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2018-05-19 20:22:51 +02:00
// asn.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
/// \file asn.h
/// \brief Classes and functions for working with ANS.1 objects
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "smartptr.h"
#include "stdcpp.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "misc.h"
// Issue 340
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
/// \brief ASN.1 types
/// \note These tags and flags are not complete
enum ASNTag
BOOLEAN = 0x01,
INTEGER = 0x02,
BIT_STRING = 0x03,
TAG_NULL = 0x05,
EXTERNAL = 0x08,
REAL = 0x09,
UTF8_STRING = 0x0c,
SEQUENCE = 0x10,
SET = 0x11,
T61_STRING = 0x14,
IA5_STRING = 0x16,
UTC_TIME = 0x17,
/// \brief ASN.1 flags
/// \note These tags and flags are not complete
enum ASNIdFlag
// DATA = 0x01,
// HEADER = 0x02,
PRIVATE = 0xc0
/// \brief Raises a BERDecodeErr
inline void BERDecodeError() {throw BERDecodeErr();}
/// \brief Exception thrown when an unknown object identifier is encountered
class CRYPTOPP_DLL UnknownOID : public BERDecodeErr
/// \brief Construct an UnknownOID
UnknownOID() : BERDecodeErr("BER decode error: unknown object identifier") {}
/// \brief Construct an UnknownOID
/// \param err error message to use for the execption
UnknownOID(const char *err) : BERDecodeErr(err) {}
// unsigned int DERLengthEncode(unsigned int length, byte *output=0);
/// \brief DER encode a length
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
/// \param length the size to encode
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API DERLengthEncode(BufferedTransformation &bt, lword length);
/// \brief BER decode a length
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param length the decoded size
/// \returns true if the value was decoded
/// \throws BERDecodeError if the value fails to decode or is too large for size_t
/// \details BERLengthDecode() returns false if the encoding is indefinite length.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API BERLengthDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t &length);
/// \brief DER encode NULL
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API DEREncodeNull(BufferedTransformation &bt);
/// \brief BER decode NULL
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API BERDecodeNull(BufferedTransformation &bt);
/// \brief DER encode octet string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
/// \param str the string to encode
/// \param strLen the length of the string
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API DEREncodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const byte *str, size_t strLen);
/// \brief DER encode octet string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param str the string to encode
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API DEREncodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const SecByteBlock &str);
/// \brief BER decode octet string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param str the decoded string
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API BERDecodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, SecByteBlock &str);
/// \brief BER decode octet string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param str the decoded string
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API BERDecodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, BufferedTransformation &str);
/// \brief DER encode text string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
/// \param str the string to encode
/// \param asnTag the ASN.1 type
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
/// \details DEREncodeTextString() can be used for UTF8_STRING, PRINTABLE_STRING, and IA5_STRING
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API DEREncodeTextString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const std::string &str, byte asnTag);
/// \brief BER decode text string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param str the string to encode
/// \param asnTag the ASN.1 type
/// \details DEREncodeTextString() can be used for UTF8_STRING, PRINTABLE_STRING, and IA5_STRING
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API BERDecodeTextString(BufferedTransformation &bt, std::string &str, byte asnTag);
/// \brief DER encode bit string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
/// \param str the string to encode
/// \param strLen the length of the string
/// \param unusedBits the number of unused bits
/// \returns the number of octets used for the encoding
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API DEREncodeBitString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const byte *str, size_t strLen, unsigned int unusedBits=0);
/// \brief DER decode bit string
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for reading
/// \param str the decoded string
/// \param unusedBits the number of unused bits
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CRYPTOPP_API BERDecodeBitString(BufferedTransformation &bt, SecByteBlock &str, unsigned int &unusedBits);
/// \brief BER decode and DER re-encode
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object for writing
/// \param dest BufferedTransformation object
CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API DERReencode(BufferedTransformation &bt, BufferedTransformation &dest);
/// \brief Object Identifier
virtual ~OID() {}
/// \brief Construct an OID
OID() {}
/// \brief Construct an OID
/// \param v value to initialize the OID
OID(word32 v) : m_values(1, v) {}
/// \brief Construct an OID
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
OID(BufferedTransformation &bt) {BERDecode(bt);}
/// \brief Append a value to an OID
/// \param rhs the value to append
inline OID & operator+=(word32 rhs) {m_values.push_back(rhs); return *this;}
/// \brief DER encode this OID
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
/// \brief BER decode an OID
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt);
/// \brief BER decode an OID
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
/// \throws BERDecodeErr() if decoded value doesn't match an expected OID
/// \details BERDecodeAndCheck() can be used to parse an OID and verify it matches an expected.
