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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@

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@ -5633,11 +5633,8 @@ The [[][pack
through the process of writing a [[][pyproject.toml]] file. [[][Ruff docstring setup]]
explains how to setup documentation string checking in the [[][pyproject.toml]] file.
Listing [[lst:setup-cfg-kickoff][kickoff setup.cfg proposal]] implements the [[][using black with other tools]]
rules which make [[][flake8]] or [[][pycodestyle]] agree with [[][black's uncompromising style]].
Finally, listing [[lst:flake8-nocolor][flake8-nocolor]] and [[lst:ruff-nocolor][ruff-nocolor]] pipe the =stdout= output of the
[[][flake8]] and [[][ruff]] executables through =cat= to remove escape sequences.
Finally, listing [[lst:ruff-nocolor][ruff-nocolor]] pipes the =stdout= output of the [[][ruff]] executable
through =cat= to remove escape sequences.
#+caption[Setup Python mode with =ob-python=]:
#+caption: Setup Python mode with =ob-python=.
@ -5793,42 +5790,6 @@ convention = "numpy"
# End:
#+caption[Kickoff =setup.cfg= proposal]:
#+caption: Kickoff =setup.cfg= proposal.
#+name: lst:setup-cfg-kickoff
#+begin_src toml -n :tangle setup.cfg
docstring-convention = numpy
extend-select = B,F,W
extend-ignore = W503
max-complexity = 15
max-line-length = 88
ignore = W503
max-line-length = 88
# Local Variables:
# mode: conf-toml
# End:
#+caption[Wrap =flake8= to remove color from text output]:
#+caption: Wrap =flake8= to remove color from text output.
#+header: :tangle-mode (identity #o755)
#+name: lst:flake8-nocolor
#+begin_src shell -n :eval never :tangle ~/bin/flake8-nocolor
flake8 "$@" | cat
# Local Variables:
# mode: shell-script
# sh-indentation: 2
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
#+caption[Wrap =ruff= to remove color from text output]:
#+caption: Wrap =ruff= to remove color from text output.
#+header: :tangle-mode (identity #o755)
@ -6969,8 +6930,7 @@ for ~mpv~ while eliminating use of ~mpd~.
emms-player-mpd-verbose t))
(with-eval-after-load 'emms-player-mpv
(setopt emms-player-mpv-ipc-method 'ipc-server
emms-player-mpv-update-metadata t)
(setopt emms-player-mpv-update-metadata t)
;; Uncomment the next two lines in case of too many broken YouTube links:
(add-to-list 'emms-player-mpv-parameters "--ytdl-format=best" 'append)
(add-to-list 'emms-player-mpv-parameters "--config=no" 'append)