Message timestamps

This commit is contained in:
Matéo Duparc 2021-06-16 16:15:21 +02:00
parent 3543ef2824
commit 03a9df81ec
Signed by: hardcoresushi
GPG Key ID: 007F84120107191E
7 changed files with 194 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -410,23 +410,42 @@ button:hover::after {
overflow-y: auto;
white-space: pre-wrap;
#msg_log li {
display: flex;
align-items: end;
gap: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
#msg_log li>div {
flex-grow: 1;
#msg_log li .timestamp {
opacity: .5;
font-family: "Liberation Sans", Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: .8em;
#msg_log p {
font-size: 1.1em;
word-break: break-word;
margin: 0;
#msg_log .avatar {
font-size: .8em;
#msg_log li .header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-top: 15px;
#msg_log li .header p {
color: var(--accent);
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: .5em;
#msg_log li .content {
margin-left: 3em;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#msg_log li .content p {
word-break: break-word;
#msg_log a {
color: #238cf5;

View File

@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ document.getElementById("attach_file").onchange = function(event) {
formData.append("", files[i]);
fetch("/send_file", {method: "POST", body: formData}).then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
response.text().then(uuid => onFileSent(currentSessionId, uuid, files[i].name));
response.text().then(uuid => onFileSent(currentSessionId, new, uuid, files[i].name));
} else {
@ -436,6 +436,16 @@ function getCookie(cname) {
return "";
function parseTimestamp(timestamp) {
return new Date(Number(timestamp) * 1000);
function toTwoNumbers(n) {
if (n < 10) {
return '0'+n;
} else {
return n;
socket.onopen = function() {
@ -467,10 +477,10 @@ socket.onmessage = function(msg) {
onNewSession(args[1], args[2] === "true", args[3], args[4],[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+args[3].length+args[4].length+5));
case "new_message":
onNewMessage(args[1], args[2] === "true",[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+3));
onNewMessage(args[1], args[2] === "true", parseTimestamp(args[3]),[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+args[3].length+4));
case "file":
onFileReceived(args[1], args[2],[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+3));
onFileReceived(args[1], parseTimestamp(args[2]), args[3],[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+args[3].length+4));
case "files_transfer":
onNewFilesTransfer(args[1], args[2],[0].length+args[1].length+args[2].length+3));
@ -600,8 +610,8 @@ function onMsgOrFileReceived(sessionId, outgoing, body) {
function onNewMessage(sessionId, outgoing, msg) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([outgoing, false, msg]);
function onNewMessage(sessionId, outgoing, timestamp, msg) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([outgoing, timestamp, false, msg]);
onMsgOrFileReceived(sessionId, outgoing, msg);
function onNewFilesTransfer(sessionId, index, filesInfo) {
@ -731,29 +741,32 @@ function onIncFilesTransfer(sessionId, chunkSize) {
function onMsgsLoad(sessionId, strMsgs) {
let msgs = strMsgs.split(' ');
let n = 0;
while (n < msgs.length) {
let outgoing = msgs[n+1] === "true";
switch (msgs[n]) {
case 'm':
let msg = b64DecodeUnicode(msgs[n+2]);
msgHistory.get(sessionId).unshift([outgoing, false, msg]);
n += 3;
case 'f':
let uuid = msgs[n+2];
let fileName = b64DecodeUnicode(msgs[n+3]);
msgHistory.get(sessionId).unshift([outgoing, true, [uuid, fileName]]);
n += 4;
if (msgs.length > 3) {
let n = 0;
while (n < msgs.length) {
let outgoing = msgs[n+1] === "true";
let timestamp = parseTimestamp(msgs[n+2]);
switch (msgs[n]) {
case 'm':