/// <pre>
/// BERSequenceDecoder key(bt);
/// ...
/// BERSequenceDecoder algorithm(key);
/// GetAlgorithmID().BERDecodeAndCheck(algorithm);
/// </pre>
void BERDecodeAndCheck(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
bool Empty() const {
return m_values.empty();
2018-05-19 20:22:51 +02:00
const std::vector<word32>& GetValues() const {
return m_values;
friend bool operator==(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
friend bool operator!=(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
friend bool operator<(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
std::vector<word32> m_values;
static void EncodeValue(BufferedTransformation &bt, word32 v);
static size_t DecodeValue(BufferedTransformation &bt, word32 &v);
/// \brief ASN.1 encoded object filter
class EncodedObjectFilter : public Filter
virtual ~EncodedObjectFilter() {}
/// \brief Construct an EncodedObjectFilter
/// \param attachment a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object
/// \param nObjects the number of objects
/// \param flags bitwise OR of EncodedObjectFilter::Flag
EncodedObjectFilter(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, unsigned int nObjects = 1, word32 flags = 0);
/// \brief Input a byte buffer for processing
/// \param inString the byte buffer to process
/// \param length the size of the string, in bytes
void Put(const byte *inString, size_t length);
unsigned int GetNumberOfCompletedObjects() const {return m_nCurrentObject;}
unsigned long GetPositionOfObject(unsigned int i) const {return m_positions[i];}
BufferedTransformation & CurrentTarget();
ByteQueue m_queue;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_positions;
lword m_lengthRemaining;
word32 m_nObjects, m_nCurrentObject, m_level, m_flags;
byte m_id;
/// \brief BER General Decoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL BERGeneralDecoder : public Store
virtual ~BERGeneralDecoder();
explicit BERGeneralDecoder(BufferedTransformation &inQueue, byte asnTag);
explicit BERGeneralDecoder(BERGeneralDecoder &inQueue, byte asnTag);
bool IsDefiniteLength() const {return m_definiteLength;}
lword RemainingLength() const {CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(m_definiteLength); return m_length;}
bool EndReached() const;
byte PeekByte() const;
void CheckByte(byte b);
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
// call this to denote end of sequence
void MessageEnd();
BufferedTransformation &m_inQueue;
lword m_length;
bool m_finished, m_definiteLength;
void Init(byte asnTag);
void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
lword ReduceLength(lword delta);
/// \brief DER General Encoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL DERGeneralEncoder : public ByteQueue
virtual ~DERGeneralEncoder();
explicit DERGeneralEncoder(BufferedTransformation &outQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED);
explicit DERGeneralEncoder(DERGeneralEncoder &outQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED);
// call this to denote end of sequence
void MessageEnd();
BufferedTransformation &m_outQueue;
byte m_asnTag;
bool m_finished;
/// \brief BER Sequence Decoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL BERSequenceDecoder : public BERGeneralDecoder
explicit BERSequenceDecoder(BufferedTransformation &inQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED)
: BERGeneralDecoder(inQueue, asnTag) {}
explicit BERSequenceDecoder(BERSequenceDecoder &inQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED)
: BERGeneralDecoder(inQueue, asnTag) {}
/// \brief DER Sequence Encoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL DERSequenceEncoder : public DERGeneralEncoder
explicit DERSequenceEncoder(BufferedTransformation &outQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED)
: DERGeneralEncoder(outQueue, asnTag) {}
explicit DERSequenceEncoder(DERSequenceEncoder &outQueue, byte asnTag = SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED)
: DERGeneralEncoder(outQueue, asnTag) {}
/// \brief BER Set Decoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL BERSetDecoder : public BERGeneralDecoder
explicit BERSetDecoder(BufferedTransformation &inQueue, byte asnTag = SET | CONSTRUCTED)
: BERGeneralDecoder(inQueue, asnTag) {}
explicit BERSetDecoder(BERSetDecoder &inQueue, byte asnTag = SET | CONSTRUCTED)
: BERGeneralDecoder(inQueue, asnTag) {}
/// \brief DER Set Encoder
class CRYPTOPP_DLL DERSetEncoder : public DERGeneralEncoder
explicit DERSetEncoder(BufferedTransformation &outQueue, byte asnTag = SET | CONSTRUCTED)
: DERGeneralEncoder(outQueue, asnTag) {}
explicit DERSetEncoder(DERSetEncoder &outQueue, byte asnTag = SET | CONSTRUCTED)
: DERGeneralEncoder(outQueue, asnTag) {}
/// \brief Optional data encoder and decoder
/// \tparam T class or type
template <class T>
class ASNOptional : public member_ptr<T>
/// \brief BER decode optional data
/// \param seqDecoder sequence with the optional ASN.1 data
