2022-09-24 10:30:49 +02:00

4103 lines
173 KiB
Raw Blame History

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(define-abbrev-table 'global-abbrev-table
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("workststion" "workstation" nil :count 1)
("worls" "world" nil :count 1)
("worstened" "worsened" nil :count 1)
("woudl" "would" nil :count 1)
("wresters" "wrestlers" nil :count 1)
("wriet" "write" nil :count 1)
("writen" "written" nil :count 1)
("wroet" "wrote" nil :count 1)
("wrok" "work" nil :count 1)
("wroking" "working" nil :count 1)
("wtih" "with" nil :count 1)
("wupport" "support" nil :count 1)
("xenophoby" "xenophobia" nil :count 1)
("yaching" "yachting" nil :count 1)
("yaer" "year" nil :count 1)
("yaerly" "yearly" nil :count 1)
("yaers" "years" nil :count 1)
("yatch" "yacht" nil :count 1)
("yearm" "year" nil :count 1)
("yeasr" "years" nil :count 1)
("yeild" "yield" nil :count 1)
("yeilding" "yielding" nil :count 1)
("yera" "year" nil :count 1)
("yeras" "years" nil :count 1)
("yersa" "years" nil :count 1)
("yotube" "youtube" nil :count 1)
("youseff" "yousef" nil :count 1)
("youself" "yourself" nil :count 1)
("yrea" "year" nil :count 1)
("ytou" "you" nil :count 1)
("yuo" "you" nil :count 1)
("zeebra" "zebra" nil :count 1)
(define-abbrev-table 'latex-mode-abbrev-table
("34he" "\\(^{3}\\)He-\\(^{4}\\)He" nil :count 1)
("3he" "\\(^{3}\\)He" nil :count 1)
("4he" "\\(^{4}\\)He" nil :count 1)
(define-abbrev-table 'org-mode-abbrev-table
("34he" "\\(^{3}\\)He-\\(^{4}\\)He" nil :count 1)
("3he" "\\(^{3}\\)He" nil :count 1)
("4he" "\\(^{4}\\)He" nil :count 1)