-yt-format-open-url "WKwZHSbHmPg" '("1m1s"))
(org-yt-format-open-url "WKwZHSbHmPg" '("0:2:44" "0:2:50"))
(org-yt-open "WKwZHSbHmPg#0:2:44#0:2:50" t)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#0:2:44#0:2:50" "Title" 'html nil)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#0h2m40s#0h2m50s" "Title" 'html nil)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#2M40S#2M50S" "Title" 'html nil)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#0:2:44#0:2:50" "Title" 'latex nil)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#0h2m40s#0h2m50s" "Title" 'latex nil)
(org-yt-export "WKwZHSbHmPg#2M40S#2M50S" "Title" 'latex nil)
#+caption[Parsing function for the =org-yt= link type]:
#+caption: Parsing function for the =org-yt= link type.
#+name: lst:org-yt-parsing
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-yt-time-to-seconds (text)
"Convert TEXT of the form `12:34:56' or `12h34m56s' to seconds as integers."
(let* ((case-fold-search t)
(hms (< (length (split-string text "[:]"))
(length (split-string text "[HhMmSs]"))))
(regexp (if hms
(rx (opt (group (+ digit) "h"))
(opt (group (+ digit) "m"))
(opt (group (+ digit) "s")))
(rx (opt (group (+ digit)))
(opt ":" (group (+ digit)))
(opt ":" (group (+ digit))))))
(_ (string-match regexp text))
(md (match-data))
(found (substring text (pop md) (pop md)))
(seconds 0)
(if (string< found text)
(user-error "Found `%s' which is a prefix of `%s'" found text)
(if hms
(while md
(setq lot (substring text (or (pop md) 0) (or (pop md) 0)))
((or (string-suffix-p "h" lot) (string-suffix-p "H" lot))
(setq seconds (+ seconds (* 3600 (string-to-number lot)))))
((or (string-suffix-p "m" lot) (string-suffix-p "M" lot))
(setq seconds (+ seconds (* 60 (string-to-number lot)))))
((or (string-suffix-p "s" lot) (string-suffix-p "S" lot))
(setq seconds (+ seconds (string-to-number lot))))))
(while md (push (string-to-number
(substring text (or (pop md) 0) (or (pop md) 0)))
((length= lot 1) (setq seconds (car lot)))
((length= lot 2) (setq seconds (+ (* 60 (cadr lot))
(car lot))))
((length= lot 3) (setq seconds (+ (* 3600 (caddr lot))
(* 60 (cadr lot))
(car lot)))))))
#+caption[Formatting functions to open =org-yt= links]:
#+caption: Formatting functions to open =org-yt= links.
#+name: lst:org-yt-open-formatting
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-yt-seconds-to-hms (seconds)
"Convert seconds as integers to text of the form `12h34m56s'."
(let ((h (/ seconds 3600))
(m (/ (% seconds 3600) 60))
(s (% seconds 60)))
(concat (and (> h 0) (format "%dh" h))
(if (> h 0)
(format "%02dm" m)
(and (> m 0) (format "%dm" m)))
(if (or (> h 0) (> m 0))
(format "%02ds" s)
(format "%ds" s)))))
(defconst org-yt-start
"Format string for `org-yt-format-open-url' to fill in ID and TIMING.")
(defconst org-yt-chunk
"Format string for `org-yt-format-open-url' to fill in ID and TIMING.")
(defun org-yt-format-open-url (id timing)
"Convert an \"yt\" type link to an URL for opening."
((not timing)
(format org-yt-start id "0s"))
((length= timing 1)
(format org-yt-start id
(org-yt-seconds-to-hms (org-yt-time-to-seconds (car timing)))))
((length= timing 2)
(format org-yt-chunk id
(org-yt-time-to-seconds (car timing))
(org-yt-time-to-seconds (cadr timing))))))
#+caption[Formatting function for HTML export of =org-yt= links]:
#+caption: Formatting function for HTML export of =org-yt= links.
#+name: lst:org-yt-html-export-formatting
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defconst org-yt-iframe
frameborder=\"0\" width=\"600\" height=\"450\"
"Format string for `org-yt-iframe' to fill in ID, TIMING, and TITLE.")
(defun org-yt-format-iframe (id timing title)
"Convert an \"yt\" type link to an inline frame element for export to HTML."
(format org-yt-iframe id
((not timing) "")
((length= timing 1)
(format "?start=%d" id (org-yt-time-to-seconds (car timing))))
((length= timing 2)
(format "?start=%d&end=%d"
(org-yt-time-to-seconds (car timing))
(org-yt-time-to-seconds (cadr timing)))))
#+caption[Define an =org-link= type for =YouTube=]:
#+caption: Define an =org-link= type for =YouTube=.
#+name: lst:define-org-yt-link-type
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-yt-open (path prefix)
"Open an \"yt\" type link with `browse-url', `emms', or \"mpv\".
PATH is a string containing the video ID and optional timing information.
Open the link with `browse-url' if PREFIX else with `emms' or \"mpv\"."
(let* ((parts (split-string path "[#]+" t))
(id (car parts))
(timing (cdr parts))
(url (org-yt-format-open-url id timing)))
(browse-url url))
((require 'emms nil 'noerror)
(emms-add-url url)
((executable-find "mpv")
(let ((display-buffer-alist
`((,shell-command-buffer-name-async . (display-buffer-no-window)))))
(async-shell-command (format "\"%s\" \"%s\"" url)))
(message "Launched mpv with \"%s\"" url))
(user-error "Can't open `%s': install `emms' and/or `mpv'" url)))))
(defun org-yt-export (path desc backend _)
"Export an \"yt\" type link."
(let* ((parts (split-string path "[#]+" t))
(id (car parts))
(timing (cdr parts)))
(pcase backend
(org-yt-format-iframe id timing desc))
(format "\\href{%s}{%s}" (org-yt-format-open-url id timing) desc))
(_ id))))
(with-eval-after-load 'ol
(org-link-set-parameters "yt"
:follow #'org-yt-open
:export #'org-yt-export))
*** [[][Translate capital keywords (old) to lower case (new)]]
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:convert-upper-to-lower-case-keywords
Reference in New Issue
Block a user