use std::{ convert::TryFrom, fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}, io::{self, Read, Write} }; use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive; use chacha20::XChaCha20; use aes::{Aes256Ctr, cipher::{NewCipher, StreamCipher}}; use hmac::{Hmac, Mac, NewMac}; use rand::{Rng, rngs::OsRng}; use argon2::{Argon2, Version, Algorithm}; use hkdf::Hkdf; use zeroize::Zeroize; const SALT_LEN: usize = 64; const AES_NONCE_LEN: usize = 16; const XCHACHA20_NONCE_LEN: usize = 24; const HASH_LEN: usize = 32; const KEY_LEN: usize = HASH_LEN; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ArgonParams { pub t_cost: u32, pub m_cost: u32, pub parallelism: u8, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum CipherAlgorithm { AesCtr = 0, XChaCha20 = 1, } impl CipherAlgorithm { fn get_nonce_size(&self) -> usize { match self { CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr => AES_NONCE_LEN, CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 => XCHACHA20_NONCE_LEN, } } } impl Display for CipherAlgorithm { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str(match self { CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr => "AES-CTR", CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 => "XChaCha20", }) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct EncryptionParams { password_salt: [u8; SALT_LEN], pub argon2: ArgonParams, hkdf_salt: [u8; SALT_LEN], nonce: Vec, pub cipher: CipherAlgorithm, } impl EncryptionParams { fn get_params_len(&self) -> usize { SALT_LEN*2 + 4*2 + 2 + self.cipher.get_nonce_size() } pub fn new(argon2_params: ArgonParams, cipher: CipherAlgorithm) -> EncryptionParams { let mut password_salt = [0; SALT_LEN]; OsRng.fill(&mut password_salt); let mut hkdf_salt = [0; SALT_LEN]; OsRng.fill(&mut hkdf_salt); let mut nonce = vec![0; cipher.get_nonce_size()]; OsRng.fill(&mut nonce[..]); EncryptionParams { password_salt, argon2: argon2_params, hkdf_salt, nonce, cipher, } } pub fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { writer.write_all(&self.password_salt)?; writer.write_all(&self.argon2.t_cost.to_be_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.argon2.m_cost.to_be_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.argon2.parallelism.to_be_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.hkdf_salt)?; writer.write_all(&(self.cipher as u8).to_be_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.nonce)?; Ok(()) } pub fn read(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result> { let mut password_salt = [0; SALT_LEN]; reader.read_exact(&mut password_salt)?; let mut t_cost = [0; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut t_cost)?; let mut m_cost = [0; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut m_cost)?; let mut parallelism = [0; 1]; reader.read_exact(&mut parallelism)?; let mut hkdf_salt = [0; SALT_LEN]; reader.read_exact(&mut hkdf_salt)?; let mut cipher_buff = [0; 1]; reader.read_exact(&mut cipher_buff)?; match CipherAlgorithm::try_from(cipher_buff[0]) { Ok(cipher) => { let mut nonce = vec![0; cipher.get_nonce_size()]; reader.read_exact(&mut nonce)?; let argon2_params = ArgonParams { t_cost: u32::from_be_bytes(t_cost), m_cost: u32::from_be_bytes(m_cost), parallelism: u8::from_be_bytes(parallelism), }; Ok(Some(EncryptionParams { password_salt, argon2: argon2_params, hkdf_salt, nonce, cipher, })) } Err(_) => Ok(None) } } } pub struct DobyCipher { cipher: Box, hmac: Hmac, buffer: Vec, } impl DobyCipher { pub fn new(password: &[u8], params: &EncryptionParams) -> Result { let argon = Argon2::new(None, params.argon2.t_cost, params.argon2.m_cost, params.argon2.parallelism.into(), Version::V0x13)?; let mut master_key = [0; KEY_LEN]; argon.hash_password_into(Algorithm::Argon2id, password, ¶ms.password_salt, &[], &mut master_key)?; let hkdf = Hkdf::::new(Some(¶ms.hkdf_salt), &master_key); let mut encryption_key = [0; KEY_LEN]; hkdf.expand(b"doby_encryption_key", &mut encryption_key).unwrap(); let mut authentication_key = [0; KEY_LEN]; hkdf.expand(b"doby_authentication_key", &mut authentication_key).unwrap(); master_key.zeroize(); let mut encoded_params = Vec::with_capacity(params.get_params_len()); params.write(&mut encoded_params).unwrap(); let mut hmac = Hmac::new_from_slice(&authentication_key).unwrap(); hmac.update(&encoded_params); Ok(Self { cipher: match params.cipher { CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr => Box::new(Aes256Ctr::new_from_slices(&encryption_key, ¶ms.nonce).unwrap()), CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 => Box::new(XChaCha20::new_from_slices(&encryption_key, ¶ms.nonce).unwrap()), }, hmac, buffer: Vec::new(), }) } pub fn encrypt_chunk(&mut self, buff: &mut [u8], writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { self.cipher.apply_keystream(buff); self.hmac.update(buff); writer.write_all(buff) } pub fn write_hmac(self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result { let tag = self.hmac.finalize().into_bytes(); writer.write(&tag) } //buff size must be > to HASH_LEN pub fn decrypt_chunk(&mut self, reader: &mut R, buff: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { let buffer_len = self.buffer.len(); buff[..buffer_len].clone_from_slice(&self.buffer); let read = buff[buffer_len..])?; let n = if buffer_len + read >= HASH_LEN { self.buffer.clear(); buffer_len + read - HASH_LEN } else { 0 }; self.buffer.extend_from_slice(&buff[n..buffer_len+read]); self.hmac.update(&buff[..n]); self.cipher.apply_keystream(&mut buff[..n]); Ok(n) } pub fn verify_hmac(self) -> bool { self.hmac.verify(&self.buffer).is_ok() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{ArgonParams, CipherAlgorithm, EncryptionParams, DobyCipher, HASH_LEN}; #[test] fn encryption_params() { let params = EncryptionParams::new(ArgonParams { t_cost: 1, m_cost: 8, parallelism: 1, }, CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20); assert_eq!(params.get_params_len(), 162); let mut buff = Vec::with_capacity(162); params.write(&mut buff).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buff[..64], params.password_salt); assert_eq!(buff[64..68], vec![0, 0, 0, 0x01]); //t_cost assert_eq!(buff[68..72], vec![0, 0, 0, 0x08]); //m_cost assert_eq!(buff[72], 0x01); //parallelism assert_eq!(buff[73..137], params.hkdf_salt); assert_eq!(buff[137], CipherAlgorithm::XChaCha20 as u8); assert_eq!(buff[138..], params.nonce); let new_params = EncryptionParams::read(&mut buff.as_slice()).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(new_params, params); } #[test] fn doby_cipher() { let params = EncryptionParams::new(ArgonParams { t_cost: 1, m_cost: 8, parallelism: 1, }, CipherAlgorithm::AesCtr); let password = b"I like spaghetti"; let plaintext = b"but I love so much to listen to HARDCORE music on big subwoofer"; let mut buff: [u8; 63] = *plaintext; let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(buff.len()+HASH_LEN); let mut enc_cipher = DobyCipher::new(password, ¶ms).unwrap(); enc_cipher.encrypt_chunk(&mut buff, &mut vec).unwrap(); assert_ne!(buff, *plaintext); assert_eq!(buff, vec.as_slice()); assert_eq!(enc_cipher.write_hmac(&mut vec).unwrap(), HASH_LEN); assert_eq!(vec.len(), buff.len()+HASH_LEN); let mut dec_cipher = DobyCipher::new(password, ¶ms).unwrap(); let mut decrypted = vec![0; buff.len()+HASH_LEN]; let mut n = dec_cipher.decrypt_chunk(&mut vec.as_slice(), &mut decrypted[..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, buff.len()); n = dec_cipher.decrypt_chunk(&mut &vec[n..], &mut decrypted[n..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, 0); assert_eq!(decrypted[..buff.len()], *plaintext); assert_eq!(dec_cipher.verify_hmac(), true); } }