/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.CONFIGURED; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.ERROR; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.PAUSED; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.PENDING_RELEASE; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.PENDING_START; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.PENDING_START_PAUSED; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.RELEASED; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.STARTED; import static androidx.camera.video.internal.encoder.SucklessEncoderImpl.InternalState.STOPPING; import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkState; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.media.MediaCodec; import android.media.MediaCodec.BufferInfo; import android.media.MediaCodecInfo; import android.media.MediaFormat; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Range; import android.view.Surface; import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline; import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi; import androidx.camera.core.Logger; import androidx.camera.core.impl.Timebase; import androidx.camera.core.impl.annotation.ExecutedBy; import androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.executor.CameraXExecutors; import androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.futures.FutureCallback; import androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.futures.Futures; import androidx.camera.video.internal.DebugUtils; import androidx.camera.video.internal.compat.quirk.AudioEncoderIgnoresInputTimestampQuirk; import androidx.camera.video.internal.compat.quirk.CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk; import androidx.camera.video.internal.compat.quirk.DeviceQuirks; import androidx.camera.video.internal.compat.quirk.EncoderNotUsePersistentInputSurfaceQuirk; import androidx.camera.video.internal.compat.quirk.VideoEncoderSuspendDoesNotIncludeSuspendTimeQuirk; import androidx.camera.video.internal.workaround.EncoderFinder; import androidx.camera.video.internal.workaround.VideoTimebaseConverter; import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter; import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter.Completer; import androidx.core.util.Preconditions; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * The encoder implementation. * *

An encoder could be either a video encoder or an audio encoder. */ @RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on package-info.java @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") public class SucklessEncoderImpl implements Encoder { enum InternalState { /** * The initial state. */ CONFIGURED, /** * The state is when encoder is in {@link InternalState#CONFIGURED} state and {@link #start} * is called. */ STARTED, /** * The state is when encoder is in {@link InternalState#STARTED} state and {@link #pause} * is called. */ PAUSED, /** * The state is when encoder is in {@link InternalState#STARTED} state and {@link #stop} is * called. */ STOPPING, /** * The state is when the encoder is in {@link InternalState#STOPPING} state and a * {@link #start} is called. It is an extension of {@link InternalState#STOPPING}. */ PENDING_START, /** * The state is when the encoder is in {@link InternalState#STOPPING} state, then * {@link #start} and {@link #pause} is called. It is an extension of * {@link InternalState#STOPPING}. */ PENDING_START_PAUSED, /** * The state is when the encoder is in {@link InternalState#STOPPING} state and a * {@link #release} is called. It is an extension of {@link InternalState#STOPPING}. */ PENDING_RELEASE, /** * Then state is when the encoder encounter error. Error state is a transitional state * where encoder user is supposed to wait for {@link EncoderCallback#onEncodeStop} or * {@link EncoderCallback#onEncodeError}. Any method call during this state should be * ignore except {@link #release}. */ ERROR, /** The state is when the encoder is released. */ RELEASED, } private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final long NO_LIMIT_LONG = Long.MAX_VALUE; private static final Range NO_RANGE = Range.create(NO_LIMIT_LONG, NO_LIMIT_LONG); private static final long STOP_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000L; private static final int FAKE_BUFFER_INDEX = -9999; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final String mTag; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final Object mLock = new Object(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final boolean mIsVideoEncoder; private final MediaFormat mMediaFormat; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final MediaCodec mMediaCodec; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final EncoderInput mEncoderInput; private final EncoderInfo mEncoderInfo; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final Executor mEncoderExecutor; private final ListenableFuture mReleasedFuture; private final Completer mReleasedCompleter; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final Queue mFreeInputBufferIndexQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final Queue> mAcquisitionQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final Set mInputBufferSet = new HashSet<>(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final Set mEncodedDataSet = new HashSet<>(); /* * mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges is a queue used to track all active pause/resume time ranges. * An active pause/resume range means the latest output buffer still has not exceeded this * range, so this range is still needed to check for later output buffers. The first element * in the queue is the oldest range and the last element is the newest. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor final Deque> mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Timebase mInputTimebase; final TimeProvider mTimeProvider = new SystemTimeProvider(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @GuardedBy("mLock") EncoderCallback mEncoderCallback = EncoderCallback.EMPTY; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @GuardedBy("mLock") Executor mEncoderCallbackExecutor = CameraXExecutors.directExecutor(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor InternalState mState; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor Range mStartStopTimeRangeUs = NO_RANGE; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor long mTotalPausedDurationUs = 0L; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor boolean mPendingCodecStop = false; // The data timestamp that an encoding stops at. If this timestamp is null, it means the // encoding hasn't receiving enough data to be stopped. @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor Long mLastDataStopTimestamp = null; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor Future mStopTimeoutFuture = null; private MediaCodecCallback mMediaCodecCallback = null; private boolean mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream = false; private boolean mSourceStoppedSignalled = false; boolean mMediaCodecEosSignalled = false; final EncoderFinder mEncoderFinder = new EncoderFinder(); /** * Creates the encoder with a {@link EncoderConfig} * * @param executor the executor suitable for background task * @param encoderConfig the encoder config * @throws InvalidConfigException when the encoder cannot be configured. */ public SucklessEncoderImpl(@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull EncoderConfig encoderConfig) throws InvalidConfigException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor); Preconditions.checkNotNull(encoderConfig); mEncoderExecutor = CameraXExecutors.newSequentialExecutor(executor); if (encoderConfig instanceof AudioEncoderConfig) { mTag = "AudioEncoder"; mIsVideoEncoder = false; mEncoderInput = new ByteBufferInput(); } else if (encoderConfig instanceof VideoEncoderConfig) { mTag = "VideoEncoder"; mIsVideoEncoder = true; mEncoderInput = new SurfaceInput(); } else { throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown encoder config type"); } mInputTimebase = encoderConfig.getInputTimebase(); Logger.d(mTag, "mInputTimebase = " + mInputTimebase); mMediaFormat = encoderConfig.toMediaFormat(); Logger.d(mTag, "mMediaFormat = " + mMediaFormat); mMediaCodec = mEncoderFinder.findEncoder(mMediaFormat); Logger.i(mTag, "Selected encoder: " + mMediaCodec.getName()); mEncoderInfo = createEncoderInfo(mIsVideoEncoder, mMediaCodec.getCodecInfo(), encoderConfig.getMimeType()); if (mIsVideoEncoder) { VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo = (VideoEncoderInfo) mEncoderInfo; clampVideoBitrateIfNotSupported(videoEncoderInfo, mMediaFormat); } try { reset(); } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { throw new InvalidConfigException(e); } AtomicReference> releaseFutureRef = new AtomicReference<>(); mReleasedFuture = Futures.nonCancellationPropagating( CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(completer -> { releaseFutureRef.set(completer); return "mReleasedFuture"; })); mReleasedCompleter = Preconditions.checkNotNull(releaseFutureRef.get()); setState(CONFIGURED); } /** * Clamps the video bitrate in MediaFormat if the video bitrate is not supported by the * supplied VideoEncoderInfo. * * @param videoEncoderInfo VideoEncoderInfo object * @param mediaFormat MediaFormat object */ private void clampVideoBitrateIfNotSupported(@NonNull VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo, @NonNull MediaFormat mediaFormat) { checkState(mIsVideoEncoder); if (mediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE)) { int origBitrate = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE); int newBitrate = videoEncoderInfo.getSupportedBitrateRange().clamp(origBitrate); if (origBitrate != newBitrate) { mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, newBitrate); Logger.d(mTag, "updated bitrate from " + origBitrate + " to " + newBitrate); } } } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private void reset() { mStartStopTimeRangeUs = NO_RANGE; mTotalPausedDurationUs = 0L; mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.clear(); mFreeInputBufferIndexQueue.clear(); // Cancel incomplete acquisitions if exists. for (Completer completer : mAcquisitionQueue) { completer.setCancelled(); } mAcquisitionQueue.clear(); mMediaCodec.reset(); mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream = false; mSourceStoppedSignalled = false; mMediaCodecEosSignalled = false; mPendingCodecStop = false; if (mStopTimeoutFuture != null) { mStopTimeoutFuture.cancel(true); mStopTimeoutFuture = null; } if (mMediaCodecCallback != null) { mMediaCodecCallback.stop(); } mMediaCodecCallback = new MediaCodecCallback(); mMediaCodec.setCallback(mMediaCodecCallback); mMediaCodec.configure(mMediaFormat, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); if (mEncoderInput instanceof SurfaceInput) { ((SurfaceInput) mEncoderInput).resetSurface(); } } /** Gets the {@link EncoderInput} of the encoder */ @Override @NonNull public EncoderInput getInput() { return mEncoderInput; } @NonNull @Override public EncoderInfo getEncoderInfo() { return mEncoderInfo; } @Override public int getConfiguredBitrate() { int configuredBitrate = 0; if (mMediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE)) { configuredBitrate = mMediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE); } return configuredBitrate; } /** * Starts the encoder. * *

