package sushi.hardcore.aira.background_service import* import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import android.os.* import android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi import import import import sushi.hardcore.aira.* import sushi.hardcore.aira.utils.FileUtils import sushi.hardcore.aira.utils.StringUtils import sushi.hardcore.aira.utils.TimeUtils import import* import java.nio.channels.* class AIRAService : Service() { private external fun releaseIdentity() companion object { const val SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "AIRAService" const val MESSAGES_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "Messages" const val ASK_FILE_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "AskFile" const val FILE_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "FileTransfer" const val MESSAGE_CONNECT_TO = 0 const val MESSAGE_SEND_TO = 1 const val MESSAGE_LOGOUT = 2 const val MESSAGE_SEND_NAME = 3 const val MESSAGE_SEND_AVATAR = 4 const val MESSAGE_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER = 5 var isServiceRunning = false } private val binder = AIRABinder() val sessions = mutableMapOf() private var sessionCounter = 0 private lateinit var selector: Selector private val sessionIdByKey = mutableMapOf() private val notificationIdManager = NotificationIdManager() private val sendFileTransfers = mutableMapOf() val receiveFileTransfers = mutableMapOf() lateinit var contacts: HashMap var usePadding = true private lateinit var serviceHandler: Handler private lateinit var notificationManager: NotificationManagerCompat private lateinit var nsdManager: NsdManager private val nsdRegistrationListener = object : NsdManager.RegistrationListener { override fun onRegistrationFailed(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?, errorCode: Int) { Log.w("mDNS","DNS-SD registration failed: $errorCode") } override fun onUnregistrationFailed(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?, errorCode: Int) {} override fun onServiceRegistered(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?) {} override fun onServiceUnregistered(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?) {} } private var shouldRestartDiscovery = false private val nsdDiscoveryListener = object : NsdManager.DiscoveryListener { override fun onStartDiscoveryFailed(serviceType: String?, errorCode: Int) { Log.w("mDNS", "Failed to start discovery: $errorCode") } override fun onStopDiscoveryFailed(serviceType: String?, errorCode: Int) {} override fun onDiscoveryStarted(serviceType: String?) {} override fun onDiscoveryStopped(serviceType: String?) { if (shouldRestartDiscovery) { startDiscovery() shouldRestartDiscovery = false } } override fun onServiceFound(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo) { nsdManager.resolveService(serviceInfo, object : NsdManager.ResolveListener { override fun onResolveFailed(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?, errorCode: Int) {} override fun onServiceResolved(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo) { if (isServiceRunning) { connectTo( } } }) } override fun onServiceLost(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo?) {} } val savedMsgs = mutableMapOf>() val pendingMsgs = mutableMapOf>() val savedNames = mutableMapOf() val savedAvatars = mutableMapOf() val notSeen = mutableListOf() var uiCallbacks: UiCallbacks? = null var isAppInBackground = true var identityName: String? = null inner class AIRABinder : Binder() { fun getService(): AIRAService = this@AIRAService } override fun onBind(intent: Intent?): IBinder { return binder } interface UiCallbacks { fun onConnectFailed(ip: String, errorMsg: String?) fun onNewSession(sessionId: Int, ip: String) fun onSessionDisconnect(sessionId: Int) fun onNameTold(sessionId: Int, name: String) fun onAvatarChanged(sessionId: Int, avatar: ByteArray?) fun onSent(sessionId: Int, timestamp: Long, buffer: ByteArray) fun onPendingMessagesSent(sessionId: Int) fun onNewMessage(sessionId: Int, timestamp: Long, data: ByteArray): Boolean fun onAskLargeFiles(sessionId: Int, filesReceiver: FilesReceiver): Boolean } fun connectTo(ip: String) { serviceHandler.obtainMessage().apply { what = MESSAGE_CONNECT_TO data = Bundle().apply { putString("ip", ip) } serviceHandler.sendMessage(this) } } private fun sendTo(sessionId: Int, buffer: ByteArray) { serviceHandler.obtainMessage().apply { what = MESSAGE_SEND_TO data = Bundle().apply { putInt("sessionId", sessionId) putByteArray("buff", buffer) } serviceHandler.sendMessage(this) } } fun