# DroidFS DroidFS is an alternative way to use encrypted overlay filesystems on Android that uses its own internal file explorer instead of mounting virtual volumes. It currently only works with [gocryptfs](https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs) but support for [CryFS](https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs) could be added in the future.

# Disclamer DroidFS is provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind. It shouldn't be considered as an absolute safe way to store files. DroidFS cannot protect you from screen recording apps, keyloggers, apk backdooring, compromised root accesses, memory dumps etc. Do not use this app with volumes containing sensitive data unless you know exactly what you are doing. # Unsafe features DroidFS allows you to enable/disable unsafe features to fit your needs between security and comfort. It is strongly recommended to read the documentation of a feature before enabling it. * Features requiring temporary writing of the plain file to disk (DroidFS internal storage). This file could be read by apps with root access or by physical access if your device is not encrypted. # Download You can download the latest version in the Releases section. All APKs from v1.3.0 are signed with my PGP key available on keyservers: `gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 007F84120107191E` \ Fingerprint: `BD5621479E7B74D36A405BE8007F84120107191E` \ Email: `Hardcore Sushi ` To verify APKs: `gpg --verify ` # Permissions DroidFS need some permissions to work properly. Here is why:
  • Read & write access to shared storage:

    Required for creating, opening and modifying volumes and for importing/exporting files to/from volumes.
  • Biometric/Fingerprint hardware:

    Required to encrypt/decrypt password hashes using a fingerprint protected key.
  • Camera:

    Needed to take photos directly from DroidFS to import them securely. You can deny this permission if you don't want to use it.
# Limitations DroidFS use some parts of the original gocryptfs code, which is designed to run on Linux x86 systems: it accesses the underlying file system with file paths and syscalls. However in Android, you can't access other apps files with file paths. Instead, you must use the [ContentProvider](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers) API. And obviously, the original gocryptfs code doesn't work with this API. This is why DroidFS can't open volumes provided by other applications, such as cloud storage clients. You can only use DroidFS with volumes located on shared storage or in the app's internal storage (hidden volumes). External storage such as SD cards are only supported in read-only access for now. # Build Most of the original gocryptfs code was used as is (written in Go) and compiled to native code. That's why you need [Go](https://golang.org) and the [Android Native Development Kit (NDK)](https://developer.android.com/ndk/) to build DroidFS from source. #### Install Requirements - [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio/) - [Android NDK and CMake](https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/install-ndk) - [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) (on debian: `$ sudo apt-get install golang-go`) #### Download Sources ``` $ git clone https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS.git ``` Download [libgocryptfs](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libgocryptfs): ``` $ cd DroidFS $ git submodule update --init ``` libgocryptfs needs OpenSSL: ``` $ cd app/libgocryptfs $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz ``` Verify OpenSSL signature: ``` $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz.asc $ gpg --verify openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz.asc openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz ``` Continue **ONLY** if the signature is **VALID**. ``` $ tar -xvzf openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz ``` #### Build First, we need to install some dependencies: ``` $ sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libssl-dev pkg-config ``` And also Go dependencies: ``` $ go get golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/cpu golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf ``` Then, retrieve your Android NDK installation path, usually someting like "/home/\/Android/SDK/ndk/\". We can now build libgocryptfs: ``` $ cd DroidFS/app/libgocryptfs $ env ANDROID_NDK_HOME="" OPENSSL_PATH="./openssl-1.1.1k" ./build.sh ``` Then, open the DroidFS project with Android Studio. \ If a device (virtual or physical) is connected, just click on "Run". \ If you want to generate a signed APK, you can follow this [post](https://stackoverflow.com/a/28938286). # Third party code Thanks to these open source projects that DroidFS uses: ### Modified code: - [gocryptfs](https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs) to encrypt your data ### Libraries: - [Cyanea](https://github.com/jaredrummler/Cyanea) to customize UI - [Glide](https://github.com/bumptech/glide/) to display pictures - [ExoPlayer](https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer) to play media files