If the encoder is not started yet, it will first trigger * {@link EncoderCallback#onEncodeStart}. Then continually invoke the * {@link EncoderCallback#onEncodedData} callback until the encoder is paused, stopped or * released. It can call {@link #pause} to pause the encoding after started. If the encoder is * in paused state, then calling this method will resume the encoding. */ @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") // to better organize the logic and comments @Override public void start() { final long startTriggerTimeUs = generatePresentationTimeUs(); mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: mLastDataStopTimestamp = null; Logger.d(mTag, "Start on " + DebugUtils.readableUs(startTriggerTimeUs)); try { if (mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream) { // If the codec is flushed after an end-of-stream, it was never // signalled that the source stopped, so we will reset the codec // before starting it again. reset(); } mStartStopTimeRangeUs = Range.create(startTriggerTimeUs, NO_LIMIT_LONG); mMediaCodec.start(); } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(e); return; } if (mEncoderInput instanceof ByteBufferInput) { ((ByteBufferInput) mEncoderInput).setActive(true); } setState(STARTED); break; case PAUSED: // Resume // The Encoder has been resumed, so reset the stop timestamp flags. mLastDataStopTimestamp = null; final Range pauseRange = mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.removeLast(); checkState( pauseRange != null && pauseRange.getUpper() == NO_LIMIT_LONG, "There should be a \"pause\" before \"resume\""); final long pauseTimeUs = pauseRange.getLower(); mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.addLast( Range.create(pauseTimeUs, startTriggerTimeUs)); // Do not update total paused duration here since current output buffer may // still before the pause range. Logger.d(mTag, "Resume on " + DebugUtils.readableUs(startTriggerTimeUs) + "\nPaused duration = " + DebugUtils.readableUs( (startTriggerTimeUs - pauseTimeUs)) ); if (!mIsVideoEncoder && DeviceQuirks.get( AudioEncoderIgnoresInputTimestampQuirk.class) != null) { // Do nothing. Since we keep handling audio data in the codec after // paused, we don't have to resume the codec and the input source. } else if (mIsVideoEncoder && DeviceQuirks.get( VideoEncoderSuspendDoesNotIncludeSuspendTimeQuirk.class) != null) { // Do nothing. Since we don't pause the codec when paused, we don't have // to resume the codec. } else { setMediaCodecPaused(false); if (mEncoderInput instanceof ByteBufferInput) { ((ByteBufferInput) mEncoderInput).setActive(true); } } // If this is a video encoder, then request a key frame in order to complete // the resume process as soon as possible in MediaCodec.Callback // .onOutputBufferAvailable(). if (mIsVideoEncoder) { requestKeyFrameToMediaCodec(); } setState(STARTED); break; case STARTED: case ERROR: case PENDING_START: // Do nothing break; case STOPPING: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: setState(PENDING_START); break; case PENDING_RELEASE: case RELEASED: throw new IllegalStateException("Encoder is released"); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void stop() { stop(NO_TIMESTAMP); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void stop(long expectedStopTimeUs) { final long stopTriggerTimeUs = generatePresentationTimeUs(); mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: case STOPPING: case ERROR: // Do nothing break; case STARTED: case PAUSED: InternalState currentState = mState; setState(STOPPING); final long startTimeUs = mStartStopTimeRangeUs.getLower(); if (startTimeUs == NO_LIMIT_LONG) { throw new AssertionError("There should be a \"start\" before \"stop\""); } long stopTimeUs; if (expectedStopTimeUs == NO_TIMESTAMP) { stopTimeUs = stopTriggerTimeUs; } else if (expectedStopTimeUs < startTimeUs) { // If the recording is stopped immediately after started, it's possible // that the expected stop time is less than the start time because the // encoder is run on different executor. Ignore the expected stop time in // this case so that the recording can be stopped correctly. Logger.w(mTag, "The expected stop time is less than the start time. Use " + "current time as stop time."); stopTimeUs = stopTriggerTimeUs; } else { stopTimeUs = expectedStopTimeUs; } if (stopTimeUs < startTimeUs) { throw new AssertionError("The start time should be before the stop time."); } // Store the stop time. The codec will be stopped after receiving the data // that has a timestamp equal or greater than the stop time. mStartStopTimeRangeUs = Range.create(startTimeUs, stopTimeUs); Logger.d(mTag, "Stop on " + DebugUtils.readableUs(stopTimeUs)); // If the Encoder is paused and has received enough data, directly signal // the codec to stop. if (currentState == PAUSED && mLastDataStopTimestamp != null) { signalCodecStop(); } else { mPendingCodecStop = true; // If somehow the data doesn't reach the expected timestamp before it // times out, stop the codec so that the Encoder can at least be stopped. // Set mDataStopTimeStamp to be null in order to catch this issue in test. mStopTimeoutFuture = CameraXExecutors.mainThreadExecutor().schedule( () -> mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { if (mPendingCodecStop) { Logger.w(mTag, "The data didn't reach the expected " + "timestamp before timeout, stop" + " the codec."); mLastDataStopTimestamp = null; signalCodecStop(); mPendingCodecStop = false; } }), STOP_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } break; case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: setState(CONFIGURED); break; case PENDING_RELEASE: case RELEASED: throw new IllegalStateException("Encoder is released"); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void signalCodecStop() { if (mEncoderInput instanceof ByteBufferInput) { ((ByteBufferInput) mEncoderInput).setActive(false); // Wait for all issued input buffer done to avoid input loss. List> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (InputBuffer inputBuffer : mInputBufferSet) { futures.add(inputBuffer.getTerminationFuture()); } Futures.successfulAsList(futures).addListener(this::signalEndOfInputStream, mEncoderExecutor); } else if (mEncoderInput instanceof SurfaceInput) { try { mMediaCodec.signalEndOfInputStream(); // On some devices, MediaCodec#signalEndOfInputStream() doesn't work. // See b/255209101. mMediaCodecEosSignalled = true; } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(e); } } } /** * Pauses the encoder. * *

