use std::{ path::Path, fs::File, str::FromStr, io::{stdin, stdout, Read}, }; use clap::{crate_name, crate_version, App, Arg, AppSettings}; use crate::{LazyWriter, Password, crypto::{ArgonParams, CipherAlgorithm}}; cpufeatures::new!(aes_ni, "aes"); pub struct CliArgs { pub password: Password, pub force_encrypt: bool, pub argon2_params: ArgonParams, pub cipher: CipherAlgorithm, pub block_size: usize, pub reader: Box, pub writer: LazyWriter, } pub fn parse() -> Option { let app = App::new(crate_name!()) .version(crate_version!()) .setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp) .about("Secure symmetric encryption from the command line.") .arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT").help(" | \"-\" or empty for stdin")) .arg(Arg::with_name("OUTPUT").help(" | \"-\" or empty for stdout")) .arg( Arg::with_name("force-encrypt") .short("f") .long("force-encrypt") .help(&format!("Encrypt even if {} format is recognized", crate_name!())) ) .arg( Arg::with_name("1_password") .short("p") .long("password") .value_name("password") .help("Password used to derive encryption keys") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("2_t_cost") .short("i") .long("iterations") .value_name("iterations") .help("Argon2 time cost") .default_value("10") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("3_m_cost") .short("m") .long("memory-cost") .value_name("memory cost") .help("Argon2 memory cost (in kilobytes)") .default_value("4096") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("4_parallelism") .short("t") .long("threads") .value_name("threads") .help("Argon2 parallelism (between 1 and 255)") .default_value("4") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("blocksize") .short("b") .long("block-size") .help("Size of file chunk (in bytes)") .default_value("65536") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("cipher") .short("c") .long("cipher") .value_name("cipher") .help("Encryption cipher to use") .long_help("Encryption cipher to use. By default, AES is selected if AES-NI is supported. Otherwise, XChaCha20 is used.") .possible_values(&["aes", "xchacha20"]) .case_insensitive(true) ) .get_matches(); let params = { let t_cost = number(app.value_of("2_t_cost").unwrap())?; let m_cost = number(app.value_of("3_m_cost").unwrap())?; let parallelism = number(app.value_of("4_parallelism").unwrap())?; ArgonParams { t_cost, m_cost, parallelism, } }; let cipher = app .value_of("cipher") .and_then(|s| Some(if s.to_lowercase() == "aes" { CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr } else { CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 }) ) .unwrap_or_else(|| if aes_ni::get() { CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr } else { CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 } ); let block_size = number(app.value_of("blocksize").unwrap())?; let input = match app .value_of("INPUT") .and_then(|s| if s == "-" { None } else { Some(s) }) { Some(s) => Box::new( File::open(s) .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}: {}", s, e)) .ok()? ) as Box , None => Box::new(stdin()) }; let output = app .value_of("OUTPUT") .and_then(|s| if s == "-" { None } else { Some(s) }) .map(|s| { if Path::new(s).exists() { eprintln!("WARNING: {} already exists", s); None } else { Some(LazyWriter::from_path(s.to_owned())) } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Some(LazyWriter::from_writer(stdout())))?; Some(CliArgs { password: app.value_of("1_password").into(), force_encrypt: app.is_present("force-encrypt"), argon2_params: params, cipher, block_size, reader: input, writer: output, }) } fn number(val: &str) -> Option { match val.parse::() { Ok(n) => Some(n), Err(_) => { eprintln!("Cannot parse '{}' to '{}'", val, std::any::type_name::()); None } } }