let msg = b64DecodeUnicode(msgs[n+3]);
msgHistory.get(sessionId).unshift([outgoing, timestamp, false, msg]);
n += 4;
case 'f':
let uuid = msgs[n+3];
let fileName = b64DecodeUnicode(msgs[n+4]);
msgHistory.get(sessionId).unshift([outgoing, timestamp, true, [uuid, fileName]]);
n += 5;
if (currentSessionId == sessionId) {
if (msg_log.scrollHeight - msg_log.scrollTop === msg_log.clientHeight) {
} else {
let backupHeight = msg_log.scrollHeight;
msg_log.scrollTop = msg_log.scrollHeight-backupHeight;
if (currentSessionId == sessionId) {
if (msg_log.scrollHeight - msg_log.scrollTop === msg_log.clientHeight) {
} else {
let backupHeight = msg_log.scrollHeight;
msg_log.scrollTop = msg_log.scrollHeight-backupHeight;
@ -774,12 +787,12 @@ function onDisconnected(sessionId) {
function onFileReceived(sessionId, uuid, file_name) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([false, true, [uuid, file_name]]);
function onFileReceived(sessionId, timestamp, uuid, file_name) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([false, timestamp, true, [uuid, file_name]]);
onMsgOrFileReceived(sessionId, false, file_name);
function onFileSent(sessionId, uuid, file_name) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([true, true, [uuid, file_name]]);
function onFileSent(sessionId, timestamp, uuid, file_name) {
msgHistory.get(sessionId).push([true, timestamp, true, [uuid, file_name]]);
if (currentSessionId == sessionId) {
@ -1030,18 +1043,25 @@ function generateMsgHeader(name, sessionId) {
return div;
function generateMessageTimestamp(timestamp) {
let p = document.createElement("p");
p.title = timestamp;
p.textContent = toTwoNumbers(timestamp.getHours())+":"+toTwoNumbers(timestamp.getMinutes());
return p;
function generateMessage(name, sessionId, msg) {
let p = document.createElement("p");
let div = document.createElement("div");
let li = document.createElement("li");
let divContainer = document.createElement("div");
if (typeof name !== "undefined") {
li.appendChild(generateMsgHeader(name, sessionId));
divContainer.appendChild(generateMsgHeader(name, sessionId));
return li;
return divContainer;
function generateFile(name, sessionId, outgoing, file_info) {
let div1 = document.createElement("div");
@ -1063,12 +1083,12 @@ function generateFile(name, sessionId, outgoing, file_info) {
a.href = "/load_file?uuid="+file_info[0]+"&file_name="+encodeURIComponent(file_info[1]); = "_blank";
let li = document.createElement("li");
let divContainer = document.createElement("div");
if (typeof name !== "undefined") {
li.appendChild(generateMsgHeader(name, sessionId));
divContainer.appendChild(generateMsgHeader(name, sessionId));
return li;
return divContainer;
function generateFileInfo(fileName, fileSize, p) {
let span = document.createElement("span");
@ -1152,11 +1172,16 @@ function displayHistory(scrollToBottom = true) {
sessionId = currentSessionId;
if (entry[1]) { //is file
msg_log.appendChild(generateFile(name, sessionId, entry[0], entry[2]));
let div;
if (entry[2]) { //is file
div = generateFile(name, sessionId, entry[0], entry[3]);
} else {
msg_log.appendChild(generateMessage(name, sessionId, entry[2]));
div = generateMessage(name, sessionId, entry[3]);
let li = document.createElement("li");
if (scrollToBottom) {
msg_log.scrollTop = msg_log.scrollHeight;

View File

@ -43,12 +43,11 @@ fn get_database_path() -> String {
AppDirs::new(Some(constants::APPLICATION_FOLDER), false).unwrap().data_dir.join(constants::DB_NAME).to_str().unwrap().to_owned()
struct EncryptedIdentity {
name: String,
encrypted_keypair: Vec<u8>,
salt: Vec<u8>,
encrypted_master_key: Vec<u8>,
encrypted_use_padding: Vec<u8>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Message {
pub outgoing: bool,
pub timestamp: u64,
