package sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException import android.content.Context import import android.os.Build import android.os.Environment import import android.provider.DocumentsContract import android.provider.OpenableColumns import android.util.Log import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultLauncher import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.R import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.Theme import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.widgets.CustomAlertDialogBuilder import import java.text.DecimalFormat import kotlin.math.log10 import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.pow object PathUtils { const val SEPARATOR = '/' const val PATH_RESOLVER_TAG = "PATH RESOLVER" fun getParentPath(path: String): String { val strippedPath = if (path.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { path.substring(0, max(1, path.length - 1)) } else { path } return if (strippedPath.count { it == SEPARATOR } <= 1) { SEPARATOR.toString() } else { strippedPath.substring(0, strippedPath.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) } } fun pathJoin(vararg strings: String): String { val result = StringBuilder() for (element in strings) { if (element.isNotEmpty()) { if (!element.startsWith(SEPARATOR) && result.last() != SEPARATOR) { result.append(SEPARATOR) } result.append(element) } } return result.toString() } fun getRelativePath(parentPath: String, childPath: String): String { return childPath.substring(parentPath.length + if (parentPath.endsWith(SEPARATOR) || childPath.length == parentPath.length) { 0 } else { 1 }) } fun isChildOf(childPath: String, parentPath: String): Boolean { if (parentPath.length > childPath.length){ return false } return childPath.substring(0, parentPath.length) == parentPath } fun getFilenameFromURI(context: Context, uri: Uri): String? { var result: String? = null if (uri.scheme == "content") { context.contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null)?.use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { result = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)) } } } if (result == null) { result = uri.path result?.let { val cut = it.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR) if (cut != -1) { result = it.substring(cut + 1) } } } return result } private val units = arrayOf("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") fun formatSize(size: Long): String { if (size <= 0) { return "0 B" } val digitGroups = (log10(size.toDouble()) / log10(1000.0)).toInt() return DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(size / 1000.0.pow(digitGroups.toDouble()) ) + " " + units[digitGroups] } fun getPackageDataFolder(context: Context): String { return "Android/data/${context.packageName}/" } private fun getExternalStoragePath(context: Context, name: String): String? { for (dir in ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null)) { Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "External dir: $dir") if (Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable(dir)) { Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "isExternalStorageRemovable") val path = dir.path.split("/Android")[0] if (File(path).name == name) { return path } } } Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "getExternalFilesDirs failed") // Don't risk to be killed by SELinux on newer Android versions if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { try { val process = ProcessBuilder("mount").redirectErrorStream(true).start().apply { waitFor() } process.inputStream.readBytes().decodeToString().split("\n").forEach { line -> if (line.startsWith("/dev/block/vold")) { Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "mount: $line") val fields = line.split(" ") if (fields.size >= 3) { val path = fields[2] if (File(path).name == name) { return path } } } } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "mount processing failed") } return null } private fun getExternalStoragesPaths(context: Context): List { val externalPaths: MutableList = ArrayList() ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null).forEach { if (Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable(it)) { val rootPath = it.path.substring(0, it.path.indexOf(getPackageDataFolder(context)+"files")) externalPaths.add(rootPath) } } return externalPaths } fun isPathOnExternalStorage(path: String, context: Context): Boolean { getExternalStoragesPaths(context).forEach { if (path.startsWith(it)){ return true } } return false } private const val PRIMARY_VOLUME_NAME = "primary" fun getFullPathFromTreeUri(treeUri: Uri, context: Context): String? { if ("content".equals(treeUri.scheme, ignoreCase = true)) { val vId = getVolumeIdFromTreeUri(treeUri) Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "Volume Id: $vId") var volumePath = getVolumePath(vId ?: return null, context) Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "Volume Path: $volumePath") if (volumePath == null) { volumePath = if (vId == "primary") { Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().path } else { getExternalStoragePath(context, vId) ?: "/storage/$vId" } } val documentPath = getDocumentPathFromTreeUri(treeUri)!! Log.d(PATH_RESOLVER_TAG, "Document Path: $documentPath") return if (documentPath.isNotEmpty()) { pathJoin(volumePath!!, documentPath) } else volumePath } else if ("file".equals(treeUri.scheme, ignoreCase = true)) { return treeUri.path } return null } private fun getVolumePath(volumeId: String, context: Context): String? { return try { val mStorageManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager val storageVolumeClazz = Class.forName("") val getVolumeList = mStorageManager.javaClass.getMethod("getVolumeList") val getUuid = storageVolumeClazz.getMethod("getUuid") val getPath = storageVolumeClazz.getMethod("getPath") val isPrimary = storageVolumeClazz.getMethod("isPrimary") val result = getVolumeList.invoke(mStorageManager) val length = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(result!!) for (i in 0 until length) { val storageVolumeElement = java.lang.reflect.Array.get(result, i) val uuid = getUuid.invoke(storageVolumeElement) val primary = isPrimary.invoke(storageVolumeElement) as Boolean if (primary && PRIMARY_VOLUME_NAME == volumeId) return getPath.invoke(storageVolumeElement) as String if (uuid == volumeId) return getPath.invoke(storageVolumeElement) as String } null } catch (ex: Exception) { null } } private fun getVolumeIdFromTreeUri(treeUri: Uri): String? { val docId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(treeUri) val split = docId.split(":").toTypedArray() return if (split.isNotEmpty()) split[0] else null } private fun getDocumentPathFromTreeUri(treeUri: Uri): String? { val docId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(treeUri) val split: Array = docId.split(":").toTypedArray() return if (split.size >= 2 && split[1] != null) split[1] else File.separator } fun recursiveRemoveDirectory(rootDirectory: File): Boolean { rootDirectory.listFiles()?.forEach { item -> if (item.isDirectory) { if (!recursiveRemoveDirectory(item)){ return false } } else { if (!item.delete()) { return false } } } return rootDirectory.delete() } fun safePickDirectory(directoryPicker: ActivityResultLauncher, context: Context, theme: Theme) { try { directoryPicker.launch(null) } catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) { CustomAlertDialogBuilder(context, theme) .setTitle(R.string.error) .setMessage(R.string.open_tree_failed) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) .show() } } }