sendOrAddToPending(sessionId: Int, buffer: ByteArray): Boolean { return if (isOnline(sessionId)) { sendTo(sessionId, buffer) true } else { pendingMsgs[sessionId]?.add(buffer) false } } fun cancelFileTransfer(sessionId: Int) { serviceHandler.obtainMessage().apply { what = MESSAGE_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER data = Bundle().apply { putInt("sessionId", sessionId) } serviceHandler.sendMessage(this) } } fun sendFilesFromUris(sessionId: Int, uris: List, onPendingSmallFile: ((ByteArray) -> Unit)? = null) { val files = mutableListOf() var useLargeFileTransfer = false for (uri in uris) { FileUtils.openFileFromUri(this, uri)?.let { sendFile -> files.add(sendFile) if (sendFile.fileSize > Constants.fileSizeLimit) { useLargeFileTransfer = true } } } if (useLargeFileTransfer) { sendLargeFilesTo(sessionId, files) } else { for (file in files) { var buffer = file.inputStream.readBytes() file.inputStream.close() buffer = Protocol.newFile(file.fileName, buffer) if (!sendOrAddToPending(sessionId, buffer)) { onPendingSmallFile?.let { it(buffer) } } } } } private fun sendLargeFilesTo(sessionId: Int, files: MutableList) { if (sendFileTransfers[sessionId] == null && receiveFileTransfers[sessionId] == null) { val filesSender = FilesSender(files, this, notificationManager) initFileTransferNotification(sessionId, filesSender.fileTransferNotification, filesSender.files[0]) sendFileTransfers[sessionId] = filesSender sendOrAddToPending(sessionId, Protocol.askLargeFiles(files)) } else { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.file_transfer_already_in_progress, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } fun logOut() { serviceHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MESSAGE_LOGOUT) isServiceRunning = false releaseIdentity() } fun isOnline(sessionId: Int): Boolean { return sessions.contains(sessionId) } fun getNameOf(sessionId: Int): String { return contacts[sessionId]?.name ?: savedNames[sessionId] ?: sessions[sessionId]!!.ip } fun isContact(sessionId: Int): Boolean { return contacts.contains(sessionId) } fun setAsContact(sessionId: Int, name: String): Boolean { sessions[sessionId]?.peerPublicKey?.let { AIRADatabase.addContact(name, savedAvatars[sessionId], it)?.let { contact -> contacts[sessionId] = contact savedMsgs.remove(sessionId)?.let { msgs -> for (msg in msgs) { AIRADatabase.storeMsg(contact.uuid, msg.outgoing, msg.timestamp, } } savedNames.remove(sessionId) pendingMsgs[sessionId] = mutableListOf() savedAvatars.remove(sessionId) return true } } return false } fun setVerified(sessionId: Int): Boolean { contacts[sessionId]?.let { if (AIRADatabase.setVerified(it.uuid)) { it.verified = true return true } } return false } fun setSeen(sessionId: Int, seen: Boolean) { if (seen) { notSeen.remove(sessionId) notificationManager.cancel(notificationIdManager.getMessageNotificationId(sessionId)) } else if (!notSeen.contains(sessionId)) { notSeen.add(sessionId) } contacts[sessionId]?.let { contact -> if (contact.seen != seen) { if (AIRADatabase.setContactSeen(contact.uuid, seen)) { contact.seen = seen } } } } fun removeContact(sessionId: Int): Boolean { contacts.remove(sessionId)?.let { return if (AIRADatabase.removeContact(it.uuid)) { savedMsgs[sessionId] = mutableListOf() pendingMsgs.remove(sessionId) savedNames[sessionId] = it.avatar?.let { avatarUuid -> savedAvatars[sessionId] = avatarUuid } true } else { false } } return false } fun deleteConversation(sessionId: Int): Boolean { contacts[sessionId]?.let { return if (AIRADatabase.deleteConversation(it.uuid)) { savedMsgs[sessionId] = mutableListOf() true } else { false } } return true } fun changeName(newName: String): Boolean { return if (AIRADatabase.changeName(newName)) { identityName = newName serviceHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MESSAGE_SEND_NAME) true } else { false } } fun changeAvatar(avatar: ByteArray?): Boolean { val databaseFolder = Constants.getDatabaseFolder(applicationContext) val success = if (avatar == null) { AIRADatabase.removeIdentityAvatar(databaseFolder) } else { AIRADatabase.setIdentityAvatar(databaseFolder, avatar) } return if (success) { serviceHandler.obtainMessage().apply { what = MESSAGE_SEND_AVATAR data = Bundle().apply { putByteArray("avatar", avatar) } serviceHandler.sendMessage(this) } true } else { false } } private fun handleNewSocket(socket: SocketChannel, outgoing: Boolean) { Thread { try { val session = Session(socket, outgoing) if (session.doHandshake()) { synchronized(this) { var isActuallyNewSession = true for (s in sessions.values) { if (s.peerPublicKey.contentEquals(session.peerPublicKey)) { isActuallyNewSession = false } } if (isActuallyNewSession && !session.peerPublicKey.contentEquals(AIRADatabase.getIdentityPublicKey())) { var sessionId: Int? = null for ((i, contact) in contacts) { if (contact.publicKey.contentEquals(session.peerPublicKey)){ sessions[i] = session sessionId = i } } if (sessionId == null) { sessions[sessionCounter] = session savedMsgs[sessionCounter] = mutableListOf() sessionId = sessionCounter sessionCounter++ } session.configureBlocking(false) val key = session.