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package sushi.hardcore.droidfs.filesystems
import android.content.Context
import android.net.Uri
import android.os.Parcel
import android.os.Parcelable
import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.Constants
import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.VolumeData
import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.explorers.ExplorerElement
import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.ObjRef
import sushi.hardcore.droidfs.util.PathUtils
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
abstract class EncryptedVolume: Parcelable {
companion object {
const val GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE: Byte = 0
const val CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE: Byte = 1
val CREATOR = object : Parcelable.Creator<EncryptedVolume> {
override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): EncryptedVolume {
return when (parcel.readByte()) {
GOCRYPTFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> GocryptfsVolume(parcel)
CRYFS_VOLUME_TYPE -> CryfsVolume(parcel)
else -> throw invalidVolumeType()
override fun newArray(size: Int) = arrayOfNulls<EncryptedVolume>(size)
fun getVolumeType(path: String): Byte {
return if (File(path, GocryptfsVolume.CONFIG_FILE_NAME).isFile) {
} else if (File(path, CryfsVolume.CONFIG_FILE_NAME).isFile) {
} else {
fun init(
volume: VolumeData,
filesDir: String,
password: ByteArray?,
givenHash: ByteArray?,
returnedHash: ObjRef<ByteArray?>?
): EncryptedVolume? {
return when (volume.type) {
returnedHash?.apply {
value = ByteArray(GocryptfsVolume.KeyLen)
CryfsVolume.init(volume.getFullPath(filesDir), CryfsVolume.getLocalStateDir(filesDir), password, givenHash, returnedHash)
else -> throw invalidVolumeType()
private fun invalidVolumeType(): java.lang.RuntimeException {
return RuntimeException("Invalid volume type")
override fun describeContents() = 0
abstract fun openFileReadMode(path: String): Long
abstract fun openFileWriteMode(path: String): Long
abstract fun read(fileHandle: Long, fileOffset: Long, buffer: ByteArray, dstOffset: Long, length: Long): Int
abstract fun write(fileHandle: Long, fileOffset: Long, buffer: ByteArray, srcOffset: Long, length: Long): Int
abstract fun closeFile(fileHandle: Long): Boolean
// Due to gocryptfs internals, truncate requires the file to be open before it is called
abstract fun truncate(path: String, size: Long): Boolean
abstract fun deleteFile(path: String): Boolean
abstract fun readDir(path: String): MutableList<ExplorerElement>?
abstract fun mkdir(path: String): Boolean
abstract fun rmdir(path: String): Boolean
abstract fun getAttr(path: String): Stat?
abstract fun rename(srcPath: String, dstPath: String): Boolean
abstract fun close()
abstract fun isClosed(): Boolean
fun pathExists(path: String): Boolean {
return getAttr(path) != null
fun exportFile(fileHandle: Long, os: OutputStream): Boolean {
var offset: Long = 0
val ioBuffer = ByteArray(Constants.IO_BUFF_SIZE)
var length: Int
while (read(fileHandle, offset, ioBuffer, 0, ioBuffer.size.toLong()).also { length = it } > 0) {
os.write(ioBuffer, 0, length)
offset += length.toLong()
return true
fun exportFile(src_path: String, os: OutputStream): Boolean {
var success = false
val srcfileHandle = openFileReadMode(src_path)
if (srcfileHandle != -1L) {
success = exportFile(srcfileHandle, os)
return success
fun exportFile(src_path: String, dst_path: String): Boolean {
return exportFile(src_path, FileOutputStream(dst_path))
fun exportFile(context: Context, src_path: String, output_path: Uri): Boolean {
val os = context.contentResolver.openOutputStream(output_path)
if (os != null) {
return exportFile(src_path, os)
return false
fun importFile(inputStream: InputStream, dst_path: String): Boolean {
val dstfileHandle = openFileWriteMode(dst_path)
if (dstfileHandle != -1L) {
var success = true
var offset: Long = 0
val ioBuffer = ByteArray(Constants.IO_BUFF_SIZE)
var length: Long
while (inputStream.read(ioBuffer).also { length = it.toLong() } > 0) {
val written = write(dstfileHandle, offset, ioBuffer, 0, length).toLong()
if (written == length) {
offset += written
} else {
success = false
truncate(dst_path, offset)
return success
return false
fun importFile(context: Context, src_uri: Uri, dst_path: String): Boolean {
val inputStream = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(src_uri)
if (inputStream != null) {
return importFile(inputStream, dst_path)
return false
fun loadWholeFile(fullPath: String, size: Long? = null, maxSize: Long? = null): Pair<ByteArray?, Int> {
val fileSize = size ?: getAttr(fullPath)?.size ?: -1
return if (fileSize >= 0) {
maxSize?.let {
if (fileSize > it) {
return Pair(null, 0)
try {
val fileBuff = ByteArray(fileSize.toInt())
val fileHandle = openFileReadMode(fullPath)
if (fileHandle == -1L) {
Pair(null, 3)
} else {
var offset: Long = 0
while (offset < fileSize && read(fileHandle, offset, fileBuff, offset, fileSize-offset).also { offset += it } > 0) {}
if (offset == fileBuff.size.toLong()) {
Pair(fileBuff, 0)
} else {
Pair(null, 4)
} catch (e: OutOfMemoryError) {
Pair(null, 2)
} else {
Pair(null, 1)
fun recursiveMapFiles(rootPath: String): MutableList<ExplorerElement>? {
val result = mutableListOf<ExplorerElement>()
val explorerElements = readDir(rootPath) ?: return null
for (e in explorerElements) {
if (e.isDirectory) {
result.addAll(recursiveMapFiles(e.fullPath) ?: return null)
return result
fun recursiveRemoveDirectory(path: String): String? {
readDir(path)?.let { elements ->
for (e in elements) {
val fullPath = PathUtils.pathJoin(path, e.name)
if (e.isDirectory) {
val result = recursiveRemoveDirectory(fullPath)
result?.let { return it }
} else {
if (!deleteFile(fullPath)) {
return fullPath
return if (!rmdir(path)) {
} else {