/// \param tag ASN.1 tag to match as optional data
/// \param mask the mask to apply when matching the tag
/// \sa ASNTag and ASNIdFlag
void BERDecode(BERSequenceDecoder &seqDecoder, byte tag, byte mask = ~CONSTRUCTED)
byte b;
if (seqDecoder.Peek(b) && (b & mask) == tag)
reset(new T(seqDecoder));
/// \brief DER encode optional data
/// \param out BufferedTransformation object
void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &out)
if (this->get() != NULLPTR)
/// \brief Encode and decode ASN.1 objects with additional information
/// \tparam BASE base class or type
/// \details Encodes and decodes public keys, private keys and group
/// parameters with OID identifying the algorithm or scheme.
template <class BASE>
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE ASN1CryptoMaterial : public ASN1Object, public BASE
/// \brief DER encode ASN.1 object
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
/// \details Save() will write the OID associated with algorithm or scheme.
/// In the case of public and private keys, this function writes the
/// subjectPubicKeyInfo and privateKeyInfo parts.
void Save(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
/// \brief BER decode ASN.1 object
/// \param bt BufferedTransformation object
void Load(BufferedTransformation &bt)
/// \brief Encodes and decodes subjectPublicKeyInfo
class CRYPTOPP_DLL X509PublicKey : public ASN1CryptoMaterial<PublicKey>
virtual ~X509PublicKey() {}
void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt);
void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
/// \brief Retrieves the OID of the algorithm
/// \returns OID of the algorithm
virtual OID GetAlgorithmID() const =0;
virtual bool BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt)
{BERDecodeNull(bt); return false;}
virtual bool DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
{DEREncodeNull(bt); return false;} // see RFC 2459, section 7.3.1
/// decode subjectPublicKey part of subjectPublicKeyInfo, without the BIT STRING header
virtual void BERDecodePublicKey(BufferedTransformation &bt, bool parametersPresent, size_t size) =0;
/// encode subjectPublicKey part of subjectPublicKeyInfo, without the BIT STRING header
virtual void DEREncodePublicKey(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0;
/// \brief Encodes and Decodes privateKeyInfo
2018-05-19 20:22:51 +02:00
class CRYPTOPP_DLL PKCS8PrivateKey : public ASN1CryptoMaterial<PrivateKey>
virtual ~PKCS8PrivateKey() {}
void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt);
void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
/// \brief Retrieves the OID of the algorithm
/// \returns OID of the algorithm
virtual OID GetAlgorithmID() const =0;
virtual bool BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt)
{BERDecodeNull(bt); return false;}
virtual bool DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
{DEREncodeNull(bt); return false;} // see RFC 2459, section 7.3.1
/// decode privateKey part of privateKeyInfo, without the OCTET STRING header
virtual void BERDecodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt, bool parametersPresent, size_t size) =0;
/// encode privateKey part of privateKeyInfo, without the OCTET STRING header
virtual void DEREncodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt) const =0;
/// decode optional attributes including context-specific tag
/*! /note default implementation stores attributes to be output in DEREncodeOptionalAttributes */
virtual void BERDecodeOptionalAttributes(BufferedTransformation &bt);
/// encode optional attributes including context-specific tag
virtual void DEREncodeOptionalAttributes(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
ByteQueue m_optionalAttributes;
// ********************************************************
/// \brief DER Encode unsigned value
/// \tparam T class or type
/// \param out BufferedTransformation object
/// \param w unsigned value to encode
/// \param asnTag the ASN.1 type
/// \details DEREncodeUnsigned() can be used with INTEGER, BOOLEAN, and ENUM
template <class T>
size_t DEREncodeUnsigned(BufferedTransformation &out, T w, byte asnTag = INTEGER)
byte buf[sizeof(w)+1];
unsigned int bc;
if (asnTag == BOOLEAN)
buf[sizeof(w)] = w ? 0xff : 0;
bc = 1;
buf[0] = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(w); i++)
buf[i+1] = byte(w >> (sizeof(w)-1-i)*8);
bc = sizeof(w);
while (bc > 1 && buf[sizeof(w)+1-bc] == 0)
if (buf[sizeof(w)+1-bc] & 0x80)
size_t lengthBytes = DERLengthEncode(out, bc);
out.Put(buf+sizeof(w)+1-bc, bc);
return 1+lengthBytes+bc;
/// \brief BER Decode unsigned value
/// \tparam T fundamental C++ type
/// \param in BufferedTransformation object
/// \param w the decoded value
/// \param asnTag the ASN.1 type
/// \param minValue the minimum expected value
/// \param maxValue the maximum expected value
/// \throws BERDecodeErr() if the value cannot be parsed or the decoded value is not within range.
