Get rid of unexported Tempo section
This commit is contained in:
@ -6659,151 +6659,6 @@ formatter for Python]].
(add-hook symbol #'yas-minor-mode)))
** [[info:autotype#Tempo][Tempo (info)]] :noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:tempo
:header-args:emacs-lisp: :tangle no :eval never-export
The official [[info:autotype#Tempo][tempo (info)]] documentation is very short and the following links
are obsolete or do not reveal the full power of [[info:autotype#Tempo][tempo (info)]] after its
adaptation to =lexical-binding=:
1. [[][Tempo (Emacs Wiki)]].
2. [[][David Kågedal’s elisp]].
3. [[][Emacs's Native Snippets]], [[][Emacs's native templating and snippet functionality]].
4. [[][Templating in Emacs with Tempo]].
Listing [[lst:configure-tempo-ui]] defines a function that inserts major modes
specific tempo templates by means of [[][marginalia]], a function to define local
keybindings and the tools to add =tempo-tags= to abbreviation tables.
Listing [[lst:configure-tempo-latex-completing-read]] shows how to combine =tempo=,
=latex= and =completing-read= for the builtin =tempo= package. Listing
[[lst:setup-python-tempo]] configures =tempo= for =python-mode=.
#+caption[Configure =tempo= user interface]:
#+caption: Configure =tempo= user-interface.
#+name: lst:configure-tempo-ui
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -n :results silent
(when (require 'tempo nil 'noerror)
(setopt tempo-interactive t)
(with-eval-after-load 'marginalia
(add-to-list 'marginalia-prompt-categories
'("\\<tempo template\\>" . command)))
(defun insert-tempo-template ()
"Insert a major mode specific tempo template."
(let* ((choices (mapcar #'cdr (tempo-build-collection)))
(function-name (completing-read "Tempo template: " choices)))
(funcall (intern function-name))))
(defun setup-local-tempo-key-bindings ()
"Initialize local `tempo' key bindings."
(keymap-local-set "M-n" #'tempo-forward-mark)
(keymap-local-set "M-p" #'tempo-backward-mark)
(keymap-local-set "M-+" #'insert-tempo-template))
(defun abbrev-tempo-expand-if-complete ()
"Hook function for `define-abbrev' with `no-self-insert' property `t'."
(put 'abbrev-tempo-expand-if-complete 'no-self-insert t)
(defun add-tempo-tags-to-abbrev-table (tempo-tags abbrev-table)
"Add the tags in TEMPO-TAGS to ABBREV-TABLE.
Allows `tempo' expansion by typing <SPC> after a complete `tempo' tag."
(dolist (tag tempo-tags)
(unless (abbrev-symbol (car tag) abbrev-table)
(define-abbrev abbrev-table
(car tag) 1 'abbrev-tempo-expand-if-complete)))))
*** Tempo for =LaTeX-mode= of =AUCTeX=
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:tempo-latex
#+caption[Configure =tempo= for =latex= with =completing-read=]:
#+caption: Configure =tempo= for =latex= with =completing-read=.
#+name: lst:configure-tempo-latex-completing-read
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -n :results silent
(with-eval-after-load 'latex
(require 'tempo nil 'noerror)
(defun tempo-latex-environment-handler (element)
(when (eq element 'latex-environment)
(let ((environment (completing-read "LaTeX environment: "
#'always 'require-match)))
`(l "\\begin{" ,environment "}" > n > r n "\\end{" ,environment "}" >))))
(cl-pushnew 'tempo-latex-environment-handler tempo-user-elements)
(defun setup-tempo-latex ()
(defvar latex-tempo-tags nil)
"Insert a LaTeX environment"
(tempo-use-tag-list 'latex-tempo-tags)
(add-tempo-tags-to-abbrev-table latex-tempo-tags latex-mode-abbrev-table)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'setup-tempo-latex))
*** Tempo for =python-mode=
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:tempo-python
#+caption[Configure =tempo= for =python-mode=]:
#+caption: Configure =tempo= for =python-mode=.
#+name: lst:setup-python-tempo
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -n :results silent
(with-eval-after-load 'python
(require 'tempo nil 'noerror)
(defun setup-tempo-python ()
(defvar python-tempo-tags nil)
'("class " p ":" n >)
"clsb" "Define a base class" 'python-tempo-tags)
'("class " p "(" p "):" n >)
"clsd" "Define a derived class" 'python-tempo-tags)
'("@classmethod" > n > "def " p "(cls, " p "):" n >)
"defc" "Define a class method" 'python-tempo-tags)
'("def " p "(" p "):" n >)
"deff" "Define a function" 'python-tempo-tags)
'("def " p "(self, " p "):" n >)
"defm" "Define a normal method" 'python-tempo-tags)
'("@staticmethod" > n > "def " p "(" p "):" n >)
"defs" "Define a static method" 'python-tempo-tags)
(tempo-use-tag-list 'python-tempo-tags)
(add-tempo-tags-to-abbrev-table python-tempo-tags python-mode-abbrev-table)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'setup-tempo-python))
* [[info:emacs#Display][Display (info)]]
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:display
Reference in New Issue
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