# TODO Here is a list of features that it would be nice to have in DroidFS. ## Security - [hardened_malloc](https://github.com/GrapheneOS/hardened_malloc) compatibility ([#181](https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS/issues/181)) - Internal keyboard for passwords ## UX - File associations editor - Modifiable CryFS scrypt parameters - Alert dialog showing details of file operations - Internal file browser to select volumes ## Health - F-Droid ABI split - OpenSSL & FFmpeg as git submodules (useful for F-Droid) - Remove all android:configChanges from AndroidManifest.xml - More efficient thumbnails cache - Guide for translators - Usage & code documentation - Automated tests ## And: - All the [feature requests on the GitHub repo](https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement) - All the [feature requests on the Gitea repo](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/DroidFS/issues?q=&state=open&labels=748)