diff --git a/README.org b/README.org index 0c5e313..3b69169 100644 --- a/README.org +++ b/README.org @@ -6015,8 +6015,14 @@ server, before plunging into the configuration steps: 6. [[https://ddavis.io/posts/emacs-python-lsp/][Python with Emacs: py(v)env and lsp-mode]] Here are links to Python programming background videos: -1. [[yt:HTLu2DFOdTg][Python's Class Development Kit - Raymond Hettinger]] -2. [[yt:UANN2Eu6ZnM][The Mental Game of Python - Raymond Hettinger]] +1. [[yt:T-TwcmT6Rcw][Dataclasses: The Code Generator to End All Code Generators - Raymond Hettinger]] +2. [[yt:p33CVV29OG8][Modern Dictionaries - Raymond Hettinger]] +3. [[yt:HTLu2DFOdTg][Python's Class Development Kit - Raymond Hettinger]] +4. [[yt:uL_kmagVKFQ][The Big Leap of Python-3.13 - Lukasz Langa]] +5. [[yt:UANN2Eu6ZnM][The Mental Game of Python - Raymond Hettinger]] +6. [[yt:Bv25Dwe84g0][Thinking about Concurrency - Raymond Hettinger]] +7. [[yt:0kXaLh8Fz3k][Thinking outside the GIL with AsyncIO and MultiProcessing - John Reese]] +8. [[yt:bZAsSzzk0E][What can't WebAssembly do? - Katie Bell]] *** [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/lisp/progmodes/python.el][Python-mode]] :PROPERTIES: