package sushi.hardcore.droidfs.filesystems import android.content.Context import import android.os.Parcel import android.os.Parcelable import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.Constants import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.VolumeData import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.explorers.ExplorerElement import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.ObjRef import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.PathUtils import import import import abstract class EncryptedVolume: Parcelable { companion object { const val GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE: Byte = 0 const val CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE: Byte = 1 @JvmField val CREATOR = object : Parcelable.Creator { override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): EncryptedVolume { return when (parcel.readByte()) { GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> GocryptfsVolume(parcel) CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> CryfsVolume(parcel) else -> throw invalidVolumeType() } } override fun newArray(size: Int) = arrayOfNulls(size) } fun getVolumeType(path: String): Byte { return if (File(path, GocryptfsVolume.CONFIG_FILE_NAME).isFile) { GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE } else if (File(path, CryfsVolume.CONFIG_FILE_NAME).isFile) { CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE } else { -1 } } fun init( volume: VolumeData, filesDir: String, password: ByteArray?, givenHash: ByteArray?, returnedHash: ObjRef? ): EncryptedVolume? { return when (volume.type) { GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> { GocryptfsVolume.init( volume.getFullPath(filesDir), password, givenHash, returnedHash?.apply { value = ByteArray(GocryptfsVolume.KeyLen) }?.value ) } CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> { CryfsVolume.init(volume.getFullPath(filesDir), CryfsVolume.getLocalStateDir(filesDir), password, givenHash, returnedHash) } else -> throw invalidVolumeType() } } private fun invalidVolumeType(): java.lang.RuntimeException { return RuntimeException("Invalid volume type") } } override fun describeContents() = 0 abstract fun openFile(path: String): Long abstract fun read(fileHandle: Long, fileOffset: Long, buffer: ByteArray, dstOffset: Long, length: Long): Int abstract fun write(fileHandle: Long, fileOffset: Long, buffer: ByteArray, srcOffset: Long, length: Long): Int abstract fun closeFile(fileHandle: Long): Boolean // Due to gocryptfs internals, truncate requires the file to be open before it is called abstract fun truncate(path: String, size: Long): Boolean abstract fun deleteFile(path: String): Boolean abstract fun readDir(path: String): MutableList? abstract fun mkdir(path: String): Boolean abstract fun rmdir(path: String): Boolean abstract fun getAttr(path: String): Stat? abstract fun rename(srcPath: String, dstPath: String): Boolean abstract fun close() abstract fun isClosed(): Boolean fun pathExists(path: String): Boolean { return getAttr(path) != null } fun exportFile(fileHandle: Long, os: OutputStream): Boolean { var offset: Long = 0 val ioBuffer = ByteArray(Constants.IO_BUFF_SIZE) var length: Int while (read(fileHandle, offset, ioBuffer, 0, ioBuffer.size.toLong()).also { length = it } > 0) { os.write(ioBuffer, 0, length) offset += length.toLong() } os.close() return true } fun exportFile(src_path: String, os: OutputStream): Boolean { var success = false val srcfileHandle = openFile(src_path) if (srcfileHandle != -1L) { success = exportFile(srcfileHandle, os) closeFile(srcfileHandle) } return success } fun exportFile(src_path: String, dst_path: String): Boolean { return exportFile(src_path, FileOutputStream(dst_path)) } fun exportFile(context: Context, src_path: String, output_path: Uri): Boolean { val os = context.contentResolver.openOutputStream(output_path) if (os != null) { return exportFile(src_path, os) } return false } fun importFile(inputStream: InputStream, dst_path: String): Boolean { val dstfileHandle = openFile(dst_path) if (dstfileHandle != -1L) { var success = true var offset: Long = 0 val ioBuffer = ByteArray(Constants.IO_BUFF_SIZE) var length: Long while ( { length = it.toLong() } > 0) { val written = write(dstfileHandle, offset, ioBuffer, 0, length).toLong() if (written == length) { offset += written } else { inputStream.close() success = false break } } truncate(dst_path, offset) closeFile(dstfileHandle) inputStream.close() return success } return false } fun importFile(context: Context, src_uri: Uri, dst_path: String): Boolean { val inputStream = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(src_uri) if (inputStream != null) { return importFile(inputStream, dst_path) } return false } fun loadWholeFile(fullPath: String, size: Long? = null, maxSize: Long? = null): Pair { val fileSize = size ?: getAttr(fullPath)?.size ?: -1 return if (fileSize >= 0) { maxSize?.let { if (fileSize > it) { return Pair(null, 0) } } try { val fileBuff = ByteArray(fileSize.toInt()) val fileHandle = openFile(fullPath) if (fileHandle == -1L) { Pair(null, 3) } else { var offset: Long = 0 while (offset < fileSize && read(fileHandle, offset, fileBuff, offset, fileSize-offset).also { offset += it } > 0) {} closeFile(fileHandle) if (offset == fileBuff.size.toLong()) { Pair(fileBuff, 0) } else { Pair(null, 4) } } } catch (e: OutOfMemoryError) { Pair(null, 2) } } else { Pair(null, 1) } } fun recursiveMapFiles(rootPath: String): MutableList? { val result = mutableListOf() val explorerElements = readDir(rootPath) ?: return null result.addAll(explorerElements) for (e in explorerElements) { if (e.isDirectory) { result.addAll(recursiveMapFiles(e.fullPath) ?: return null) } } return result } fun recursiveRemoveDirectory(path: String): String? { readDir(path)?.let { elements -> for (e in elements) { val fullPath = PathUtils.pathJoin(path, if (e.isDirectory) { val result = recursiveRemoveDirectory(fullPath) result?.let { return it } } else { if (!deleteFile(fullPath)) { return fullPath } } } } return if (!rmdir(path)) { path } else { null } } }