pub data: Vec<u8>,
pub struct Contact {
@ -60,6 +59,14 @@ pub struct Contact {
pub seen: bool,
struct EncryptedIdentity {
name: String,
encrypted_keypair: Vec<u8>,
salt: Vec<u8>,
encrypted_master_key: Vec<u8>,
encrypted_use_padding: Vec<u8>,
pub struct Identity {
pub name: String,
pub keypair: Keypair,
@ -242,16 +249,17 @@ impl Identity {
pub fn store_msg(&self, contact_uuid: &Uuid, outgoing: bool, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, rusqlite::Error> {
pub fn store_msg(&self, contact_uuid: &Uuid, message: Message) -> Result<usize, rusqlite::Error> {
let db = Connection::open(get_database_path())?;
db.execute(&format!("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{}\" (outgoing BLOB, data BLOB)", contact_uuid), [])?;
let outgoing_byte: u8 = bool_to_byte(outgoing);
db.execute(&format!("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{}\" (outgoing BLOB, timestamp BLOB, data BLOB)", contact_uuid), [])?;
let outgoing_byte: u8 = bool_to_byte(message.outgoing);
let encrypted_outgoing = crypto::encrypt_data(&[outgoing_byte], &self.master_key).unwrap();
let encrypted_data = crypto::encrypt_data(data, &self.master_key).unwrap();
db.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO \"{}\" (outgoing, data) VALUES (?1, ?2)", contact_uuid), params![encrypted_outgoing, encrypted_data])
let encrypted_timestamp = crypto::encrypt_data(&message.timestamp.to_be_bytes(), &self.master_key).unwrap();
let encrypted_data = crypto::encrypt_data(&, &self.master_key).unwrap();
db.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO \"{}\" (outgoing, timestamp, data) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)", contact_uuid), params![encrypted_outgoing, encrypted_timestamp, encrypted_data])
pub fn load_msgs(&self, contact_uuid: &Uuid, offset: usize, mut count: usize) -> Option<Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>> {
pub fn load_msgs(&self, contact_uuid: &Uuid, offset: usize, mut count: usize) -> Option<Vec<Message>> {
match Connection::open(get_database_path()) {
Ok(db) => {
if let Ok(mut stmt) = db.prepare(&format!("SELECT count(*) FROM \"{}\"", contact_uuid)) {
@ -262,7 +270,7 @@ impl Identity {
if offset+count >= total {
count = total-offset;
let mut stmt = db.prepare(&format!("SELECT outgoing, data FROM \"{}\" LIMIT {} OFFSET {}", contact_uuid, count, total-offset-count)).unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(&format!("SELECT outgoing, timestamp, data FROM \"{}\" LIMIT {} OFFSET {}", contact_uuid, count, total-offset-count)).unwrap();
let mut rows = stmt.query([]).unwrap();
let mut msgs = Vec::new();
while let Ok(Some(row)) = {
@ -271,9 +279,19 @@ impl Identity {
Ok(outgoing) => {
match byte_to_bool(outgoing[0]) {
Ok(outgoing) => {
let encrypted_data: Vec<u8> = row.get(1).unwrap();
match crypto::decrypt_data(encrypted_data.as_slice(), &self.master_key) {
Ok(data) => msgs.push((outgoing, data)),
let encrypted_timestamp: Vec<u8> = row.get(1).unwrap();
match crypto::decrypt_data(&encrypted_timestamp, &self.master_key) {
Ok(timestamp) => {
let encrypted_data: Vec<u8> = row.get(2).unwrap();
match crypto::decrypt_data(encrypted_data.as_slice(), &self.master_key) {
Ok(data) => msgs.push(Message {
timestamp: u64::from_be_bytes(timestamp.try_into().unwrap()),
Err(e) => print_error!(e)
Err(e) => print_error!(e)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use image::GenericImageView;
use tokio::{net::TcpListener, runtime::Handle, sync::mpsc};
use actix_web::{App, HttpMessage, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, http::{header, CookieBuilder}, web, web::Data};
use actix_multipart::Multipart;
use tungstenite::Message;
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use rand::{RngCore, rngs::OsRng};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ use utils::escape_double_quote;
use identity::Identity;
use session_manager::{SessionManager, SessionCommand};
use ui_interface::UiConnection;
use crate::{identity::Message, utils::get_unix_timestamp_sec};
async fn start_websocket_server(global_vars: Arc<RwLock<GlobalVars>>) -> u16 {
let websocket_bind_addr = env::var("AIRA_WEBSOCKET_ADDR").unwrap_or("".to_owned());
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ async fn websocket_worker(mut ui_connection: UiConnection, global_vars: Arc<RwLo
match ui_connection.websocket.read_message() {
Ok(msg) => {
if msg.is_ping() {
ui_connection.write_message(Message::Pong(Vec::new())); //not sure if I'm doing this right
ui_connection.write_message(tungstenite::Message::Pong(Vec::new())); //not sure if I'm doing this right
} else if msg.is_text() {
let msg = msg.into_text().unwrap();
let mut ui_connection = ui_connection.clone();
@ -161,10 +161,15 @@ async fn websocket_worker(mut ui_connection: UiConnection, global_vars: Arc<RwLo
"send" => {
let session_id: usize = args[1].parse().unwrap();
let buffer = protocol::new_message(msg[args[0].len()+args[1].len()+2..].to_string());
let timestamp = get_unix_timestamp_sec();
if session_manager.send_command(&session_id, SessionCommand::Send {
buff: buffer.clone()
}).await {
session_manager.store_msg(&session_id, true, buffer);
session_manager.store_msg(&session_id, Message {
outgoing: true,
data: buffer,
"large_files" => {
@ -435,13 +440,18 @@ async fn handle_send_file(req: HttpRequest, mut payload: Multipart) -> HttpRespo
while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = {
let timestamp = get_unix_timestamp_sec();
if global_vars_read.session_manager.send_command(&session_id, SessionCommand::Send {
buff: protocol::file(filename, &buffer)
}).await {
match global_vars_read.session_manager.store_file(&session_id, &buffer) {
Ok(file_uuid) => {
let msg = [&[protocol::Headers::FILE][..], file_uuid.as_bytes(), filename.as_bytes()].concat();
global_vars_read.session_manager.store_msg(&session_id, true, msg);
global_vars_read.session_manager.store_msg(&session_id, Message {
outgoing: true,
data: msg,
return HttpResponse::Ok().body(file_uuid.to_string());
Err(e) => print_error!(e)

View File

@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ use libmdns::Service;
use uuid::Uuid;
use platform_dirs::UserDirs;
use async_psec::{PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH, Session, SessionWriteHalf, PsecWriter, PsecReader, PsecError};
use crate::{constants, protocol, crypto, discovery, identity::{Contact, Identity}, print_error, utils::{get_unix_timestamp, get_not_used_path}};
use crate::ui_interface::UiConnection;
use crate::{constants, crypto, discovery, identity::{Contact, Identity, Message}, ui_interface::UiConnection, print_error, protocol, utils::{get_not_used_path, get_unix_timestamp_ms, get_unix_timestamp_sec}};
pub enum SessionCommand {
Send {
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ pub struct SessionManager {
ui_connection: Mutex<Option<UiConnection>>,
loaded_contacts: RwLock<HashMap<usize, Contact>>,
pub last_loaded_msg_offsets: RwLock<HashMap<usize, usize>>,
pub saved_msgs: RwLock<HashMap<usize, Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>>>,
pub saved_msgs: RwLock<HashMap<usize, Vec<Message>>>,
pub not_seen: RwLock<Vec<usize>>,
mdns_service: Mutex<Option<Service>>,
listener_stop_signal: Mutex<Option<Sender<()>>>,
@ -88,11 +87,11 @@ impl SessionManager {
pub fn store_msg(&self, session_id: &usize, outgoing: bool, buffer: Vec<u8>) {
pub fn store_msg(&self, session_id: &usize, message: Message) {
let mut msg_saved = false;
if let Some(contact) = {
let mut offsets = self.last_loaded_msg_offsets.write().unwrap(); //locking mutex before modifying the DB to prevent race conditions with load_msgs()
match, outgoing, &buffer) {
match, message.clone()) {
Ok(_) => {
*offsets.get_mut(session_id).unwrap() += 1;
msg_saved = true;
@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
if !msg_saved {
self.saved_msgs.write().unwrap().get_mut(&session_id).unwrap().push((outgoing, buffer));
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
async fn send_msg(&self, session_id: usize, session_write: &mut SessionWriteHalf, buff: &[u8], is_sending: &mut bool, file_ack_sender: &mut Option<Sender<bool>>) -> Result<(), PsecError> {
async fn send_msg(&self, session_id: usize, session_write: &mut SessionWriteHalf, buff: Vec<u8>, is_sending: &mut bool, file_ack_sender: &mut Option<Sender<bool>>) -> Result<(), PsecError> {
self.encrypt_and_send(session_write, &buff).await?;
if buff[0] == protocol::Headers::ACCEPT_LARGE_FILES {
self.sessions.write().unwrap().get_mut(&session_id).unwrap().files_download.as_mut().unwrap().accepted = true;
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
self.with_ui_connection(|ui_connection| {
ui_connection.on_msg_sent(session_id, &buff);
ui_connection.on_msg_sent(session_id, get_unix_timestamp_sec(), buff);
@ -223,7 +222,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
let mut sessions = self.sessions.write().unwrap();
let files_transfer = sessions.get_mut(&session_id).unwrap().files_download.as_mut().unwrap();
let file_transfer = &mut files_transfer.files[files_transfer.index];
file_transfer.last_chunk = get_unix_timestamp();
file_transfer.last_chunk = get_unix_timestamp_ms();
file_transfer.transferred += chunk_size;
if file_transfer.transferred >= file_transfer.file_size { //we downloaded all the file
if files_transfer.index+1 == files_transfer.files.len() {
@ -281,7 +280,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
self.sessions.write().unwrap().get_mut(&session_id).unwrap().files_download = None;
local_file_handle = None;
self.with_ui_connection(|ui_connection| {
ui_connection.on_received(&session_id, &buffer);
ui_connection.on_received(&session_id, get_unix_timestamp_sec(), buffer);
protocol::Headers::ASK_LARGE_FILES => {
@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
file_name: info.1,
file_size: info.0,
transferred: 0,
last_chunk: get_unix_timestamp(),
last_chunk: get_unix_timestamp_ms(),
self.sessions.write().unwrap().get_mut(&session_id).unwrap().files_download = Some(LargeFilesDownload {
@ -389,8 +388,9 @@ impl SessionManager {
if buffer.is_some() {
if let Some(buffer) = buffer {
let is_classical_message = header == protocol::Headers::MESSAGE || header == protocol::Headers::FILE;
let timestamp = get_unix_timestamp_sec();
if is_classical_message {
self.set_seen(session_id, false);
} else if header == protocol::Headers::ACCEPT_LARGE_FILES {
@ -398,10 +398,14 @@ impl SessionManager {
last_chunks_sizes = Some(Vec::new());
self.with_ui_connection(|ui_connection| {
ui_connection.on_received(&session_id, buffer.as_ref().unwrap());
ui_connection.on_received(&session_id, timestamp, buffer.clone());
if is_classical_message {
self.store_msg(&session_id, false, buffer.unwrap());
self.store_msg(&session_id, Message {
outgoing: false,
data: buffer,
@ -422,7 +426,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
if is_sending {
} else {
if let Err(e) = self.send_msg(session_id, &mut session_write, &buff, &mut is_sending, &mut file_ack_sender).await {
if let Err(e) = self.send_msg(session_id, &mut session_write, buff, &mut is_sending, &mut file_ack_sender).await {
@ -440,7 +444,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
//once the pre-encrypted chunk is sent, we can send the pending messages
