# doby Secure symmetric encryption from the command line ## Features * Fast: written in [rust](https://www.rust-lang.org), encrypts with [AES-256-CTR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Counter_(CTR)) or [XChaCha20](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salsa20#XChaCha) * [HMAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC) ciphertext authentication * Password brute-force resistance with [Argon2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon2) * Encryption from STDIN/STDOUT or from files * Adjustable performance & secuity parameters ## Disclamer doby is provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind. I'm not a professional cryptographer. This program didn't receive any security audit and therefore __shouldn't be considered fully secure__. ## Usage Encryption ```bash doby my-super-secret-source-code.rs encrypted.doby ``` Decryption ```bash doby encrypted.doby decrypted.rs ``` If you ommit file path or use `-`, doby operates from `stdin/stdout` ```bash # Read from stdin and write to stdout cat my-super-secret-music.flac | doby > encrypted.doby # Read from a file and output to stdout doby encrypted.doby > decrypted.flac # Read from stdin and save to a file cat my-super-secret-logs-file.log | doby - logs.doby ``` Speicfy password from the command line ```bash doby -p "A super very ultra strong passphrase" my-super-secret-document.pdf document.doby ``` Double encryption ```bash doby -p "first password" my-super-secret-database.db | doby -f - double-encrypted.doby ``` Increase password brute-force resistance ```bash echo "you-will-never-break-this" | doby --memory-cost 524288 --threads 16 --iterations 40 > my-super-secret-password.doby ``` ## Full Options ``` USAGE: doby [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS] FLAGS: -f, --force-encrypt Encrypt even if doby format is recognized -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -p, --password Password used to derive encryption keys -b, --block-size Size of file chunk (in bytes) [default: 65536] -c, --cipher Encryption cipher to use [possible values: aes, xchacha20] -m, --memory-cost Argon2 memory cost (in kilobytes) [default: 4096] -t, --threads Argon2 parallelism (between 1 and 255) [default: 4] -i, --iterations Argon2 time cost [default: 10] ARGS: | "-" or empty for stdin | "-" or empty for stdout ``` ## Build You should verify commits before building the binary. You can download my PGP key from keyservers: ``` gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 007F84120107191E ``` Fingerprint: `BD56 2147 9E7B 74D3 6A40 5BE8 007F 8412 0107 191E` \ Email: `Hardcore Sushi ` Once imported: ```bash git clone --depth=1 https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/doby.git cd doby git verify-commit HEAD cargo build --release #outputs to ./target/release/doby ``` ## Cryptographic details ### Encryption doby first derives your password with Argon2 (version 19) in Argon2id mode with a 64 bytes long random salt. A `master_key` of 32 bytes is thus generated. ```rust let master_key: [u8; 32] = argon2id( password, random_password_salt, argon2_time_cost, argon2_memory_cost, argon2_parallelism, ); ``` Then, doby uses [HKDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKDF) with a new random salt to compute the `encryption_key` and the `authentication_key`. ```rust let hkdf = Hkdf::new( random_hkdf_salt, master_key, //ikm blake3, //hash function ); let encryption_key: [u8; 32] = hkdf.expand(b"doby_encryption_key"); let authentication_key: [u8; 32] = hkdf.expand(b"doby_authentication_key"); ``` Next, doby initializes a [BLAKE3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLAKE_%28hash_function%29#BLAKE3) HMAC with `authentication_key` and add all public encryption parameters to it. ```rust let hmac = Hmac::new( authentication_key, blake3, //hash function ); hmac.update(random_password_salt); hmac.update(argon2_time_cost); hmac.update(argon2_memory_cost); hmac.update(argon2_parallelism); hmac.update(random_hkdf_salt); hmac.update(cipher); //1-byte representation of the symmetric cipher used to encrypt (either AES-CTR or XChaCha20) hmac.update(random_nonce); //random nonce used for encryption (16 bytes for AES-CTR, 24 for XChaCha20) ``` All this parameters are also written in plain text in the header of the doby output. Now, doby initializes a symmetric cipher with `encryption_key` and `random_nonce` (either AES-CTR or XChaCha20, based on the `--cipher` option) and starts the actual encryption. It reads chunks from the plaintext (according to the `--block-size` parameter), encrypts them with the cipher and updates the HMAC with the ciphertext. ```rust let cipher = Aes256Ctr::new(encryption_key, random_nonce); //example with AES-CTR let mut n = 1; let mut chunk: [u8; block_size] = [0; block_size]; while n != 0 { n = input.read(&mut chunk); //read plaintext cipher.apply_keystream(&mut chunk[..n]); //encrypt hmac.update(chunk[..n]); output.write(chunk[..n]); //write ciphertext } ``` Once the whole plaintext is encrypted, doby computes and appends the HMAC to the ciphertext. ```rust output.write(hmac.digest()); ``` ### Decryption doby reads the public encryption values from the input header to get all parameters needed to re-derive the `master_key` from the password with Argon2. ```rust let master_key: [u8; 32] = argon2id( password, password_salt_read_from_input, argon2_time_cost_read_from_input, argon2_memory_cost_read_from_input, argon2_parallelism_read_from_input, ); ``` `encryption_key` and `authentication_key` are computed from `master_key` and the HKDF salt in the same way as during encryption. The HMAC is also initialized and updated with the values read from the header. Then, doby starts decryption. ```rust let cipher = XChaCha20::new(encryption_key, nonce_read_from_input); //example with XChaCha20 let mut n = 1; let mut chunk: [u8; block_size] = [0; block_size]; while n != 0 { n = input.read(&mut chunk); //read ciphertext hmac.update(chunk[..n]); cipher.apply_keystream(&mut chunk[..n]); //decrypt output.write(chunk[..n]); //write plaintext } ``` Once the whole ciphertext is decrypted, doby computes and verifies the HMAC. ```rust hmac.digest() == last_32_bytes_read ``` If the verification success, the file is successfully decrypted and authenticated. _If you find any weakness or security issue is this protocol, please open an issue._