Rewrite the "Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test" section

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Gerard Vermeulen 2023-05-14 07:06:18 +02:00
parent 24771b982a
commit b7f824e942

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@ -5524,33 +5524,44 @@ curl | sudo tar zx
geiser-scheme-implementation 'chez))
*** Org Babel Scheme test
*** Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:ob-scheme-test
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:obas-test
Listing [[lst:test-ob-scheme][minimal Org Babel Scheme test]] allows to check whether the setup works
for [[][Chez Scheme]]. To test [[][Chicken Scheme]], [[][GNU Guile]], or [[][MIT/GNU Scheme]], evaluate
one of the following expressions before the [[lst:test-ob-scheme][minimal Org Babel Scheme test]]:
Listing [[lst:obas-test][Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test]] allows to check whether the setup works
for [[][Chez Scheme]] by default. To switch between [[][Chicken Scheme]], [[][GNU Guile]], or
[[][MIT/GNU Scheme]], evaluate one of the following expressions:
1. src_emacs-lisp{(setopt scheme-default-implementation 'chicken)},
2. src_emacs-lisp{(setopt scheme-default-implementation 'guile)},
3. src_emacs-lisp{(setopt scheme-default-implementation 'mit)}.
Sofar, the test fails for [[][MIT/GNU Scheme]].
Sofar, [[][MIT/GNU Scheme]] does not work with =ob-scheme=, although it works with
#+caption[Minimal Org Babel Scheme test]:
#+caption: Minimal Org Babel Scheme test.
#+name: lst:test-ob-scheme
#+caption[Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test]:
#+caption: Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test.
#+name: lst:obas-test
#+header: :wrap "src text -n"
#+begin_src scheme -n :eval never-export :exports both
(* 1 2 3 4 5)
(define (ack m n)
((= m 0) (add1 n))
((= n 0) (ack (sub1 m) 1))
(else (ack (sub1 m) (ack m (sub1 n))))))
;; None of the Scheme implementations handles m > 3 and n > 3:
(ack 3 3)
#+caption[Minimal Org Babel Scheme test result]:
#+caption: Minimal Org Babel Scheme test result.
#+name: lst:test-ob-scheme-result
#+RESULTS: lst:test-ob-scheme
#+caption[Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test result]:
#+caption: Org Babel Ackermann Scheme test result.
#+name: lst:obas-test-result
#+RESULTS: lst:obas-test
#+begin_src text -n
* [[][Libraries]]