while msg_queue.len() > 0 {
let msg = msg_queue.remove(0);
if let Err(e) = self.send_msg(session_id, &mut session_write, &msg, &mut is_sending, &mut file_ack_sender).await {
if let Err(e) = self.send_msg(session_id, &mut session_write, msg, &mut is_sending, &mut file_ack_sender).await {
@ -583,7 +587,7 @@ impl SessionManager {|c| (*c.0,, c.1.verified, c.1.public_key)).collect()
pub fn get_saved_msgs(&self) -> HashMap<usize, Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>> {
pub fn get_saved_msgs(&self) -> HashMap<usize, Vec<Message>> {
@ -659,7 +663,7 @@ impl SessionManager {
}, data)
pub fn load_msgs(&self, session_id: &usize, count: usize) -> Option<Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>> {
pub fn load_msgs(&self, session_id: &usize, count: usize) -> Option<Vec<Message>> {
let mut offsets = self.last_loaded_msg_offsets.write().unwrap();
let msgs =

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
use std::net::{IpAddr, TcpStream};
use std::{net::{IpAddr, TcpStream}};
use tungstenite::{WebSocket, protocol::Role, Message};
use crate::{protocol, session_manager::{LargeFileDownload, LargeFilesDownload}};
use crate::{identity, protocol, session_manager::{LargeFileDownload, LargeFilesDownload}};
mod ui_messages {
use std::{fmt::Display, iter::FromIterator, net::IpAddr, str::from_utf8};
use tungstenite::Message;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::{print_error, session_manager::{LargeFileDownload, LargeFilesDownload}, protocol, utils::to_uuid_bytes};
use crate::{identity, print_error, protocol, session_manager::{LargeFileDownload, LargeFilesDownload}, utils::to_uuid_bytes};
fn simple_event(command: &str, session_id: &usize) -> Message {
Message::from(format!("{} {}", command, session_id))
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ mod ui_messages {
pub fn on_new_session(session_id: &usize, name: &str, outgoing: bool, fingerprint: &str, ip: IpAddr) -> Message {
Message::from(format!("new_session {} {} {} {} {}", session_id, outgoing, fingerprint, ip, name))
pub fn on_file_received(session_id: &usize, buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<Message> {
pub fn on_file_received(session_id: &usize, timestamp: u64, buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<Message> {
let uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(to_uuid_bytes(&buffer[1..17])?);
match from_utf8(&buffer[17..]) {
Ok(file_name) => Some(Message::from(format!("file {} {} {}", session_id, uuid.to_string(), file_name))),
Ok(file_name) => Some(Message::from(format!("file {} {} {} {}", session_id, timestamp, uuid.to_string(), file_name))),
Err(e) => {
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ mod ui_messages {
pub fn on_file_transfer_aborted(session_id: &usize) -> Message {
simple_event("aborted", session_id)
pub fn on_new_message(session_id: &usize, outgoing: bool, buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<Message> {
match from_utf8(&buffer[1..]) {
Ok(msg) => Some(Message::from(format!("{} {} {} {}", "new_message", session_id, outgoing, msg))),
pub fn on_new_message(session_id: &usize, message: identity::Message) -> Option<Message> {
match from_utf8(&[1..]) {
Ok(msg) => Some(Message::from(format!("new_message {} {} {} {}", session_id, message.outgoing, message.timestamp, msg))),
Err(e) => {
@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ mod ui_messages {
pub fn inc_files_transfer(session_id: &usize, chunk_size: u64) -> Message {
Message::from(format!("inc_file_transfer {} {}", session_id, chunk_size))
pub fn load_msgs(session_id: &usize, msgs: &Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>) -> Message {
pub fn load_msgs(session_id: &usize, msgs: &Vec<identity::Message>) -> Message {
let mut s = format!("load_msgs {}", session_id);
msgs.into_iter().rev().for_each(|entry| {
match entry.1[0] {
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => match from_utf8(&entry.1[1..]) {
Ok(msg) => s.push_str(&format!(" m {} {}", entry.0, base64::encode(msg))),
msgs.into_iter().rev().for_each(|message| {
match[0] {
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => match from_utf8(&[1..]) {
Ok(msg) => s.push_str(&format!(" m {} {} {}", message.outgoing, message.timestamp, base64::encode(msg))),
Err(e) => print_error!(e)
protocol::Headers::FILE => {
let uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(to_uuid_bytes(&entry.1[1..17]).unwrap());
match from_utf8(&entry.1[17..]) {
Ok(file_name) => s.push_str(&format!(" f {} {} {}", entry.0, uuid.to_string(), base64::encode(file_name))),
let uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(to_uuid_bytes(&[1..17]).unwrap());
match from_utf8(&[17..]) {
Ok(file_name) => s.push_str(&format!(" f {} {} {} {}", message.outgoing, message.timestamp, uuid.to_string(), base64::encode(file_name))),
Err(e) => print_error!(e)
@ -148,10 +148,14 @@ impl UiConnection {
pub fn on_received(&mut self, session_id: &usize, buffer: &[u8]) {
pub fn on_received(&mut self, session_id: &usize, timestamp: u64, buffer: Vec<u8>) {
let ui_message = match buffer[0] {
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => ui_messages::on_new_message(session_id, false, buffer),
protocol::Headers::FILE => ui_messages::on_file_received(session_id, buffer),
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => ui_messages::on_new_message(session_id, identity::Message {
outgoing: false,
data: buffer
protocol::Headers::FILE => ui_messages::on_file_received(session_id, timestamp, &buffer),
protocol::Headers::ACCEPT_LARGE_FILES => Some(ui_messages::on_large_files_accepted(session_id)),
protocol::Headers::ABORT_FILES_TRANSFER => Some(ui_messages::on_file_transfer_aborted(session_id)),
_ => None
@ -163,9 +167,13 @@ impl UiConnection {
pub fn on_ask_large_files(&mut self, session_id: &usize, files: &Vec<LargeFileDownload>, download_location: &str) {
self.write_message(ui_messages::on_ask_large_files(session_id, files, download_location))
pub fn on_msg_sent(&mut self, session_id: usize, buffer: &[u8]) {
pub fn on_msg_sent(&mut self, session_id: usize, timestamp: u64, buffer: Vec<u8>) {
match buffer[0] {
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => match ui_messages::on_new_message(&session_id, true, buffer) {
protocol::Headers::MESSAGE => match ui_messages::on_new_message(&session_id, identity::Message {
outgoing: true,
data: buffer
}) {
Some(msg) => self.write_message(msg),
None => {}
@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ impl UiConnection {
pub fn set_as_contact(&mut self, session_id: usize, name: &str, verified: bool, fingerprint: &str) {
self.write_message(ui_messages::set_as_contact(session_id, name, verified, fingerprint));
pub fn load_msgs(&mut self, session_id: &usize, msgs: &Vec<(bool, Vec<u8>)>) {
pub fn load_msgs(&mut self, session_id: &usize, msgs: &Vec<identity::Message>) {
self.write_message(ui_messages::load_msgs(session_id, msgs));
pub fn set_not_seen(&mut self, session_ids: Vec<usize>) {

View File

@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ pub fn escape_double_quote(origin: String) -> String {
origin.replace("\"", "\\\"")
pub fn get_unix_timestamp() -> u128 {
pub fn get_unix_timestamp_ms() -> u128 {
pub fn get_unix_timestamp_sec() -> u64 {
pub fn get_not_used_path(file_name: &str, parent_directory: &PathBuf) -> String {
let has_extension = file_name.matches('.').count() > 0;
let mut path = parent_directory.join(&file_name);