{@code pause} only work between {@link #start} and {@link #stop}. Once the encoder is * paused, it will drop the input data until {@link #start} is invoked again. */ @Override public void pause() { final long pauseTriggerTimeUs = generatePresentationTimeUs(); mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: case PAUSED: case ERROR: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: // Do nothing break; case PENDING_START: setState(PENDING_START_PAUSED); break; case STARTED: // Create and insert a pause/resume range. Logger.d(mTag, "Pause on " + DebugUtils.readableUs(pauseTriggerTimeUs)); mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.addLast( Range.create(pauseTriggerTimeUs, NO_LIMIT_LONG)); setState(PAUSED); break; case PENDING_RELEASE: case RELEASED: throw new IllegalStateException("Encoder is released"); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } /** * Releases the encoder. * *

Once the encoder is released, it cannot be used anymore. Any other method call after * the encoder is released will get {@link IllegalStateException}. If it is in encoding, make * sure call {@link #stop} before {@code release} to normally end the stream, or it may get * uncertain result if call {@code release} while encoding. */ @Override public void release() { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: case STARTED: case PAUSED: case ERROR: releaseInternal(); break; case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: setState(PENDING_RELEASE); break; case PENDING_RELEASE: case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @NonNull @Override public ListenableFuture getReleasedFuture() { return mReleasedFuture; } /** * Sends a hint to the encoder that the source has stopped producing data. * *

This will allow the encoder to reset when it is stopped and no more input data is * incoming. This can optimize the time needed to start the next session with * {@link #start()} and can regenerate a {@link Surface} on devices that don't support * persistent input surfaces. */ public void signalSourceStopped() { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { mSourceStoppedSignalled = true; if (mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream) { mMediaCodec.stop(); reset(); } }); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private void releaseInternal() { if (mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream) { mMediaCodec.stop(); mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream = false; } mMediaCodec.release(); if (mEncoderInput instanceof SurfaceInput) { ((SurfaceInput) mEncoderInput).releaseSurface(); } setState(RELEASED); mReleasedCompleter.set(null); } /** * Sets callback to encoder. * * @param encoderCallback the encoder callback * @param executor the callback executor */ @Override public void setEncoderCallback( @NonNull EncoderCallback encoderCallback, @NonNull Executor executor) { synchronized (mLock) { mEncoderCallback = encoderCallback; mEncoderCallbackExecutor = executor; } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void requestKeyFrame() { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case STARTED: requestKeyFrameToMediaCodec(); break; case CONFIGURED: case PAUSED: case ERROR: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: // No-op break; case RELEASED: case PENDING_RELEASE: throw new IllegalStateException("Encoder is released"); } }); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private void setState(InternalState state) { if (mState == state) { return; } Logger.d(mTag, "Transitioning encoder internal state: " + mState + " --> " + state); mState = state; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void setMediaCodecPaused(boolean paused) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_SUSPEND, paused ? 1 : 0); mMediaCodec.setParameters(bundle); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void requestKeyFrameToMediaCodec() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME, 0); mMediaCodec.setParameters(bundle); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private void signalEndOfInputStream() { Futures.addCallback(acquireInputBuffer(), new FutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(InputBuffer inputBuffer) { inputBuffer.setPresentationTimeUs(generatePresentationTimeUs()); inputBuffer.setEndOfStream(true); inputBuffer.submit(); Futures.addCallback(inputBuffer.getTerminationFuture(), new FutureCallback() { @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable Void result) { // Do nothing. } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable t) { if (t instanceof MediaCodec.CodecException) { handleEncodeError( (MediaCodec.CodecException) t); } else { handleEncodeError(EncodeException.ERROR_UNKNOWN, t.getMessage(), t); } } }, mEncoderExecutor); } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable t) { handleEncodeError(EncodeException.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Unable to acquire InputBuffer.", t); } }, mEncoderExecutor); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void handleEncodeError(@NonNull MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(EncodeException.ERROR_CODEC, e.getMessage(), e); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void handleEncodeError(@EncodeException.ErrorType int error, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: // Unable to start MediaCodec. This is a fatal error. Try to reset the encoder. notifyError(error, message, throwable); reset(); break; case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_RELEASE: setState(ERROR); stopMediaCodec(() -> notifyError(error, message, throwable)); break; case ERROR: //noinspection ConstantConditions Logger.w(mTag, "Get more than one error: " + message + "(" + error + ")", throwable); break; case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor void notifyError(@EncodeException.ErrorType int error, @Nullable String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) { EncoderCallback callback; Executor executor; synchronized (mLock) { callback = mEncoderCallback; executor = mEncoderCallbackExecutor; } try { executor.execute( () -> callback.onEncodeError(new EncodeException(error, message, throwable))); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void stopMediaCodec(@Nullable Runnable afterStop) { /* * MediaCodec#stop will free all its input/output ByteBuffers. Therefore, before calling * MediaCodec#stop, it must ensure all dispatched EncodedData(output ByteBuffers) and * InputBuffer(input ByteBuffers) are complete. Otherwise, the ByteBuffer receiver will * get buffer overflow when accessing the ByteBuffers. */ List> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (EncodedDataImpl dataToClose : mEncodedDataSet) { futures.add(dataToClose.getClosedFuture()); } for (InputBuffer inputBuffer : mInputBufferSet) { futures.add(inputBuffer.getTerminationFuture()); } if (!futures.isEmpty()) { Logger.d(mTag, "Waiting for resources to return." + " encoded data = " + mEncodedDataSet.size() + ", input buffers = " + mInputBufferSet.size()); } Futures.successfulAsList(futures).addListener(() -> { // If the encoder is not in ERROR state, stop the codec first before resetting. // Otherwise, reset directly. if (mState != ERROR) { if (!futures.isEmpty()) { Logger.d(mTag, "encoded data and input buffers are returned"); } if (mEncoderInput instanceof SurfaceInput && !mSourceStoppedSignalled) { // For a SurfaceInput, the codec is in control of de-queuing buffers from the // underlying BufferQueue. If we stop the codec, then it will stop de-queuing // buffers and the BufferQueue may run out of input buffers, causing the camera // pipeline to stall. Instead of stopping, we will flush the codec. Since the // codec is operating in asynchronous mode, this will cause the codec to // continue to discard buffers. We should have already received the // end-of-stream signal on an output buffer at this point, so those buffers // are not needed anyways. We will defer resetting the codec until just // before starting the codec again. mMediaCodec.flush(); mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream = true; } else { // Non-SurfaceInputs give us more control over input buffers. We can directly // stop the codec instead of flushing. // Additionally, if we already received a signal that the source is stopped, // then there shouldn't be new buffers being produced, and we don't need to // flush. mMediaCodec.stop(); } } if (afterStop != null) { afterStop.run(); } handleStopped(); }, mEncoderExecutor); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void handleStopped() { if (mState == PENDING_RELEASE) { releaseInternal(); } else { InternalState oldState = mState; if (!mIsFlushedAfterEndOfStream) { // Only reset if the codec is stopped (not flushed). If the codec is flushed, we // want it to continue to discard buffers. We will reset before starting the // codec again. reset(); } setState(CONFIGURED); if (oldState == PENDING_START || oldState == PENDING_START_PAUSED) { start(); if (oldState == PENDING_START_PAUSED) { pause(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void updateTotalPausedDuration(long bufferPresentationTimeUs) { while (!mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.isEmpty()) { Range pauseRange = mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.getFirst(); if (bufferPresentationTimeUs > pauseRange.getUpper()) { // Later than current pause, remove this pause and update total paused duration. mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges.removeFirst(); mTotalPausedDurationUs += (pauseRange.getUpper() - pauseRange.getLower()); Logger.d(mTag, "Total paused duration = " + DebugUtils.readableUs(mTotalPausedDurationUs)); } else { break; } } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") long getAdjustedTimeUs(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { long adjustedTimeUs; if (mTotalPausedDurationUs > 0L) { adjustedTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs - mTotalPausedDurationUs; } else { adjustedTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; } return adjustedTimeUs; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") boolean isInPauseRange(long timeUs) { for (Range range : mActivePauseResumeTimeRanges) { if (range.contains(timeUs)) { return true; } else if (timeUs < range.getLower()) { // Earlier than pause range. return false; } // Later than current pause, keep searching. } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") @NonNull ListenableFuture acquireInputBuffer() { switch (mState) { case CONFIGURED: return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new IllegalStateException( "Encoder is not started yet.")); case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_RELEASE: AtomicReference> ref = new AtomicReference<>(); ListenableFuture future = CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture( completer -> { ref.set(completer); return "acquireInputBuffer"; }); Completer completer = Preconditions.checkNotNull(ref.get()); mAcquisitionQueue.offer(completer); completer.addCancellationListener(() -> mAcquisitionQueue.remove(completer), mEncoderExecutor); matchAcquisitionsAndFreeBufferIndexes(); return future; case ERROR: return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new IllegalStateException( "Encoder is in error state.")); case RELEASED: return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new IllegalStateException( "Encoder is released.")); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void matchAcquisitionsAndFreeBufferIndexes() { while (!mAcquisitionQueue.isEmpty() && !mFreeInputBufferIndexQueue.isEmpty()) { Completer completer = requireNonNull(mAcquisitionQueue.poll()); int bufferIndex = requireNonNull(mFreeInputBufferIndexQueue.poll()); InputBufferImpl inputBuffer; try { inputBuffer = new InputBufferImpl(mMediaCodec, bufferIndex); } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(e); return; } if (completer.set(inputBuffer)) { mInputBufferSet.add(inputBuffer); inputBuffer.getTerminationFuture().addListener( () -> mInputBufferSet.remove(inputBuffer), mEncoderExecutor); } else { inputBuffer.cancel(); } } } @NonNull private static EncoderInfo createEncoderInfo(boolean isVideoEncoder, @NonNull MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, @NonNull String mime) throws InvalidConfigException { return isVideoEncoder ? new VideoEncoderInfoImpl(codecInfo, mime) : new AudioEncoderInfoImpl(codecInfo, mime); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor long generatePresentationTimeUs() { return mTimeProvider.uptimeUs(); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor static boolean isKeyFrame(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { return (bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) != 0; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor static boolean hasEndOfStreamFlag(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { return (bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on package-info.java class MediaCodecCallback extends MediaCodec.Callback { @Nullable private final VideoTimebaseConverter mVideoTimestampConverter; private boolean mHasSendStartCallback = false; private boolean mHasFirstData = false; private boolean mHasEndData = false; /** The last presentation time of BufferInfo without modified. */ private long mLastPresentationTimeUs = 0L; /** * The last sent presentation time of BufferInfo. The value could be adjusted by total * pause duration. */ private long mLastSentAdjustedTimeUs = 0L; private boolean mIsOutputBufferInPauseState = false; private boolean mIsKeyFrameRequired = false; private boolean mStopped = false; MediaCodecCallback() { if (mIsVideoEncoder) { Timebase inputTimebase; if (DeviceQuirks.get(CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk.class) != null) { inputTimebase = null; } else { inputTimebase = mInputTimebase; } mVideoTimestampConverter = new VideoTimebaseConverter(mTimeProvider, inputTimebase); } else { mVideoTimestampConverter = null; } } @Override public void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mediaCodec, int index) { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { if (mStopped) { Logger.w(mTag, "Receives input frame after codec is reset."); return; } switch (mState) { case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_RELEASE: mFreeInputBufferIndexQueue.offer(index); matchAcquisitionsAndFreeBufferIndexes(); break; case CONFIGURED: case ERROR: case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } @Override public void onOutputBufferAvailable(@NonNull MediaCodec mediaCodec, int index, @NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { if (mStopped) { Logger.w(mTag, "Receives frame after codec is reset."); return; } switch (mState) { case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_RELEASE: final EncoderCallback encoderCallback; final Executor executor; synchronized (mLock) { encoderCallback = mEncoderCallback; executor = mEncoderCallbackExecutor; } if (DEBUG) { Logger.d(mTag, DebugUtils.readableBufferInfo(bufferInfo)); } // Handle start of stream if (!mHasSendStartCallback) { mHasSendStartCallback = true; try { executor.execute(encoderCallback::onEncodeStart); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } } if (checkBufferInfo(bufferInfo)) { if (!mHasFirstData) { mHasFirstData = true; } BufferInfo outBufferInfo = resolveOutputBufferInfo(bufferInfo); mLastSentAdjustedTimeUs = outBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; try { EncodedDataImpl encodedData = new EncodedDataImpl(mediaCodec, index, outBufferInfo); sendEncodedData(encodedData, encoderCallback, executor); } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(e); return; } } else { // Not necessary to return fake buffer if (index != FAKE_BUFFER_INDEX) { try { mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, false); } catch (MediaCodec.CodecException e) { handleEncodeError(e); return; } } } // Handle end of stream if (!mHasEndData && isEndOfStream(bufferInfo)) { mHasEndData = true; stopMediaCodec(() -> { if (mState == ERROR) { // Error occur during stopping. return; } try { executor.execute(encoderCallback::onEncodeStop); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } }); } break; case CONFIGURED: case ERROR: case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") @NonNull private BufferInfo resolveOutputBufferInfo(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { long adjustedTimeUs = getAdjustedTimeUs(bufferInfo); if (bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs == adjustedTimeUs) { return bufferInfo; } // If adjusted time <= last sent time, the buffer should have been detected and // dropped in checkBufferInfo(). checkState(adjustedTimeUs > mLastSentAdjustedTimeUs); if (DEBUG) { Logger.d(mTag, "Adjust bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs to " + DebugUtils.readableUs(adjustedTimeUs)); } BufferInfo newBufferInfo = new BufferInfo(); newBufferInfo.set(bufferInfo.offset, bufferInfo.size, adjustedTimeUs, bufferInfo.flags); return newBufferInfo; } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private void sendEncodedData(@NonNull EncodedDataImpl encodedData, @NonNull EncoderCallback callback, @NonNull Executor executor) { mEncodedDataSet.add(encodedData); Futures.addCallback(encodedData.getClosedFuture(), new FutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable Void result) { mEncodedDataSet.remove(encodedData); } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable t) { mEncodedDataSet.remove(encodedData); if (t instanceof MediaCodec.CodecException) { handleEncodeError( (MediaCodec.CodecException) t); } else { handleEncodeError(EncodeException.ERROR_UNKNOWN, t.getMessage(), t); } } }, mEncoderExecutor); try { executor.execute(() -> callback.onEncodedData(encodedData)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); encodedData.close(); } } /** * Checks the {@link BufferInfo} and updates related states. * * @return {@code true} if the buffer is valid, otherwise {@code false}. */ @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private boolean checkBufferInfo(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { if (mHasEndData) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by already reach end of stream."); return false; } if (bufferInfo.size <= 0) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by invalid buffer size."); return false; } if (mVideoTimestampConverter != null) { bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = mVideoTimestampConverter.convertToUptimeUs(bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); } // MediaCodec