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ) sessionIdByKey[key] = sessionId uiCallbacks?.onNewSession(sessionId, session.ip) if (isContact(sessionId)) { for (i in 0 until pendingMsgs[sessionId]!!.size) { sendAndSave(sessionId, pendingMsgs[sessionId]!!.removeAt(0)) } uiCallbacks?.onPendingMessagesSent(sessionId) } else { session.encryptAndSend(Protocol.askProfileInfo(), usePadding) } } else { session.close() } } } else { session.close() } } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } }.start() } private fun sendNotification(sessionId: Int, msgContent: ByteArray) { val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, MESSAGES_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) .setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentTitle(getNameOf(sessionId)) .setContentText( if (msgContent[0] == Protocol.MESSAGE) { msgContent.decodeToString(1) } else { //file msgContent.decodeToString(17) } ) .setContentIntent( PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, Intent(this, { putExtra("sessionId", sessionId) }, 0) ) .setAutoCancel(true) .setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL) .apply { priority = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_HIGH } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT_WATCH) { val markReadIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, Intent(this, { val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putBinder("binder", AIRABinder()) bundle.putInt("sessionId", sessionId) putExtra("bundle", bundle) action = NotificationBroadcastReceiver.ACTION_MARK_READ }, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) notificationBuilder.addAction( NotificationCompat.Action( R.drawable.ic_launcher, getString(R.string.mark_read), markReadIntent ) ) val replyPendingIntent: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, Intent(this, { val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putBinder("binder", AIRABinder()) bundle.putInt("sessionId", sessionId) putExtra("bundle", bundle) action = NotificationBroadcastReceiver.ACTION_REPLY }, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) notificationBuilder.addAction( NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(R.drawable.ic_launcher, getString(R.string.reply), replyPendingIntent) .addRemoteInput( RemoteInput.Builder(NotificationBroadcastReceiver.KEY_TEXT_REPLY) .setLabel(getString(R.string.reply)) .build() ) .build() ) } notificationManager.notify(notificationIdManager.getMessageNotificationId(sessionId), } private fun initFileTransferNotification(sessionId: Int, fileTransferNotification: FileTransferNotification, file: PendingFile) { fileTransferNotification.initFileTransferNotification( notificationIdManager.getFileTransferNotificationId(sessionId), file.fileName, file.fileSize.toInt(), Intent(this, { val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putBinder("binder", AIRABinder()) bundle.putInt("sessionId", sessionId) putExtra("bundle", bundle) action = NotificationBroadcastReceiver.ACTION_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER } ) } private fun saveMsg(sessionId: Int, timestamp: Long, msg: ByteArray) { var msgSaved = false contacts[sessionId]?.uuid?.let { uuid -> msgSaved = AIRADatabase.storeMsg(uuid, true, timestamp, msg) } if (!msgSaved) { savedMsgs[sessionId]?.add(ChatItem(true, timestamp, msg)) } } private fun sendAndSave(sessionId: Int, buffer: ByteArray) { sessions[sessionId]?.encryptAndSend(buffer, usePadding) val timestamp = TimeUtils.getTimestamp() if (buffer[0] == Protocol.MESSAGE) { uiCallbacks?.onSent(sessionId, timestamp, buffer) saveMsg(sessionId, timestamp, buffer) } else if (buffer[0] == Protocol.FILE) { Protocol.parseSmallFile(buffer)?.let { file -> AIRADatabase.storeFile(contacts[sessionId]?.uuid, file.fileContent)?.let { rawFileUuid -> val msg = byteArrayOf(Protocol.FILE) + rawFileUuid + file.rawFileName uiCallbacks?.onSent(sessionId, timestamp, msg) saveMsg(sessionId, timestamp, msg) } } } } override fun onCreate() { HandlerThread("", THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND).apply { start() serviceHandler = object : Handler(looper) { override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { try { when (msg.what) { MESSAGE_SEND_TO -> { val sessionId ="sessionId")"buff")?.let { val fileTransfer = sendFileTransfers[sessionId] if (fileTransfer?.nextChunk == null) { sendAndSave(sessionId, it) } else { fileTransfer.msgQueue.add(it) } } } MESSAGE_CONNECT_TO -> {"ip")?.let { ip -> Thread { val addr = InetSocketAddress(ip, Constants.port) if (addr.isUnresolved) { uiCallbacks?.onConnectFailed(ip, getString(R.string.invalid_ip)) } else { try { val socket = if (socket.connect(addr)) { handleNewSocket(socket, true) } } catch (e: NoRouteToHostException) { uiCallbacks?.onConnectFailed(ip, e.message) } catch (e: ConnectException) { uiCallbacks?.onConnectFailed(ip, e.message) } } }.start() } } MESSAGE_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER -> { val sessionId ="sessionId") sessions[sessionId]?.let { session -> cancelFileTransfer(sessionId, session, true) } } MESSAGE_SEND_NAME -> { identityName?.let { val tellingName = for (session in sessions.values) { try { session.encryptAndSend(tellingName, usePadding) } catch (e: SocketException) { e.printStackTrace() } } } } MESSAGE_SEND_AVATAR -> { val avatar ="avatar") val avatarMsg = if (avatar == null) { Protocol.removeAvatar() } else { Protocol.avatar(avatar) } for (session in sessions.values) { try { session.encryptAndSend(avatarMsg, usePadding) } catch (e: SocketException) { e.printStackTrace() } } } MESSAGE_LOGOUT -> { nsdManager.unregisterService(nsdRegistrationListener) stopDiscovery() quit() stopSelf() uiCallbacks = null } } } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } } } } val contactList = AIRADatabase.loadContacts() if (contactList == null) { contacts = HashMap(0) } else { contacts = HashMap(contactList.size) for (contact in contactList) { contacts[sessionCounter] = contact pendingMsgs[sessionCounter] = mutableListOf() if (!contact.seen) { notSeen.add(sessionCounter) } sessionCounter++ } } usePadding = AIRADatabase.getUsePadding() } private fun setAvatarUuid(sessionId: Int, avatarUuid: String?) { val contact = contacts[sessionId] if (contact == null) { if (avatarUuid == null) { savedAvatars.remove(sessionId) } else { savedAvatars[sessionId] = avatarUuid } } else { AIRADatabase.setContactAvatar(contact.uuid, avatarUuid) contact.avatar = avatarUuid } } private fun encryptNextChunk(session: Session, filesSender: FilesSender) { val nextChunk = ByteArray(Constants.FILE_CHUNK_SIZE) nextChunk[0] = Protocol.LARGE_FILE_CHUNK val read = try { filesSender.files[filesSender.index], 1, Constants.FILE_CHUNK_SIZE-1) } catch (e: IOException) { 0 } filesSender.nextChunk = if (read > 0) { filesSender.lastChunkSizes.add(read+1) session.encrypt(nextChunk.sliceArray(0 until read+1), usePadding) } else { null } } private fun flushSendFileTransfer(sessionId: Int, session: Session, filesSender: FilesSender) { synchronized(filesSender) { //prevent sending nextChunk two times when canceling filesSender.nextChunk?.let { session.writeAll(it) filesSender.nextChunk = null while (filesSender.msgQueue.size > 0) { val msg = filesSender.msgQueue.removeAt(0) sendAndSave(sessionId, msg) } } } } private fun cancelFileTransfer(sessionId: Int, session: Session, outgoing: Boolean) { sendFileTransfers[sessionId]?.let { it.files[it.index].inputStream.close() flushSendFileTransfer(sessionId, session, it) sendFileTransfers.remove(sessionId)!!.fileTransferNotification.onAborted() } receiveFileTransfers[sessionId]?.let { it.files[it.index].outputStream?.close() receiveFileTransfers.remove(sessionId)!!.fileTransferNotification.onAborted() } if (outgoing) { session.encryptAndSend(Protocol.abortFilesTransfer(), usePadding) } } private fun startListening() { val server = try { { configureBlocking(false) socket().bind(InetSocketAddress(Constants.port)) } } catch (e: SocketException) { Log.w("Bind failed", e.message.toString()) null } selector = server?.