package sushi.hardcore.aira.adapters import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import import android.view.Gravity import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ImageButton import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.core.view.updateMargins import androidx.core.view.updatePadding import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import sushi.hardcore.aira.AIRADatabase import sushi.hardcore.aira.ChatItem import sushi.hardcore.aira.R import sushi.hardcore.aira.background_service.Protocol import sushi.hardcore.aira.utils.StringUtils import sushi.hardcore.aira.utils.TimeUtils import java.text.DateFormat import java.util.* class ChatAdapter( private val context: Context, private val onSavingFile: (filename: String, rawUuid: ByteArray) -> Unit ): RecyclerView.Adapter() { companion object { const val BUBBLE_MARGIN = 150 const val CONTAINER_PADDING = 40 const val BUBBLE_VERTICAL_MARGIN = 30 const val BUBBLE_CORNER_NORMAL = 50f const val BUBBLE_CORNER_ARROW = 20f } private val inflater: LayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context) private val chatItems = mutableListOf() fun newMessage(chatItem: ChatItem) { chatItems.add(chatItem) notifyItemChanged(chatItems.size-2) notifyItemInserted(chatItems.size-1) } fun newLoadedMessage(chatItem: ChatItem) { chatItems.add(0, chatItem) notifyItemInserted(0) notifyItemChanged(1) } fun removePendingMessages() { val oldSize = chatItems.size chatItems.removeAll { it.timestamp == 0L } notifyItemRangeRemoved(chatItems.size, oldSize-chatItems.size) } fun clear() { chatItems.clear() notifyDataSetChanged() } internal open class BubbleViewHolder(private val context: Context, itemView: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) { private fun generateCorners(topLeft: Float, topRight: Float, bottomRight: Float, bottomLeft: Float): FloatArray { return floatArrayOf(topLeft, topLeft, topRight, topRight, bottomRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, bottomLeft) } protected fun setBubbleContent(layoutResource: Int) { //if the view was recycled bubble_content will be null and we don't need to inflate a layout itemView.findViewById( { placeHolder -> val parent = placeHolder.parent as ViewGroup val index = parent.indexOfChild(placeHolder) parent.removeView(placeHolder) val bubbleContent = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutResource, parent, false) parent.addView(bubbleContent, index) } } protected fun configureContainer(outgoing: Boolean, previousOutgoing: Boolean?, isLast: Boolean) { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) if (previousOutgoing != null && previousOutgoing != outgoing) { layoutParams.updateMargins(top = BUBBLE_VERTICAL_MARGIN) } if (isLast) { layoutParams.updateMargins(bottom = BUBBLE_VERTICAL_MARGIN) } itemView.layoutParams = layoutParams //set layoutParams anyway to reset margins if the view was recycled if (outgoing) { itemView.updatePadding(right = CONTAINER_PADDING) } else { itemView.updatePadding(left = CONTAINER_PADDING) } } protected fun configureBubble(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?, nextChatItem: ChatItem?) { val bubble = itemView.findViewById( bubble.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT).apply { gravity = if (chatItem.outgoing) { marginStart = BUBBLE_MARGIN Gravity.END } else { marginEnd = BUBBLE_MARGIN Gravity.START } } val backgroundDrawable = GradientDrawable() backgroundDrawable.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, if (chatItem.outgoing) { R.color.bubbleBackground } else { R.color.incomingBubbleBackground })) var topLeft = BUBBLE_CORNER_NORMAL var topRight = BUBBLE_CORNER_NORMAL var bottomRight = BUBBLE_CORNER_NORMAL var bottomLeft = BUBBLE_CORNER_NORMAL if (previousChatItem?.outgoing == chatItem.outgoing && TimeUtils.isInTheSameDay(chatItem, previousChatItem)) { if (chatItem.outgoing) { topRight = BUBBLE_CORNER_ARROW } else { topLeft = BUBBLE_CORNER_ARROW } } if (nextChatItem?.outgoing == chatItem.outgoing && TimeUtils.isInTheSameDay(chatItem, nextChatItem)) { if (chatItem.outgoing) { bottomRight = BUBBLE_CORNER_ARROW } else { bottomLeft = BUBBLE_CORNER_ARROW } } backgroundDrawable.cornerRadii = generateCorners(topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft) bubble.background = backgroundDrawable } protected fun showDateAndTime(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?) { var showTextPendingMsg = false val textPendingMsg = itemView.findViewById( val textDate = itemView.findViewById( val textHour = itemView.findViewById( val showDate = if (chatItem.timestamp == 0L) { if (previousChatItem == null || previousChatItem.timestamp != 0L) { showTextPendingMsg = true } textHour.visibility = View.GONE false } else { textHour.apply { visibility = View.VISIBLE @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") text = StringUtils.toTwoDigits(chatItem.calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))+":"+StringUtils.toTwoDigits(chatItem.calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, if (chatItem.outgoing) { R.color.outgoingTimestamp } else { R.color.incomingTimestamp })) } if (previousChatItem == null) { true } else { !TimeUtils.isInTheSameDay(chatItem, previousChatItem) } } textDate.visibility = if (showDate) { textDate.text = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(chatItem.calendar.time) View.VISIBLE } else { View.GONE } textPendingMsg.visibility = if (showTextPendingMsg) { View.VISIBLE } else { View.GONE } } } internal open class MessageViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View): BubbleViewHolder(context, itemView) { protected fun bindMessage(chatItem: ChatItem, outgoing: Boolean): TextView { setBubbleContent(R.layout.message_bubble_content) itemView.findViewById( { text = until if (!outgoing) { highlightColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.incomingHighlight) } return this } } } internal class OutgoingMessageViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View): MessageViewHolder(context, itemView) { fun bind(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?, nextChatItem: ChatItem?) { bindMessage(chatItem, true).apply { setLinkTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.outgoingTextLink)) } showDateAndTime(chatItem, previousChatItem) configureBubble(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) configureContainer(true, previousChatItem?.outgoing, nextChatItem == null) } } internal class IncomingMessageViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View): MessageViewHolder(context, itemView) { fun bind(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?, nextChatItem: ChatItem?) { bindMessage(chatItem, false).apply { setLinkTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.incomingTextLink)) } showDateAndTime(chatItem, previousChatItem) configureBubble(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) configureContainer(false, previousChatItem?.outgoing, nextChatItem == null) } } internal open class FileViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View, private val onSavingFile: (fileName: String, fileContent: ByteArray) -> Unit): BubbleViewHolder(context, itemView) { protected fun bindFile(chatItem: ChatItem, outgoing: Boolean) { setBubbleContent(R.layout.file_bubble_content) val buttonSave = itemView.findViewById( val fileName: String if (chatItem.timestamp == 0L) { //pending val file = Protocol.parseSmallFile(!! fileName = file.rawFileName.decodeToString() buttonSave.setOnClickListener { onSavingFile(fileName, file.fileContent) } } else { fileName = until buttonSave.setOnClickListener { AIRADatabase.loadFile( until 17))?.let { onSavingFile(fileName, it) } } } itemView.findViewById( { text = fileName if (!outgoing) { highlightColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.incomingHighlight) } } } } internal class OutgoingFileViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View, onSavingFile: (filename: String, rawUuid: ByteArray) -> Unit): FileViewHolder(context, itemView, onSavingFile) { fun bind(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?, nextChatItem: ChatItem?) { bindFile(chatItem, true) showDateAndTime(chatItem, previousChatItem) configureBubble(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) configureContainer(true, previousChatItem?.outgoing, nextChatItem == null) } } internal class IncomingFileViewHolder(context: Context, itemView: View, onSavingFile: (filename: String, rawUuid: ByteArray) -> Unit): FileViewHolder(context, itemView, onSavingFile) { fun bind(chatItem: ChatItem, previousChatItem: ChatItem?, nextChatItem: ChatItem?) { bindFile(chatItem, false) showDateAndTime(chatItem, previousChatItem) configureBubble(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) configureContainer(false, previousChatItem?.outgoing, nextChatItem == null) } } override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder { val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.adapter_chat_item, parent, false) return if (viewType == ChatItem.OUTGOING_MESSAGE || viewType == ChatItem.INCOMING_MESSAGE) { if (viewType == ChatItem.OUTGOING_MESSAGE) { OutgoingMessageViewHolder(context, view) } else { IncomingMessageViewHolder(context, view) } } else { if (viewType == ChatItem.OUTGOING_FILE) { OutgoingFileViewHolder(context, view, onSavingFile) } else { IncomingFileViewHolder(context, view, onSavingFile) } } } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { val chatItem = chatItems[position] val previousChatItem = if (position == 0) { null } else { chatItems[position-1] } val nextChatItem = if (position == chatItems.size - 1) { null } else { chatItems[position+1] } when (chatItem.itemType) { ChatItem.OUTGOING_MESSAGE -> (holder as OutgoingMessageViewHolder).bind(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) ChatItem.INCOMING_MESSAGE -> (holder as IncomingMessageViewHolder).bind(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) ChatItem.OUTGOING_FILE -> (holder as OutgoingFileViewHolder).bind(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) ChatItem.INCOMING_FILE -> (holder as IncomingFileViewHolder).bind(chatItem, previousChatItem, nextChatItem) } } override fun getItemCount(): Int { return chatItems.size } override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int { return chatItems[position].itemType } }