may send out of order buffer if (bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs <= mLastPresentationTimeUs) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by out of order buffer from MediaCodec."); return false; } mLastPresentationTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; // Ignore buffers are not in start/stop range. One situation is to ignore outdated // frames when using the Surface of MediaCodec#createPersistentInputSurface. After // the persistent Surface stops, it will keep a small number of old frames in its // buffer, and send those old frames in the next startup. if (!mStartStopTimeRangeUs.contains(bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs)) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by not in start-stop range."); // If data hasn't reached the expected stop timestamp, set the stop timestamp. if (mPendingCodecStop && bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs >= mStartStopTimeRangeUs.getUpper()) { if (mStopTimeoutFuture != null) { mStopTimeoutFuture.cancel(true); } mLastDataStopTimestamp = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; signalCodecStop(); mPendingCodecStop = false; } return false; } if (updatePauseRangeStateAndCheckIfBufferPaused(bufferInfo)) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by pause."); return false; } // We should check if the adjusted time is valid. see b/189114207. if (getAdjustedTimeUs(bufferInfo) <= mLastSentAdjustedTimeUs) { Logger.d(mTag, "Drop buffer by adjusted time is less than the last sent time."); if (mIsVideoEncoder && isKeyFrame(bufferInfo)) { mIsKeyFrameRequired = true; } return false; } if (!mHasFirstData && !mIsKeyFrameRequired && mIsVideoEncoder) { mIsKeyFrameRequired = true; } if (mIsKeyFrameRequired) { if (!isKeyFrame(bufferInfo)) { requestKeyFrameToMediaCodec(); } mIsKeyFrameRequired = false; } return true; } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private boolean isEndOfStream(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { return hasEndOfStreamFlag(bufferInfo) || isEosSignalledAndStopTimeReached(bufferInfo); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private boolean isEosSignalledAndStopTimeReached(@NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { return mMediaCodecEosSignalled && bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs > mStartStopTimeRangeUs.getUpper(); } @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") // to better organize the logic and comments @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") private boolean updatePauseRangeStateAndCheckIfBufferPaused( @NonNull BufferInfo bufferInfo) { updateTotalPausedDuration(bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); boolean isInPauseRange = isInPauseRange(bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); if (!mIsOutputBufferInPauseState && isInPauseRange) { Logger.d(mTag, "Switch to pause state"); // From resume to pause mIsOutputBufferInPauseState = true; // Invoke paused callback Executor executor; EncoderCallback encoderCallback; synchronized (mLock) { executor = mEncoderCallbackExecutor; encoderCallback = mEncoderCallback; } executor.execute(encoderCallback::onEncodePaused); // We must ensure that the current state is PAUSED before we stop the input // source and pause the codec. This is because start() may be called before the // output buffer reaches the pause range. if (mState == PAUSED) { if (!mIsVideoEncoder && DeviceQuirks.get( AudioEncoderIgnoresInputTimestampQuirk.class) != null) { // Do nothing, which means keep handling audio data in the codec. } else if (mIsVideoEncoder && DeviceQuirks.get( VideoEncoderSuspendDoesNotIncludeSuspendTimeQuirk.class) != null) { // Do nothing, which means don't pause the codec. } else { if (mEncoderInput instanceof ByteBufferInput) { ((ByteBufferInput) mEncoderInput).setActive(false); } setMediaCodecPaused(true); } } // An encoding session could be pause/resume for multiple times. So a later pause // should overwrite the previous data stop time. mLastDataStopTimestamp = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; // If the encoder has been stopped before the data enters pause period, stop the // codec directly. if (mPendingCodecStop) { if (mStopTimeoutFuture != null) { mStopTimeoutFuture.cancel(true); } signalCodecStop(); mPendingCodecStop = false; } } else if (mIsOutputBufferInPauseState && !isInPauseRange) { // From pause to resume Logger.d(mTag, "Switch to resume state"); mIsOutputBufferInPauseState = false; if (mIsVideoEncoder && !isKeyFrame(bufferInfo)) { mIsKeyFrameRequired = true; } } return mIsOutputBufferInPauseState; } @Override public void onError(@NonNull MediaCodec mediaCodec, @NonNull MediaCodec.CodecException e) { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { switch (mState) { case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_RELEASE: handleEncodeError(e); break; case CONFIGURED: case ERROR: case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } @Override public void onOutputFormatChanged(@NonNull MediaCodec mediaCodec, @NonNull MediaFormat mediaFormat) { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { if (mStopped) { Logger.w(mTag, "Receives onOutputFormatChanged after codec is reset."); return; } switch (mState) { case STARTED: case PAUSED: case STOPPING: case PENDING_START: case PENDING_START_PAUSED: case PENDING_RELEASE: EncoderCallback encoderCallback; Executor executor; synchronized (mLock) { encoderCallback = mEncoderCallback; executor = mEncoderCallbackExecutor; } try { executor.execute( () -> encoderCallback.onOutputConfigUpdate(() -> mediaFormat)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } break; case CONFIGURED: case ERROR: case RELEASED: // Do nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state: " + mState); } }); } /** Stop process further frame output. */ @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void stop() { mStopped = true; } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor @RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on package-info.java class SurfaceInput implements Encoder.SurfaceInput { private final Object mLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private Surface mSurface; @GuardedBy("mLock") private final Set mObsoleteSurfaces = new HashSet<>(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private OnSurfaceUpdateListener mSurfaceUpdateListener; @GuardedBy("mLock") private Executor mSurfaceUpdateExecutor; /** * Sets the surface update listener. * * @param executor the executor to invoke the listener * @param listener the surface update listener */ @Override public void setOnSurfaceUpdateListener(@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull OnSurfaceUpdateListener listener) { Surface surface; synchronized (mLock) { mSurfaceUpdateListener = Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mSurfaceUpdateExecutor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor); surface = mSurface; } if (surface != null) { notifySurfaceUpdate(executor, listener, surface); } } @SuppressLint("NewApi") void resetSurface() { Surface surface; Executor executor; OnSurfaceUpdateListener listener; EncoderNotUsePersistentInputSurfaceQuirk quirk = DeviceQuirks.get( EncoderNotUsePersistentInputSurfaceQuirk.class); synchronized (mLock) { if (quirk == null) { if (mSurface == null) { mSurface = Api23Impl.createPersistentInputSurface(); surface = mSurface; } else { surface = null; } Api23Impl.setInputSurface(mMediaCodec, mSurface); } else { if (mSurface != null) { mObsoleteSurfaces.add(mSurface); } mSurface = mMediaCodec.createInputSurface(); surface = mSurface; } listener = mSurfaceUpdateListener; executor = mSurfaceUpdateExecutor; } if (surface != null && listener != null && executor != null) { notifySurfaceUpdate(executor, listener, surface); } } void releaseSurface() { Surface surface; Set obsoleteSurfaces; synchronized (mLock) { surface = mSurface; mSurface = null; obsoleteSurfaces = new HashSet<>(mObsoleteSurfaces); mObsoleteSurfaces.clear(); } if (surface != null) { surface.release(); } for (Surface obsoleteSurface : obsoleteSurfaces) { obsoleteSurface.release(); } } private void notifySurfaceUpdate(@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull OnSurfaceUpdateListener listener, @NonNull Surface surface) { try { executor.execute(() -> listener.onSurfaceUpdate(surface)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // synthetic accessor class ByteBufferInput implements Encoder.ByteBufferInput { private final Map, Executor> mStateObservers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private State mBufferProviderState = State.INACTIVE; private final List> mAcquisitionList = new ArrayList<>(); /** {@inheritDoc} */ @NonNull @Override public ListenableFuture fetchData() { return CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(completer -> { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> completer.set(mBufferProviderState)); return "fetchData"; }); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @NonNull @Override public ListenableFuture acquireBuffer() { return CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(completer -> { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { if (mBufferProviderState == State.ACTIVE) { ListenableFuture future = acquireInputBuffer(); Futures.propagate(future, completer); // Cancel by outer, also cancel internal future. completer.addCancellationListener(() -> cancelInputBuffer(future), CameraXExecutors.directExecutor()); // Keep tracking the acquisition by internal future. Once the provider state // transition to inactive, cancel the internal future can also send signal // to outer future since we propagate the internal result to the completer. mAcquisitionList.add(future); future.addListener(() -> mAcquisitionList.remove(future), mEncoderExecutor); } else if (mBufferProviderState == State.INACTIVE) { completer.setException( new IllegalStateException("BufferProvider is not active.")); } else { completer.setException( new IllegalStateException( "Unknown state: " + mBufferProviderState)); } }); return "acquireBuffer"; }); } private void cancelInputBuffer(@NonNull ListenableFuture inputBufferFuture) { if (!inputBufferFuture.cancel(true)) { // Not able to cancel the future, need to cancel the input buffer as possible. checkState(inputBufferFuture.isDone()); try { inputBufferFuture.get().cancel(); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | CancellationException e) { Logger.w(mTag, "Unable to cancel the input buffer: " + e); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addObserver(@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull Observer observer) { mEncoderExecutor.execute(() -> { mStateObservers.put(Preconditions.checkNotNull(observer), Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor)); final State state = mBufferProviderState; executor.execute(() -> observer.onNewData(state)); }); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeObserver(@NonNull Observer observer) { mEncoderExecutor.execute( () -> mStateObservers.remove(Preconditions.checkNotNull(observer))); } @ExecutedBy("mEncoderExecutor") void setActive(boolean isActive) { final State newState = isActive ? State.ACTIVE : State.INACTIVE; if (mBufferProviderState == newState) { return; } mBufferProviderState = newState; if (newState == State.INACTIVE) { for (ListenableFuture future : mAcquisitionList) { future.cancel(true); } mAcquisitionList.clear(); } for (Map.Entry, Executor> entry : mStateObservers.entrySet()) { try { entry.getValue().execute(() -> entry.getKey().onNewData(newState)); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { Logger.e(mTag, "Unable to post to the supplied executor.", e); } } } } /** * Nested class to avoid verification errors for methods introduced in Android 6.0 (API 23). */ @RequiresApi(23) private static class Api23Impl { private Api23Impl() { } @DoNotInline @NonNull static Surface createPersistentInputSurface() { return MediaCodec.createPersistentInputSurface(); } @DoNotInline static void setInputSurface(@NonNull MediaCodec mediaCodec, @NonNull Surface surface) { mediaCodec.setInputSurface(surface); } } }