package sushi.hardcore.droidfs.file_operations import import import import import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Binder import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.IBinder import import import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile import kotlinx.coroutines.* import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.ConstValues import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.R import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.explorers.ExplorerElement import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.filesystems.EncryptedVolume import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.PathUtils import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.Wiper import import class FileOperationService : Service() { companion object { const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "FileOperations" const val ACTION_CANCEL = "file_operation_cancel" } private val binder = LocalBinder() private lateinit var encryptedVolume: EncryptedVolume private lateinit var notificationManager: NotificationManagerCompat private val tasks = HashMap() private var lastNotificationId = 0 inner class LocalBinder : Binder() { fun getService(): FileOperationService = this@FileOperationService fun setEncryptedVolume(volume: EncryptedVolume) { encryptedVolume = volume } } override fun onBind(p0: Intent?): IBinder { return binder } private fun showNotification(message: Int, total: Int?): FileOperationNotification { ++lastNotificationId if (!::notificationManager.isInitialized){ notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this) } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { notificationManager.createNotificationChannel( NotificationChannel( NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getString(R.string.file_operations), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ) } val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) notificationBuilder .setContentTitle(getString(message)) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.icon_launcher) .setOngoing(true) .addAction(NotificationCompat.Action( R.drawable.icon_close, getString(R.string.cancel), PendingIntent.getBroadcast( this, 0, Intent(this, { val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putBinder("binder", LocalBinder()) bundle.putInt("notificationId", lastNotificationId) putExtra("bundle", bundle) action = ACTION_CANCEL }, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) )) if (total != null) { notificationBuilder .setContentText("0/$total") .setProgress(total, 0, false) } else { notificationBuilder .setContentText(getString(R.string.discovering_files)) .setProgress(0, 0, true) } notificationManager.notify(lastNotificationId, return FileOperationNotification(notificationBuilder, lastNotificationId) } private fun updateNotificationProgress(notification: FileOperationNotification, progress: Int, total: Int){ notification.notificationBuilder .setProgress(total, progress, false) .setContentText("$progress/$total") notificationManager.notify(notification.notificationId, } private fun cancelNotification(notification: FileOperationNotification){ notificationManager.cancel(notification.notificationId) } fun cancelOperation(notificationId: Int){ tasks[notificationId]?.cancel() } open class TaskResult(val cancelled: Boolean, val failedItem: T?) private suspend fun waitForTask(notification: FileOperationNotification, task: Deferred): TaskResult { tasks[notification.notificationId] = task return try { TaskResult(false, task.await()) } catch (e: CancellationException) { TaskResult(true, null) } finally { cancelNotification(notification) } } private fun copyFile(srcPath: String, dstPath: String, remoteEncryptedVolume: EncryptedVolume = encryptedVolume): Boolean { var success = true val srcFileHandle = remoteEncryptedVolume.openFile(srcPath) if (srcFileHandle != -1L) { val dstFileHandle = encryptedVolume.openFile(dstPath) if (dstFileHandle != -1L) { var offset: Long = 0 val ioBuffer = ByteArray(ConstValues.IO_BUFF_SIZE) var length: Int while (, ioBuffer, offset).also { length = it } > 0) { val written = encryptedVolume.write(dstFileHandle, offset, ioBuffer, length).toLong() if (written == length.toLong()) { offset += written } else { success = false break } } encryptedVolume.closeFile(dstFileHandle) } else { success = false } remoteEncryptedVolume.closeFile(srcFileHandle) } else { success = false } return success } suspend fun copyElements( items: ArrayList, remoteEncryptedVolume: EncryptedVolume = encryptedVolume ): String? = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_copy_msg, items.size) val task = async { var failedItem: String? = null for (i in 0 until items.size) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { if (items[i].isDirectory) { if (!encryptedVolume.pathExists(items[i].dstPath!!)) { if (!encryptedVolume.mkdir(items[i].dstPath!!)) { failedItem = items[i].srcPath } } } else { if (!copyFile(items[i].srcPath, items[i].dstPath!!, remoteEncryptedVolume)) { failedItem = items[i].srcPath } } } if (failedItem == null) { updateNotificationProgress(notification, i+1, items.size) } else { break } } failedItem } // treat cancellation as success waitForTask(notification, task).failedItem } suspend fun moveElements(toMove: List, toClean: List): String? = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_move_msg, toMove.size) val task = async(Dispatchers.IO) { val total = toMove.size+toClean.size var failedItem: String? = null for ((i, item) in toMove.withIndex()) { if (!encryptedVolume.rename(item.srcPath, item.dstPath!!)) { failedItem = item.srcPath break } else { updateNotificationProgress(notification, i+1, total) } } if (failedItem == null) { for ((i, folderPath) in toClean.asReversed().withIndex()) { if (!encryptedVolume.rmdir(folderPath)) { failedItem = folderPath break } else { updateNotificationProgress(notification, toMove.size+i+1, total) } } } failedItem } // treat cancellation as success waitForTask(notification, task).failedItem } private suspend fun importFilesFromUris( dstPaths: List, uris: List, notification: FileOperationNotification, ): String? { var failedIndex = -1 for (i in dstPaths.indices) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { try { if (!encryptedVolume.importFile(this@FileOperationService, uris[i], dstPaths[i])) { failedIndex = i } } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) { failedIndex = i } } if (failedIndex == -1) { updateNotificationProgress(notification, i+1, dstPaths.size) } else { return uris[failedIndex].toString() } } return null } suspend fun importFilesFromUris(dstPaths: List, uris: List): TaskResult = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_import_msg, dstPaths.size) val task = async { importFilesFromUris(dstPaths, uris, notification) } waitForTask(notification, task) } /** * Map the content of an unencrypted directory to prepare its import * * Contents of dstFiles and srcUris, at the same index, will match each other * * @return false if cancelled early, true otherwise. */ private fun recursiveMapDirectoryForImport( rootSrcDir: DocumentFile, rootDstPath: String, dstFiles: ArrayList, srcUris: ArrayList, dstDirs: ArrayList, scope: CoroutineScope, ): Boolean { dstDirs.add(rootDstPath) for (child in rootSrcDir.listFiles()) { if (!scope.isActive) { return false } { name -> val subPath = PathUtils.pathJoin(rootDstPath, name) if (child.isDirectory) { if (!recursiveMapDirectoryForImport(child, subPath, dstFiles, srcUris, dstDirs, scope)) { return false } } else if (child.isFile) { srcUris.add(child.uri) dstFiles.add(subPath) } } } return true } class ImportDirectoryResult(val taskResult: TaskResult, val uris: List) suspend fun importDirectory( rootDstPath: String, rootSrcDir: DocumentFile, ): ImportDirectoryResult = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_import_msg, null) val srcUris = arrayListOf() val task = async { var failedItem: String? = null val dstFiles = arrayListOf() val dstDirs = arrayListOf() withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { if (!recursiveMapDirectoryForImport(rootSrcDir, rootDstPath, dstFiles, srcUris, dstDirs, this)) { return@withContext } // create destination folders so the new files can use them for (dir in dstDirs) { if (!encryptedVolume.mkdir(dir)) { failedItem = dir break } } } if (failedItem == null) { failedItem = importFilesFromUris(dstFiles, srcUris, notification) } failedItem } ImportDirectoryResult(waitForTask(notification, task), srcUris) } suspend fun wipeUris(uris: List, rootFile: DocumentFile? = null): String? = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_wiping_msg, uris.size) val task = async { var errorMsg: String? = null for (i in uris.indices) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { errorMsg = Wiper.wipe(this@FileOperationService, uris[i]) } if (errorMsg == null) { updateNotificationProgress(notification, i+1, uris.size) } else { break } } if (errorMsg == null) { rootFile?.delete() } errorMsg } // treat cancellation as success waitForTask(notification, task).failedItem } private fun exportFileInto(srcPath: String, treeDocumentFile: DocumentFile): Boolean { val outputStream = treeDocumentFile.createFile("*/*", File(srcPath).name)?.uri?.let { contentResolver.openOutputStream(it) } return if (outputStream == null) { false } else { encryptedVolume.exportFile(srcPath, outputStream) } } private fun recursiveExportDirectory( plain_directory_path: String, treeDocumentFile: DocumentFile, scope: CoroutineScope ): String? { treeDocumentFile.createDirectory(File(plain_directory_path).name)?.let { childTree -> val explorerElements = encryptedVolume.readDir(plain_directory_path) ?: return null for (e in explorerElements) { if (!scope.isActive) { return null } val fullPath = PathUtils.pathJoin(plain_directory_path, if (e.isDirectory) { val failedItem = recursiveExportDirectory(fullPath, childTree, scope) failedItem?.let { return it } } else { if (!exportFileInto(fullPath, childTree)){ return fullPath } } } return null } return } suspend fun exportFiles(uri: Uri, items: List): TaskResult = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.file_op_export_msg, items.size) val task = async { contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(uri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION) val treeDocumentFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(this@FileOperationService, uri)!! var failedItem: String? = null for (i in items.indices) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { failedItem = if (items[i].isDirectory) { recursiveExportDirectory(items[i].fullPath, treeDocumentFile, this) } else { if (exportFileInto(items[i].fullPath, treeDocumentFile)) null else items[i].fullPath } } if (failedItem == null) { updateNotificationProgress(notification, i+1, items.size) } else { break } } failedItem } waitForTask(notification, task) } private fun recursiveCountChildElements(rootDirectory: DocumentFile, scope: CoroutineScope): Int { if (!scope.isActive) { return 0 } val children = rootDirectory.listFiles() var count = children.size for (child in children) { if (child.isDirectory) { count += recursiveCountChildElements(child, scope) } } return count } internal class ObjRef(var value: T) private fun recursiveCopyVolume( src: DocumentFile, dst: DocumentFile, dstRootDirectory: ObjRef?, notification: FileOperationNotification, total: Int, scope: CoroutineScope, progress: ObjRef = ObjRef(0) ): DocumentFile? { val dstDir = dst.createDirectory( ?: return src) ?: return src dstRootDirectory?.let { it.value = dstDir } for (child in src.listFiles()) { if (!scope.isActive) { return null } if (child.isFile) { val dstFile = dstDir.createFile("", ?: return child) ?: return child val outputStream = contentResolver.openOutputStream(dstFile.uri) val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(child.uri) if (outputStream == null || inputStream == null) return child val written = inputStream.copyTo(outputStream) outputStream.close() inputStream.close() if (written != child.length()) return child } else { recursiveCopyVolume(child, dstDir, null, notification, total, scope, progress)?.let { return it } } progress.value++ updateNotificationProgress(notification, progress.value, total) } return null } class CopyVolumeResult(val taskResult: TaskResult, val dstRootDirectory: DocumentFile?) suspend fun copyVolume(src: DocumentFile, dst: DocumentFile): CopyVolumeResult = coroutineScope { val notification = showNotification(R.string.copy_volume_notification, null) val dstRootDirectory = ObjRef(null) val task = async(Dispatchers.IO) { val total = recursiveCountChildElements(src, this) if (isActive) { updateNotificationProgress(notification, 0, total) recursiveCopyVolume(src, dst, dstRootDirectory, notification, total, this) } else { null } } // treat cancellation as success CopyVolumeResult(waitForTask(notification, task), dstRootDirectory.value) } }