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) Thread { while (isServiceRunning) { //timeout to stop this thread if we log out val keys = selector.selectedKeys() for (key in keys) { if (key.isValid) { if (key.isReadable) { sessionIdByKey[key]?.let { sessionId -> sessions[sessionId]?.let { session -> var shouldCloseSession = false try { val buffer = session.receiveAndDecrypt() if (buffer == null) { shouldCloseSession = true } else { when (buffer[0]) { Protocol.LARGE_FILE_CHUNK -> { receiveFileTransfers[sessionId]?.let { filesReceiver -> val file = filesReceiver.files[filesReceiver.index] if (file.outputStream == null) { val outputStream = FileUtils.openFileForDownload(this, file.fileName).outputStream if (outputStream == null) { cancelFileTransfer(sessionId) } else { file.outputStream = outputStream } } file.outputStream?.let { outputStream -> val chunk = buffer.sliceArray(1 until buffer.size) try { outputStream.write(chunk) session.encryptAndSend(Protocol.ackChunk(), usePadding) file.transferred += chunk.size if (file.transferred >= file.fileSize) { outputStream.close() if (filesReceiver.index == filesReceiver.files.size-1) { receiveFileTransfers.remove(sessionId) filesReceiver.fileTransferNotification.onCompleted() } else { filesReceiver.index += 1 val nextFile = filesReceiver.files[filesReceiver.index] initFileTransferNotification( sessionId, filesReceiver.fileTransferNotification, nextFile, ) } } else { filesReceiver.fileTransferNotification.updateNotificationProgress(chunk.size) } } catch (e: IOException) { cancelFileTransfer(sessionId) } } } } Protocol.ACK_CHUNK -> { sendFileTransfers[sessionId]?.let { filesSender -> flushSendFileTransfer(sessionId, session, filesSender) val file = filesSender.files[filesSender.index] val chunkSize = filesSender.lastChunkSizes.removeAt(0) file.transferred += chunkSize if (file.transferred >= file.fileSize) { file.inputStream.close() if (filesSender.index == filesSender.files.size-1) { sendFileTransfers.remove(sessionId) filesSender.fileTransferNotification.onCompleted() } else { filesSender.index += 1 val nextFile = filesSender.files[filesSender.index] initFileTransferNotification( sessionId, filesSender.fileTransferNotification, nextFile, ) encryptNextChunk(session, filesSender) filesSender.nextChunk?.let { session.writeAll(it) encryptNextChunk(session, filesSender) } } } else { encryptNextChunk(session, filesSender) filesSender.fileTransferNotification.updateNotificationProgress(chunkSize) } } } Protocol.ABORT_FILES_TRANSFER -> cancelFileTransfer(sessionId, session, false) Protocol.ACCEPT_LARGE_FILES -> { sendFileTransfers[sessionId]?.let { filesSender -> encryptNextChunk(session, filesSender) filesSender.nextChunk?.let { session.writeAll(it) encryptNextChunk(session, filesSender) } } } Protocol.ASK_LARGE_FILES -> { if (!receiveFileTransfers.containsKey(sessionId) && !sendFileTransfers.containsKey(sessionId)) { Protocol.parseAskFiles(buffer)?.let { files -> val filesReceiver = FilesReceiver( files, { filesReceiver -> initFileTransferNotification( sessionId, filesReceiver.fileTransferNotification, filesReceiver.files[0], ) sendTo(sessionId, Protocol.acceptLargeFiles()) }, { filesReceiver -> receiveFileTransfers.remove(sessionId) sendTo(sessionId, Protocol.abortFilesTransfer()) filesReceiver.fileTransferNotification.cancel() }, this, notificationManager, ) receiveFileTransfers[sessionId] = filesReceiver var shouldSendNotification = true if (!isAppInBackground) { if (uiCallbacks?.onAskLargeFiles(sessionId, filesReceiver) == true) { shouldSendNotification = false } } if (shouldSendNotification) { val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, ASK_FILE_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) .setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_EVENT) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentTitle(getString(R.string.download_file_request)) .setContentText(getString(R.string.want_to_send_files, getNameOf(sessionId))) .setOngoing(true) //not cancelable .setContentIntent( PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, Intent(this, { putExtra("sessionId", sessionId) }, 0) ) .setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL) .apply { priority = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_HIGH } notificationManager.notify(notificationIdManager.getFileTransferNotificationId(sessionId), } } } } Protocol.ASK_PROFILE_INFO -> { identityName?.let { name -> session.encryptAndSend(, usePadding) } AIRADatabase.getIdentityAvatar(Constants.getDatabaseFolder(this))?.let { avatar -> session.encryptAndSend(Protocol.avatar(avatar), usePadding) } } Protocol.NAME -> { val name = StringUtils.sanitizeName(buffer.sliceArray(1 until buffer.size).decodeToString()) uiCallbacks?.onNameTold(sessionId, name) val contact = contacts[sessionId] if (contact == null) { savedNames[sessionId] = name } else { = name AIRADatabase.changeContactName(contact.uuid, name) } } Protocol.AVATAR -> { if (buffer.size < Constants.MAX_AVATAR_SIZE) { val avatar = buffer.sliceArray(1 until buffer.size) uiCallbacks?.onAvatarChanged(sessionId, avatar) AIRADatabase.storeAvatar(avatar)?.let { avatarUuid -> setAvatarUuid(sessionId, avatarUuid) } } } Protocol.REMOVE_AVATAR -> { uiCallbacks?.onAvatarChanged(sessionId, null) setAvatarUuid(sessionId, null) } else -> { when (buffer[0]){ Protocol.MESSAGE -> buffer Protocol.FILE -> { val smallFile = Protocol.parseSmallFile(buffer) if (smallFile == null) { null } else { val rawFileUuid = AIRADatabase.storeFile(contacts[sessionId]?.uuid, smallFile.fileContent) if (rawFileUuid == null) { null } else { byteArrayOf(Protocol.FILE)+rawFileUuid+smallFile.rawFileName } } } else -> { Log.i("Unknown message type", String.format("%02X", buffer[0])) null } }?.let { handledMsg -> val timestamp = TimeUtils.getTimestamp() var seen = false uiCallbacks?.let { uiCallbacks -> seen = uiCallbacks.onNewMessage(sessionId, timestamp, handledMsg) } setSeen(sessionId, seen) var msgSaved = false contacts[sessionId]?.let { contact -> msgSaved = AIRADatabase.storeMsg(contact.uuid, false, timestamp, handledMsg) } if (!msgSaved){ savedMsgs[sessionId]?.add(ChatItem(false, timestamp, handledMsg)) } if (isAppInBackground) { sendNotification(sessionId, handledMsg) } } } } } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() shouldCloseSession = true } if (shouldCloseSession) { session.close() key.cancel() uiCallbacks?.onSessionDisconnect(sessionId) sessions.remove(sessionId) savedMsgs.remove(sessionId) savedNames.remove(sessionId) sendFileTransfers.remove(sessionId)?.fileTransferNotification?.cancel() receiveFileTransfers.remove(sessionId)?.fileTransferNotification?.cancel() } } } } else if (key.isAcceptable) { server?.accept()?.let { handleNewSocket(it, false) } } } } } for (session in sessions.values) { session.close() } server?.close() }.start() } fun restartDiscovery() { shouldRestartDiscovery = true stopDiscovery() } private fun stopDiscovery() { nsdManager.stopServiceDiscovery(nsdDiscoveryListener) } private fun startDiscovery() { nsdManager.discoverServices(Constants.mDNSServiceType, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, nsdDiscoveryListener) } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.O) private fun createNotificationChannels() { notificationManager.createNotificationChannel( NotificationChannel( SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getString(R.string.service_name), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ) notificationManager.createNotificationChannel( NotificationChannel( MESSAGES_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getString(R.string.msg_notification_channel_name), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH ) ) notificationManager.createNotificationChannel( NotificationChannel( ASK_FILE_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getString(R.string.ask_file_notification_channel), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH ) ) notificationManager.createNotificationChannel( NotificationChannel( FILE_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getString(R.string.file_transfers), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ) } override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this) val notificationBuilder = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { createNotificationChannels() Notification.Builder(this, SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) } else { @Suppress("Deprecation") Notification.Builder(this) } val notification: Notification = notificationBuilder .setContentTitle(getString(R.string.background_service)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentIntent( PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, Intent(this,, 0) ) .build() startForeground(1, notification) val serviceInfo = NsdServiceInfo().apply { serviceName = Constants.mDNSServiceName serviceType = Constants.mDNSServiceType port = Constants.port } nsdManager = getSystemService(Context.NSD_SERVICE) as NsdManager try { nsdManager.registerService(serviceInfo, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, nsdRegistrationListener) startDiscovery() } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { //can happen if service is restarted too quickly } startListening() isServiceRunning = true return START_STICKY } override fun onDestroy() { isServiceRunning = false } }