/// \details DEREncodeUnsigned() can be used with INTEGER, BOOLEAN, and ENUM
template <class T>
void BERDecodeUnsigned(BufferedTransformation &in, T &w, byte asnTag = INTEGER,
T minValue = 0, T maxValue = T(0xffffffff))
byte b;
if (!in.Get(b) || b != asnTag)
size_t bc;
bool definite = BERLengthDecode(in, bc);
if (!definite)
if (bc > in.MaxRetrievable()) // Issue 346
if (asnTag == BOOLEAN && bc != 1) // X.690, 8.2.1
if ((asnTag == INTEGER || asnTag == ENUMERATED) && bc == 0) // X.690, 8.3.1 and 8.4
SecByteBlock buf(bc);
if (bc != in.Get(buf, bc))
// This consumes leading 0 octets. According to X.690, 8.3.2, it could be non-conforming behavior.
// X.690, 8.3.2 says "the bits of the first octet and bit 8 of the second octet ... (a) shall
// not all be ones and (b) shall not all be zeros ... These rules ensure that an integer value
// is always encoded in the smallest possible number of octet".
// We invented AER (Alternate Encoding Rules), which is more relaxed than BER, CER, and DER.
const byte *ptr = buf;
while (bc > sizeof(w) && *ptr == 0)
if (bc > sizeof(w))
w = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<bc; i++)
w = (w << 8) | ptr[i];
if (w < minValue || w > maxValue)
/// \brief Compare two OIDs for equality
/// \param lhs the first OID
/// \param rhs the second OID
/// \returns true if the OIDs are equal, false otherwise
inline bool operator==(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
/// \brief Compare two OIDs for inequality
/// \param lhs the first OID
/// \param rhs the second OID
/// \returns true if the OIDs are not equal, false otherwise
inline bool operator!=(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
/// \brief Compare two OIDs for ordering
/// \param lhs the first OID
/// \param rhs the second OID
/// \returns true if the first OID is less than the second OID, false otherwise
/// \details operator<() calls std::lexicographical_compare() on each element in the array of values.
inline bool operator<(const OID &lhs, const OID &rhs);
/// \brief Append a value to an OID
/// \param lhs the OID
/// \param rhs the value to append
inline OID operator+(const OID &lhs, unsigned long rhs);
inline bool operator==(const ::CryptoPP::OID &lhs, const ::CryptoPP::OID &rhs)
{return lhs.m_values == rhs.m_values;}
inline bool operator!=(const ::CryptoPP::OID &lhs, const ::CryptoPP::OID &rhs)
{return lhs.m_values != rhs.m_values;}
inline bool operator<(const ::CryptoPP::OID &lhs, const ::CryptoPP::OID &rhs)
{return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.m_values.begin(), lhs.m_values.end(), rhs.m_values.begin(), rhs.m_values.end());}
inline ::CryptoPP::OID operator+(const ::CryptoPP::OID &lhs, unsigned long rhs)
{return ::CryptoPP::OID(lhs)+=rhs;}
// Issue 340
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop